Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life



0What surprised Zhao Shihong was that Liang Qingyun's parents were very polite to him. They didn't have the picky eyes that their father-in-law or mother-in-law would have when choosing a son-in-law.    


Zhao Shihong was afraid that others would look at him with those picky eyes. It was probably because he was young and didn't do anything serious, so his parents always used to look at him like that, which made him more sensitive to that kind of eyes.    


However, to his surprise, Liang Qingyun's parents were polite to him. Although they weren't overly enthusiastic, they still showed respect.    


This was also very normal. It would be strange if he got overly enthusiastic the first time he came to visit.    


Liang Qingyun even moved in reinforcements, her brother, Liang Qingfeng.    


Liang Qingfeng and Zhao Shihong had a meal together and had a drink together. Last time, they were almost bullied in the KTV, and Zhao Shihong even helped them. Liang Qingfeng had a good impression of Zhao Shihong.    


It was no wonder as the university students were still weak in handling the world. Since they had witnessed Zhao Shihong's way of dealing with the world with their own eyes, they felt that he was mature and reliable, so they valued him more.    


As a result, the atmosphere was very good. Zhao Shihong slowly relaxed his hanging heart.    


He didn't dare to mention the age difference between Liang Qingyun and himself. After all, they were all wearing the same set of clothes. They looked quite young, so they shouldn't be able to tell the difference in age, right? Zhao Shihong thought luckily.    


Of course, the next thing to do was to serve the meal. Seeing that Father Liang was about to start the meal, Zhao Shihong quickly said, "I brought some wine as well. Please try it, Uncle."    


As he spoke, Zhao Shihong took out the Maotai he brought with him.    


When Father Liang saw this, he smiled and said, "Yo, good wine. Our beloved Prime Minister Zhou loves to drink this kind of wine the most. At the time of President Nixon's visit to China, it was said to have been stored for more than 30 years. Premier Zhou said the alcohol content of the Maotai wine was above 50 degrees.    


After Nixon and the others had drunk a small cup of wine, Premier Zhou lit a small cup of Maotai wine on the spot. Looking at the blue flames, Nixon and the others opened their mouths wide in surprise, unable to recover from the shock for a long time. "    


Father Liang casually brought up these topics. For the children in the capital, it was a normal thing for the male masters to discuss about national affairs and look down on the world.    


It was especially so within the system, which made him a government official. It was as if he had turned himself into a major leader who was concerned about the affairs of the country, pointing fingers at everything.    


Seeing that the atmosphere was in a good mood, Zhao Shihong felt relieved. At this moment, Liang Qingyun's mother asked a few questions that she would ask when they first met:    


What is he doing now? What kind of career are parents in? How many brothers and sisters are there?    


Zhao Shihong answered all these questions one by one, so there was nothing much to hide.    


Liang Qingyun was a bit embarrassed. In her eyes, love was love, not a thing related to the secular world. However, when her parents asked her this question, it was as if she was a lot more vulgar, afraid that she would leave a bad impression on Zhao Shihong.    


However, he didn't know that Zhao Shihong was completely at ease at this moment. If Liang Qingyun's parents didn't like him, why would they ask such a question? Since he had asked all these questions, he must be more or less interested in him, right?    


Zhao Shihong happily answered them one by one.    


"Oh, so your mother is Professor Fan?" I know her, she has a strong academic ability, before our unit had a historical problem, and I specifically went to ask her.    


She's got an impressive knowledge and a good brain, and all the information is inside her head. "    


"Professor Fan?" This is a famous person, it turns out to be your mother, I didn't expect that! " Liang Qingyun's mother also praised Zhao Shihong more and more.    


His mother, Teacher Fan, despised him at home all day long, scolding him for not going up the ranks and not looking for a wife. Zhao Shihong thought Teacher Fan was just an annoying middle-aged woman, but he didn't expect Teacher Fan's reputation in the outside world to be so good.    


"I've already said that the child's IQ is dependent on the mother. Professor Fan is so amazing, your IQ definitely isn't low. No wonder you're so young and can do such a big job."    


Liang Qingyun's father finally confirmed it.    


"Yeah, Kang Ying called and told us about your situation. Actually, we already know your situation and you are older than Qingyun. However, you should be more mature in handling matters." We, Qingyun, are rather childish. In the future, you have to be more tolerant towards her. "    


When Liang Qingyun's mother said this, she seemed to be completely willing to accept it. It was an unexpected surprise, and Zhao Shihong could hear it. No wonder Qingyun's parents knew him so well. Kang Ying had done her job.    


Zhao Shihong was actually filled with gratitude. Kang Ying was truly his benefactor. From career to love, there was not a single thing that she didn't take care of.    


After three rounds of drinking, Uncle Liang patted Zhao Shihong on the shoulder and said:    


"Little Zhao, come visit more from now on. Qingyun is indeed a delicate girl. You have to let her off more easily."    


This tone had already completely treated him as his daughter's boyfriend.    


Zhao Shihong was overjoyed, but he restrained himself and stopped drinking.    


He didn't expect that Liang Qingyun's parents would have such a scene in front of them. Their eyes were filled with admiration.    


They all knew that people like Zhao Shihong had to attend to business and also drink. In fact, they also wanted to see how much Zhao Shihong was able to resist the allure of alcohol.    


Many families had broken up due to drinking. They didn't want their daughter to marry an alcoholic.    


In the end, Zhao Shihong did have a sense of propriety.    


Since it wasn't good for Zhao Shihong to drive anymore, he called the driver to come and pick him up.    


When he got home, Zhao Shihong received a call from Kang Ying asking him how he was doing today.    


Although Zhao Shihong knew that Kang Ying couldn't see through the phone, he still couldn't help but give an OK gesture and said:    


"Very good, they are very satisfied with me. Thank you for paving the way for me."    


Kang Ying smiled and said, "That's also because you're really suitable for Qingyun, and I'm not just keeping the media safe."    


Zhao Shihong laughed and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely treat Qingyun nicely, just like how Elder Brother Yuan treats you. She's the only one in my life, I will never let her down.    


When we get married, I'll transfer the company's assets to her. "    


Kang Ying didn't expect Zhao Shihong to be so straightforward. She joked, "Those are real gold and silver."    


"Truly gold and silver is not as important as friendship. Money makes a lot of money and one's heart is also empty. Unless there's someone who can share it with them. I was so envious when I saw you and Elder Brother Yuan advancing together in the past."    


"Now that I have Qingyun, I will have a chance to run away. When I get married and have a child, my life will be even more beautiful."    


While Zhao Shihong was looking forward to the future, Kang Ying didn't realize that he had already thought so far ahead. She smiled and said,    


"Alright then, I'll bless you first. Alright, I won't disturb your sweet daydreaming. "    


Kang Ying hung up the phone. Hearing Zhao Shihong mention her child, she suddenly realized that she still hadn't moved. She didn't know what had happened. Was there something wrong with her body? Was it because of his special physique?    



Thinking of this, she could not help but worry.    


Shi Jiangyuan came in from outside and saw Kang Ying with her phone in one hand and her chin in the other, sitting on the sofa with a depressed look on her face. He couldn't help but ask,    


"What is it? "Shihong went into Qingyun's parents' eyes?"    


Kang Ying shook her head and said, "No, it's my own problem. Qingyun's parents are quite satisfied with Shihong. "    


"That's good. The script can be sent out now." Shi Jiangyuan said.    


"En, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. I will tell Diao Chan about it." After saying that, Kang Ying quickly called Diao Chan and told her to release Liang Qingyun's draft of a love story tomorrow. If she wanted to deal with the paparazzi, she could only do her best.    


Although this declaration of love was a bit hasty and forced, it was also the price of becoming a celebrity.    


After Kang Ying hung up the phone, Shi Jiangyuan said unhappily, "Then why don't you talk about yourself? Why aren't you happy?"    


"Shihong talked about his future life and mentioned his children. It suddenly occurred to me that I haven't made any moves yet. What if I don't have any children?" Kang Ying was worried.    




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