Evil CEO's Favorites

C692 Chapter 692

C692 Chapter 692

0Gao Meifen fell to the ground, gasping for air.    


Jun Zichen lowered his head and stared at his finger. Did he really want to kill this woman just now because she said bad things about Xiaorong? Or was he worrying about something?    


Once he encountered Xiaorong's problem, his control seemed to collapse instinctively.    


Lifting his foot, Jun Zichen walked to the side of the wall and pressed the switch. Half of the wall slowly moved away and behind the wall stood Lu Xiaorong and Jiang Yaoming.    


Gao Meifen looked at the situation with disbelief. Suddenly, as if she had understood something, she shouted at Jun Zichen, "You're the one who designed me!" The video recording in the box before was only the first ring of the design, and the words she said to Jiang Yaoming after that was the second ring of the design.    


Jun Zichen ignored Gao Meifen and said to Jiang Yaoming, "You should have heard what I said just now, right?"    


Jiang Yaoming lowered his head, causing people to be unable to see his expression clearly.    


Lu Xiaorong knew that her cousin wasn't feeling well. When her cousin had been listening to everything that had happened in the private room, he had looked deeply saddened. At that moment, she suddenly understood why Zichen asked her so seriously if he really wanted her cousin to know the truth.    


No matter what kind of person Gao Meifen was, her cousin had still given his all.    


"Zichen, why don't you let cousin be quiet for a while." Lu Xiaorong said.    


Jun Zichen nodded.    


However, it was as if Gao Meifen had found an outlet to vent her anger. She picked up a glass glass and smashed it towards Lu Xiaorong's head.    


That action was out of everyone's expectations. Even though Jun Zichen reacted quickly, because of the distance, he couldn't stop the glass in time. Lu Xiaorong was smashed so hard that she fell to the ground, blood flowing out from her forehead.    


It hurt!    


If Gao Meifen hadn't been present, Lu Xiaorong probably would have burst into tears on the spot.    


"Lu Xiaorong, don't be complacent. I didn't do well, don't even think about it …" Before she could finish her words, she was slapped hard by Jun Zichen, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground.    


Jun Zichen rushed to Lu Xiaorong's side, glanced at the wound on her forehead and picked her up, "Bear with it, I'll take you to the hospital."    


"Yes." Lu Xiaorong answered with a grimace. It was painful, but at least her mind was clear.    


Jun Zichen hurriedly left the room with Lu Xiaorong in his arms. Gao Meifen was still lying on the floor, and she felt a burning pain on her face. However, when she thought of how Lu Xiaorong had been beaten up by her just now, she felt delighted.    


Staggering to her feet, Gao Meifen looked at Jiang Yaoming, who was still motionless and looking at her, and said snappily, "What's there to look at!?" Since you have seen and heard everything, then stop bothering me in the future. You don't even know what kind of virtue you have, are you worthy of me? "    


"Enough!" Jiang Yaoming said.    


"Why are you so loud, am I wrong?!" You kept saying that you loved me and that you joined up with your cousins to design me. How disgusting, I smashed Lu Xiaorong too lightly just now. If I knew earlier, I would have smashed her with something bigger. As she spoke viciously, another crisp slap resounded in the room.    


A sharp pain came from the other side of her face. Gao Meifen covered her face and stared at Jiang Yaoming in disbelief, "You hit me?!" It was one thing for Jun Zichen to hit her just now, but why did this Jiang Yaoming dare to hit her!    


"Yes, I hit you. I thought it was too light!" Jiang Yaoming shouted, "Mom and Dad are right, you've never loved me, Xiaorong has always thought of me for her own good, but I didn't appreciate her, and even accused her of wrong. And when you've taken advantage of me everywhere, I've always kept on trying to justify you and find excuses for you, but I'm really too f * cking blind to want to make Xiaorong suffer like that for the sake of a woman like you!"    


Gao Meifen didn't have the patience to scold Jiang Yaoming like this, "Jiang Yaoming, what qualifications do you have to talk to me like that? Weren't you sticking to me like a dog?"    


"Yes, I am not qualified!" But don't forget, Xiaorong is her girlfriend. You hurt Xiaorong like this today, do you think that Jun Zichen will let this go? " Jiang Yaoming said coldly.    


Gao Meifen's face immediately turned pale. She was so happy just now that she forgot this most important point. What kind of person was Jun Zichen! If he wanted to deal with her, even using his fingers would take half of her life.    


"Yaoming, it was all my fault, I was wrong, I'm sorry, you are Lili's cousin, if you help me beg for mercy and tell Xiaorong not to pursue the matter, I can make sure that this matter is resolved in a small way."    


Jiang Yaoming's mood changed as he looked at the woman in front of him. At this moment, he truly recognized her. This kind of woman was not worthy of his love!    


"The person you should apologize to isn't me, but Xiaorong. "Gao Meifen, from now on, you have nothing to do with me anymore!" Jiang Yaoming said without any emotion.    


Gao Meifen collapsed onto the ground.    


— —    


Jun Zichen drove Lili to the nearest hospital, but when they reached the door, Lili said, "Zichen, how about another hospital?"    


"Be good and say something stupid." Jun Zichen stopped the car and was about to untie his seat belt, but Lu Xiaorong's bloody hand suddenly pressed down on the back of his hand.    


"Change the hospital, I don't want to see a doctor here."    


He frowned. "This hospital is very good, and you must see your injuries immediately."    


"My brother... It was in this hospital. " From the corner of her eyes, she saw the main entrance of the hospital. The words "B City First People's Hospital" made her heart ache every time she saw it. When her brother died, the scene at the hospital kept repeating in her mind, "Zichen, my injury wasn't too severe, I just bled a little more. Any other hospital would do, okay!"    


He gave her a long look and fastened his seat belt again.    


He knew that the death of her loved ones was a lifetime of pain in her heart. Jun Zichen started the car again and quickly drove towards another hospital nearby.    


Lu Xiaorong closed her eyes in relief, "Zichen, thank you."    


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