Evil CEO's Favorites

C588 Chapter 588

C588 Chapter 588

0If her choice to choose him back then was her will, then his choice to choose now was his will.    


— —    


Bai Yuerann's angry mood was swept away by Cang Yao's words. At the very least, it meant that Cang Yao wasn't completely unintentional and that he would have his own will.    


What he said was the first time she had clearly felt his will.    


As for Chu Lyu, Bai Yuerann noticed that ever since they separated in the health care room, Chu Lyu had a strange attitude towards her. He would always look at her in silence, but when she looked at him, he would either lower his head or turn his eyes away.    


When he was free, he would always circle around her, but now, it was as if he was deliberately avoiding her. Even Lili noticed it and asked her curiously, "Rann, did you and Chu Lyu have a fight?"    


"No quarrel." Bai Yuerann said.    


"That's strange, I haven't seen you talking to him recently."    


"I think so too." Maybe she should find some time and ask Chu Lyu about it. After all, Bai Yuerann had never liked being unclear like this.    


In the afternoon, after school, it was time for the basketball club's activities. Usually, Chu Lyu would participate in the club's activities. However, in the past few days, he had deliberately been absent.    


Just as Chu Lyu was carrying his backpack and walking towards the school gate, a voice sounded from behind him, "Are you going to miss your social activities again?"    


His footsteps came to a sudden halt. Even without turning around, he knew who the voice belonged to.    


"I... These few days, I was a bit tired, so I wanted to go home early. " He made a wild excuse and did not dare to look back at her.    


"Is that really the case?" Her voice came closer.    


"..." "Right." His voice was barely louder than a mosquito.    


Suddenly, she grabbed his hand, and before he could come back to his senses, she had already dragged him away.    


Bai Yuerann ran all the way to a quiet place in the school before stopping. She let go of Chu Lyu's hand and turned around to look at him.    


"You didn't join the club because you wanted to avoid me?" Bai Yuerann went straight to the point.    


A hint of surprise flashed across Chu Lyu's face, then he quickly lowered his head as if to hide his expression. "..." "No."    


"I want the truth." Her hands suddenly clamped on his face, forcing him to raise his face to face her.    


Embarrassment and shame once again appeared on his face. He pulled her hand with both of his hands, as if he wanted to pull her hand away. "Don't …" Don't look at me, Rann. Don't look at me now! " he struggled.    


"Why?" However, she still insisted on holding his face. "If you don't like me anymore, then just say it now and I'll immediately let go."    


How could he not like her? It was because he liked her too much that he didn't want her to see his current appearance.    


"Don't you want to tell me?" Her voice continued to ring in his ears, but his eyes only stared blankly at the approaching her.    


He shouldn't have come here with her, but when she pulled him away, her reason told her to stop, yet her steps unconsciously followed her footsteps.    


"I like it... I like you! " He spoke with a face full of shame. Unknowingly, his skin had already turned red.    


"Since you like me, why are you avoiding me?" she asked doubtfully.    


"Because …" He wanted to hide his ugly thoughts, but when he looked into her eyes, he had the feeling that he couldn't lie. "Because seeing Rann smile at other guys and caress their hair, and get close to them, will make me very uncomfortable!"    


"Not feeling well?" She blinked, and her hands, which had been clamped to his face, relaxed.    


He pulled her hand to his heart and placed her palm flat against his chest. "This place will be very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable."    


At his age, he still didn't know about such emotions. In fact, his name was — Jealousy. He didn't understand that this feeling was one where he wanted to monopolize everything.    


"You avoided me because you felt bad?" Even through his clothes, she could feel his heart pounding.    


"No …" "No." He bit his lip, his face alternating between white and red. "I was afraid that Rann would …" I don't know what kind of bad behavior I'd do if you continued to smile at other boys and stroke their hair. "Rann, you said that you can't like me the most."    


Therefore, what he really wanted to avoid was the possibility that she hated him.    


Bai Yuerann pondered as she pondered over what he had just said.    


He couldn't tell what she was thinking from her expression. After waiting carefully for a moment, Chu Lyu couldn't help but ask, "Will Rann hate me?" This worry was so intense these past few days that he could be said to be in no mood for class every day.    


"I don't hate it." "But I like you to be honest, and I don't like the way you keep avoiding me. If I don't insist on asking about it today, will you continue to avoid me and avoid me?"    


"I'm sorry." He bit his lower lip again.    


She lifted her hand and placed her fingers on his lower lip. "Don't bite so hard. If you bite, you'll bleed."    


His teeth loosened his lower lip, and sure enough, there were deep teeth marks on his lower lip.    


"Don't you feel any pain?" Her fingers gently caressed the teeth marks, and the temperature of his lips was even hotter than hers.    


"..." "Nope." All his attention had been on whether she would hate him, and now all his attention was on her fingers.    


It was as if all the blood in his body was concentrated on his lips. He stared at her in a daze, thinking that he could continue like this forever.    


"Halt." She slowly opened her mouth, her expression calm yet serious. "If you deliberately avoid me the next time, then I will take it as if you don't like me."    


"Nope, I definitely won't be like this ever again." When she withdrew her finger and was about to leave, he suddenly pulled her back and said, "Then tomorrow night, there will be a fireworks party. Can you come with me to see it?"    


"No." She refused without hesitation, "Because tomorrow night, I will be with my mother all night, not even taking a step away."    


Tomorrow was the day of the full moon, and on this night, she would not take a step away from her mother — because she was her mother's Predestine, and that was the greatest meaning of her birth.    


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