Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life

C694 Ecstasy

C694 Ecstasy

0Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan also went with Diao Chan to see the training of the six kids. As expected, their progress was great. Seeing their dancing, Kang Ying felt that no one in the country could compare to them.    


"It's quite good. I believe that if we push it out, it will become a hot topic throughout the country."    


"With your golden words, I'm relieved." When Diao Chan saw that Kang Ying didn't continue to criticize her, she immediately revealed a joyful smile.    


To be honest, she had been here for a long time. Diao Chan really missed home and wanted to go home as soon as possible. Moreover, when a task was stuck at a node and she couldn't move forward, she would feel somewhat anxious, wishing that she could quickly push this matter past this point.    


Just like how the male team and the female team had yet to be released, they were currently stuck at the door.    


However, this kind of thing could not be rushed. She needed time to carve and carve. If she wanted to hurry, she would not be able to, so she could only waste time here.    


Kang Ying knew her mentality, so she came to relieve her worries.    


At this moment, Shi Jiangyuan's phone rang. He picked up the call. It was from Zheng Cunming. He said politely,    


"Mr. Shi, I've decided on where we will treat you. Where are you guys? I'll get the driver to pick you up. "    


Zheng knew they didn't have a car in Hong Kong, so he said something.    


Shi Jiangyuan looked at his watch. It was already 11: 30. He thought that if they waited for Zhao Cunming's car to pick them up, it would take too long. If they encountered a traffic jam, who knew how long they would have to wait.    


Therefore, he said, "No need, let's take a taxi over there. There's still a friend here who wants to go with us, is it convenient?"    


"It's convenient, it's convenient. Your friend is my friend. Welcome."    


Zhao Cunming showed no hesitation on the phone.    


Shi Jiangyuan heard this and expressed his satisfaction with him. He was smart and knew how to react.    


Shi Jiangyuan hung up the phone and said to Diao Chan, "Listen, I don't have any objections, and I especially welcome you to go. Let's go!"    


Diao Chan went to the bathroom to get her makeup done before leaving with them.    


As a host, the closest habit he got to Hong Kong was to pay attention to makeup. There were almost no girls who didn't wear makeup. Even if they worked in Hong Kong, they still put on some makeup to make themselves look more energetic.    


As a host, Diao Chan still unconsciously retained the habit of putting on makeup in an environment where she wasn't respected in the Mainland.    


As a result of his profession, he liked to use makeup to conceal some of his flaws in front of the mirror. Even if he were to leave this profession, he would unconsciously retain this habit of his.    


Shi Jiangyuan and co. took a taxi to the Hyatt Hotel. Luckily, there was no traffic jam on the way. When they arrived at the Hyatt Hotel, it was just 12: 00 PM.    


To Shi Jiangyuan's surprise, Zhao Cunming was waiting for them in the lobby of the Hyatt Hotel.    


Seeing them arrive, Zhao Cunming quickly got up from the sofa to greet them. It seemed like he had no idea how long he had been waiting here.    


Seeing that this young master was so interested in his journey, Shi Jiangyuan felt quite comfortable in his heart, so he quickly introduced him:    


"This is our friend, Diao Chan. She came to Hong Kong on a business trip, so she came with us."    


After Shi Jiangyuan was done, he didn't hear Zhao Cunming's reaction for a long time. He thought something was wrong with Second Young Master Zhao, but when he focused his eyes, he saw Zhao Cunming's eyes staring unblinkingly at Diao Chan, his face filled with amazement.    


Diao Chan's beauty had fooled him, so he had forgotten to greet her.    


Shi Jiangyuan could not help but find it funny. He immediately coughed dryly and said, "This is my friend, Diao Chan. She is Female Anchor from the former National Television Station."    


"Oh, so it's you, Miss Diao Chan. You're even more beautiful than on TV!"    


Second Young Master Zhao finally came back to his senses. His eyes turned. He went up to Diao Chan and held her hand. However, he was still very polite and restrained himself. He just shook it politely and put it down right away.    


Diao Chan had often heard people praise her in this way, so she didn't feel frightened at all. Due to the design of the television screen, no matter who it was, they all seemed slightly out of shape.    


Seeing Second Young Master Zhao stutter and want to express his admiration, but was unable to say anything, Diao Chan deliberately eased the awkwardness and said:    


"How did you see me on TV? Can you get our show here? "    


"Oh, I can't receive it, but I've been on a business trip to the mainland. Every time I turn on the TV at 7: 00 pm, I'll see you."    


Second Young Master Zhao's face was full of admiration. He had never thought that he would still be able to see Female Anchor from the National Television Station standing in front of him.    


Compared to Hong Kong's small television station, the state television in the Mainland was like a mouthpiece, an important voice transmission.    


From Second Young Master Zhao's point of view, Female Anchor was someone as high up as Diao Chan, so he did not dare to underestimate her. He was even very happy that Shi Jiangyuan brought Diao Chan to eat together with him.    


To be honest, he didn't know how to thank Shi Jiangyuan. If it wasn't for Shi Jiangyuan, he wouldn't have known Diao Chan at all.    


After greeting each other, Second Young Master Zhao finally came back to his senses. He remembered to bring them to the private room for dinner.    


Along the way, Second Young Master Zhao secretly sized up Diao Chan from time to time and revealed a confused expression.    


Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying found it funny.    


However, Diao Chan was indeed incredibly beautiful. She was someone that they were used to seeing, but had already lost the feeling of being astounded the first time they saw her.    


However, because Kang Ying had the same stunning feeling, she could fully understand Second Young Master Zhao's current mood.    


At this moment, Second Young Master Zhao's heart must have been struck by lightning, sending out such a message as: Why is it so beautiful? How could a woman be so beautiful? This woman was too beautiful, and so on and so forth.    


Compared to last night, Second Young Master Zhao treated Kang Ying and Shi Jiangyuan more warmly and courteously. Kang Ying clearly felt that they were going towards Diao Chan, but she and Shi Jiangyuan seemed to be the last seat of honor.    


However, Kang Ying did not get angry. After all, Second Young Master Zhao had high EQ. Even though she had his heart set on him, every move of his still showed that he was taking care of them, so they would not feel ignored.    


Entering the box and sitting down, Second Young Master Zhao very politely pulled out the chair for Diao Chan. As for Kang Ying, he didn't dare to overstep his boundaries. That was Shi Jiangyuan's business.    


After they sat down, the waiters began to serve the dishes one after another.    


Taking into account their tastes, Zhao Cunming ordered local delicacies with unique characteristics. As expected, the taste was excellent, making Kang Ying unable to stop eating.    


Shi Jiangyuan felt that Second Young Master Zhao was a pretty good person. He even helped him this time and taught the hateful Young Master Zhang and Young Master Yang a lesson. Therefore, he found a topic to talk about from time to time.    


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