CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



0The scene changed along with the music. It was no longer a warm and playful scene. A melodious voice rang out from the scene …    


"It's not impossible to control and prevent HIV from spreading, because there are only two ways to spread it. One is through sexual transmission and the other is through blood. The other bodily fluids and contact with HIV are not contagious!"    


This is Mu Qianqian's use of knowledge to counter people's fear of the virus.    


"I, Mu Qianqian, from Dragon Country DF University, am the representative of the Medical Research Group of this banquet DF University. I have the license of a world-class doctor, and am qualified to study all diseases in the world. Governments are not permitted to interfere in any situation with regard to the prevention and control of the disease by world-class physicians. If there is any doubt, please submit a favourable medical argument to the United Nations Security Council World Health Organization. "    


This was Mu Qianqian's firm demonstration of her credibility. She was taking responsibility for all her research on AIDS!    


The scene finally turned back to the little soldier Mu Qianqian standing in the banquet hall of the banquet, using her most powerful words to pierce through everyone's minds.    


"The rumors stop at the wise!"    


The promotional video abruptly ended here. When everyone was moved by the scene in the short video, a dozen children with AIDS walked onto the stage hand in hand. They were no different from the normal Little Treasure, they were all cute, cute, and obedient. And they were different. Each of them had a family behind them that was riddled with disease and suffering. They all needed to face the unknown pain bravely.    


However, at this moment, the few cute and innocent faces were brimming with innocence. Just like the pale yellow figure in the video, they were strong and optimistic.    


More than ten children stood in order, bowing to everyone at the scene in an uneven manner. Their stupid looks were obviously done on the spur of the moment, but it actually elicited a warm round of applause from the audience.    


"I'm walking alone on the road outside the city. I'll take the pastries to Granny to have a taste. Grandma lives in a remote and secluded place. I need to be careful of any big bad wolves nearby …"    


Mu Qianqian's "Little Red Riding Hood" was sung by a dozen children in the children's district. Their innocent eyes shone like stars in the sky, and almost all of the female guests began to cry.    


Sighing for this innocent destiny, more so for the children's bravery and optimism was moved. Everyone recognizes the responsibility they bear in doing charity.    


The entire venue was filled with applause.    


Mu Qianqian's eyes were also brimming with tears. She didn't expect that her unintentional actions would be recorded by Brother Feng, nor did she expect that making a promotional video would have such a promotional effect.    


Ye Feng didn't even let Mu Qianqian speak a word before entering the voting stage.    


Ting Ye held her family's retard's small hand nervously. Her hand was dripping with sweat as she trembled in nervousness. Seeing Mu Qianqian who Xiao Yan did not care about, he wished he could give her another palm on her head!    


"Idiot!" Why aren't you nervous at all! I'm counting on you to be a charity ambassador, maybe even successfully break into the film industry and you'll become a celebrity! "    


Mu Qianqian rolled her eyes at Ting Ye. She had low EQ, but she wasn't crazy! She wasn't an actor and didn't have much charisma. How could she be a charity ambassador? Brother Feng just wanted to make her happy and play around.    


Rong Heting's heart throbbed for a long time because of the phrase, "rumors stop the wise". He could no longer hear anything as he stared blankly at the ground and did not say anything for a long time. Only when Ling Jinghan's hand was in his own, did he regain his senses. Rong Heting retracted his hand without leaving a trace. Tonight, for the first time, he seriously looked at the playful pale yellow figure not far away. His little thing was causing him to be more and more surprised.    


The host counted the votes on the spot. Unexpectedly, both Ling Jinghan and Mu Qianqian had the same number of votes. Once again, the entire venue was filled with discussions. Both of their promotional footage were excellent. Ling Jinghan was absolutely diligent. Regardless of angle or temperament, she was perfect. However, Mu Qianqian's small accident made people feel that she was not faking it. She was indeed in a dilemma.    


The host was also unsure of what the superior meant. Originally, the main organizer had already hinted to Miss Ling that the final candidate would definitely be Miss Ling. He would definitely not dare to offend Young Master Rong and Young Master Ling, but the result was public. The host hesitated and shifted his gaze to Rong Heting. Right now, he was only hoping that Young Master Rong would give him some instructions, because it was Young Master Rong's turn to give a speech on stage.    


Rong Heting stood up gracefully in front of the audience. He tilted his head slightly to give Ling Jinghan a look. Ling Jinghan immediately put her delicate arm shyly on Rong Heting's arm.    


No one could match Rong Heting's imposing manner. He calmly walked towards the stage. When he walked past Mu Qianqian, he coldly left behind a few words.    


"Follow me."    


Mu Qianqian was still in a daze. She was shocked by the three words, Rong Heting, and was pushed out of her chair.    


Ye Feng patted Mu Qianqian's shoulder to comfort her. He adjusted the corner of her wrinkled skirt and signaled her to follow Rong Heting onto the stage.    


Beside the tall and handsome man, there was a noble and elegant woman. Rong Heting and Ling Jinghan were both like kings in front of them. Mu Qianqian was much shorter than Rong Heting, so she wasn't as tall and elegant as Ling Jinghan. She followed closely behind, just like a vexed little maid.    


This feeling made Mu Qianqian uncomfortable. She was happy to be her idol's follower, but she didn't want to be a servant of a beast that could be raised!    


Out of the corner of his eye, Rong Heting had already noticed that his kitten had stretched out its paw again. However, now was not the time to settle the score. It stood on the stage with the candidates having the same number of votes on either side.    


Rong Heting looked around and everyone quieted down.    


"Ronghao International Enterprise thanks everyone for their righteousness today. As the leader of Ronghao International Enterprise, I thank everyone for their efforts today. All the enterprises that participated in the auction today will be the most important partners of the Ronghao International Enterprise in the next two years. "    


When these words came out, some people were happy with their own wisdom. Some people regretted not being able to seize the opportunity to bid.    


Rong Heting didn't give people too much time, as he never said useless words.    


"The two ladies by my side are the highest ranked candidates in today's charity ambassador election. I think their performance is obvious to all, and on behalf of Ronghao International Enterprise, I announce that the two of you will simultaneously undertake this charity follow-up propaganda work, represent Rong's Group, and research into AIDS. You will undertake all the image work, and the Rong's will complement the advancement and development of the medical field."    


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