Evil CEO's Favorites

C592 Chapter 592

C592 Chapter 592

0She stared at his hand, but did not respond.    


"If... If you don't want to, then forget it. " Chu Lyu felt a bit uncomfortable and wanted to let go.    


"I'm not unwilling." Bai Yuerann said and took the initiative to hold Chu Lyu's hand. The two of them held hands, "Are you holding hands like this?"    


"..." "Right." There was a hint of shyness on his face, but more of joy.    


Bai Yuerann looked at the expression on Chu Lyu's face, then looked at their hands holding each other. Just holding hands was enough to make him happy? She suddenly realized that he seemed easier to satisfy than she had thought.    


When she was with Chu Lyu, she would unconsciously relax a little. Or perhaps it was because he was always easy to see through. From his expression, she could guess what he was thinking, so she didn't have to think too hard about it.    


Bai Yuerann and Chu Lyu played to their heart's content in the amusement park. They played almost all of the projects one by one, until they were out of breath.    


Perhaps she didn't even realize how good she was at playing. In his memory, the last time he had played in an amusement park was three years ago.    


When Chu Lyu knew this, he asked in surprise, "Why don't you come here often to play? Don't you like to play with these recreational facilities? "    


"I do like it, but if I play by myself, then it would be meaningless." The amusement park was a place where one had to play with others before finding it interesting.    


"Does your father's mother rarely play with you?" he asked again.    


"Ugh …" I should say that Mommy would always be with me whenever I had the time, but I know Daddy really wants Mommy to be with him, and I think it would be better if Mommy could be with Daddy more, so I tried not to be with Mommy at all. " Bai Yuerann thought for a moment. When she was young, she was still young and didn't know anything, so she recklessly occupied Mommy's time.    


But as she slowly grew older, when she understood the meaning of the Predestine, when she knew why her mother would hug her every night at the full moon to sleep with her, she also gradually understood the complicated look her father had when he looked at her, and also the loneliness her father had now.    


"I'll stay with Rann from now on. As long as you want to go to the amusement park, I'll accompany you there!" He took her hand and said this seriously.    


She started. His grip was too tight, making her hand hurt a little, but she didn't want to shake it off. "Is it because we're dating?" she asked.    


He shook his head. "It's because I like Rann, so I want her to be happy."    


Xi's words once again flashed through her mind — dating someone she liked was a very happy thing.    


And what she was experiencing now, "I'm very happy right now, Lou, thank you! "If you come and play at the amusement park next time, it would be great if you could stay with me."    


"Then it's a deal, next time I'll come here and play with you!" Chu Lyu said excitedly, "Rann, let's go and do the Ferris Wheel, okay?"    


"Sure." she said.    


Thus, he held her hand and the two of them got on the Ferris Wheel.    


The Ferris Wheel spun in a circle for 30 minutes. In this independent space, there were only two people. As a result, they were able to sense each other's presence.    


Bai Yuerann looked at the scenery outside the window. As she gradually rose into the air, the number of views she could see increased.    


Chu Lyu and Bai Yuerann sat face to face, licking their lips. Chu Lyu said, "I heard from the girls in class that if the male and female friends ride the Ferris Wheel together, then …" and it will go very smoothly. "    


She also recalled that she seemed to have heard those girls in her class say this before, but she had never taken those words to heart. Chu Lyu, on the other hand, would want to believe these words, which meant — "Do you really want our relationship to go smoothly?" she asked.    


"Yes." He agreed in a low voice. He had heard many people discussing their relationship. Many people said that they felt that she should interact with Cang Yao more. After all, they were always together. This made him feel an inexplicable sense of panic. He was afraid that she would suddenly go back on her word again, afraid that she felt that Cang Yao was more suitable for her.    


He had never known that the more he liked a person, the more afraid he would be of losing her, and the more uneasy he would become.    


When the Ferris Wheel reached its peak, he suddenly leaned toward her, his head lowered, as if he were bowing before her.    


"Do you want to touch your hair?" he said abruptly.    


She lifted her hand and very naturally thrust it into his hair, stroking it. She had actually done this action many times before.    


"Rann, do you like dogs?" His voice echoed in the narrow space.    


"Yes, I like it." "No," she replied.    


"Then why don't you have a dog?" In the time he had known her, he had never heard her mention having a dog, and he had never seen any dog fur on her either.    


"Because I didn't really like any kind of dog, I didn't really want any kind of dog." Each dog had a different appearance, habits, and personality. She liked all kinds of dogs, especially caressing the hair on the back of the dog's head. Moreover, Mommy said that if you want to raise a life, you must take responsibility for it. If you don't have the ability to take responsibility for it, then don't easily raise it. "    


He was still bent over, head down, and from her angle she could only see the top of his head.    


"If you can't have a dog right now, I can be your dog, but in the future, you … Just touch my hair, okay? " His voice came faintly.    


To be a dog, how much courage was required for him to say those words?    


The former Bai Yuerann definitely wouldn't agree to such a request. However, when she inserted her fingers into his hair, she could feel the tension on his scalp. He bent so low, with his head bent low in front of her eyes, active attachment!    


His face wouldn't turn red. He would continuously say that he liked her, would loudly say that he wanted to be with her, and would look at her with a very focused gaze.    


A boy like this was the boyfriend she was dating. She didn't know if he would be the boy she liked the most in the future, but at this moment, she wanted to agree to his request.    


"Then I'll only touch your hair from now on." she promised.    


His body trembled violently as he lifted his head. His beautiful eyes were filled with incredulity. "Really?"    


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