Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life



0Seeing Ning Qingsheng so surprised, Little Qiao revealed a nonchalant expression and smiled:    


"All our standards here are based on the best standards in the United States. As you know, the strongest brains in the world are now gathered at American scientific institutions and famous universities. Why is this happening?    


Because there is a clash of ideas there, there is a superior living environment and material conditions.    


Director Kang said, since the other conditions are still at the beginning of creation, at least the material living conditions can be reached. We can't let our scientists suffer because the things we give them must be the best. "    


Little Qiao learned from Kang Ying's words, which made Ning Qingsheng feel the elegance of his cousin when she was in a meeting.    


He felt that he had really broadened his horizons today. Normally, if his cousin didn't say anything, then in his eyes, it would at most be the image of a successful village and town enterprise.    


Furthermore, she was always so gentle in front of her cousin. She couldn't imagine what a woman would look like if she could make such a decision.    


Now Ning Qingsheng finally understood. It turned out that regardless of which one it was, the emotionless Cousin had done so much in silence, it was still worthy of respect.    


"You must all feel lucky to be able to work here, right?" Ning Qingsheng sighed.    


Before he could answer, Ning Qingsheng quickly apologized, "I'm not praising my relatives for how good they are. I mean, compared to the current environment of many domestic enterprises, this place is indeed very fair and honest."    


"That's right." Xiao Qiao laughed, "I am just surprised that you were able to understand Director Kang's intentions so quickly. To us, Director Kang's thinking is very advanced. Right now, she is basically pasting money into this business. At the moment, we haven't made any profits yet.    


However, Director Kang said that we don't need to worry about money. Without money, she will sell off the tallest building in Shanghai and support us in the research and development of the chip. "    


"What?" The tallest building in Shanghai? Is that also my cousin's business? "    


Ning Qingsheng was surprised.    


Kang Ying had always kept a low profile. She would never show off her wealth. The richer someone was, the more Kang Ying kept a low profile. Thus, Little Qiao's words had shocked Ning Qingsheng greatly.    


He would never have thought that his cousin was also the owner of Shanghai's first high-rise.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't know you didn't know about this, but it's within our company. This is all public."    


She's just used to being low-key. What do you think we would think of her if she were to brag about these things to our relatives all the time? "Haha."    


"Uh, that's true too!" Joe laughed with him.    


"Of course, in the company, you need to know her strength in order to be able to follow her peacefully, so it's normal for her to show her wealth." Ning Qingsheng said.    


Little Qiao was not worried about accidentally exposing Kang Ying's secret. She said: "Director Kang said, we don't only have businesses in the country, we also have businesses in the United States. You know about Hildeau Hotel, right? This is also the project in which they are involved. "    


"What?" Hildeau Hotel? " Ning Qingsheng was shocked again.    


Alright, he had never heard of this project before, but of course he had heard of the name of the hotel. Alright, he had never heard of this project either, but of course he had heard of the name of the hotel.    


Now, he felt that his cousin was too low-key. Why couldn't she just ruthlessly show off her wealth to them?    


Any of these items, no matter who it was, were worth showing off for the rest of their lives, but Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan never said a word. They were truly low-key.    


"We, Director Kang, were personally involved in this project, and now this project has started to make money," she said at a meeting to motivate our internal staff.    


She said even if our chip doesn't make money for 10 years and 20 years, it's fine. She has the ability to support us all. "    


Ning Qingsheng didn't know why Kang Ying was so adamant about the A.I. Chip. He still didn't have any idea about the importance of the chip in his mind.    


He couldn't help but secretly wonder if his cousin had become a fool or had been possessed. There were so many actionable projects, why did he have to report a loss to the A.I. Chip?    


Because Little Qiao was honest before, Ning Qingsheng didn't hide his thoughts. Besides, he didn't know much about this field, so he asked honestly.    


Little Qiao laughed, "You are not this major. It is not surprising that you do not know about it. The A.I. Chip will become more and more important to our country in the future.    


Imagine, if there were to be a war between two countries in the future, it would no longer be a matter of carrying a small Mi plus rifle. Maybe the other party was just sitting in the control room, moving his fingers and using his own satellite to accurately position you and launch a missile's precise strike, while the chip was the control room and the missile's brain and eyes.    


With the chip, maybe the missile will float across the ocean and land on your roof. Do you think the chip is important?    


We, Director Kang, have described a very modern future. Under the control of the chip, it is possible to realize automatic driverless driving.    


Also, in the future, the entire computer might shrink into your phone. Mobile payments, shopping, singing, watching movies, playing online games, chatting, and most of what you do right now can be done with a phone. All of this requires the A.I. Chip. "    




Ning Qingsheng felt that his brain wasn't enough. He seemed to have heard an impossible joke. The current computer was only 286, it was coarse and stupid.    


Each unit had a computer, and everyone was like a treasure. They had to decorate a special computer room and install an air conditioner with a constant temperature of 27 degrees. Dust covers had to be placed on the computer, because it was said that this device was afraid of the cold and the heat.    


Of course, having a computer was just a visual hardware unit that was moving towards modernization. Many units, it could be said that more than 90% of units did not know the purpose of buying this computer.    


Computers might use it to play minefield games, or to type documents or make spreadsheets. There seemed to be no greater use for it than that.    


At that time, Ning Qingsheng secretly cursed in his heart. The unit's introduction of computers was indeed flashy, extravagant, and wasteful. He felt that the leader was trying to put on airs.    


Because buying a computer to come in would cost 10 thousand yuan to renovate the room, the air-conditioning needed to be 5000 to 6,000 yuan, and even the staff who were in charge had to spend money. A computer that cost 20,000 or 30,000 yuan would be provided like a big boss in the office.    


However, Ning Qingsheng, as his father had once been a head of the department, knew to keep his mouth shut. Although he cursed in his heart, he didn't complain easily in the unit, but that didn't stop him from thinking that way.    


Hearing Ning Qingsheng's words, Little Qiao did not know whether to laugh or cry. She said, "The A.I. Chip is indeed not what you think it is. It is very useful."    


Alright, Ning Qingsheng felt that even if he could not find his target today, it would not be a waste for him to have expanded his horizons.    


As he and Joe talked, they had finished their cake and their coffee, and Joe asked him if he would like to go for a walk. Lin Ning Qingsheng said he would have another cup of coffee.    




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