Evil CEO's Favorites

C625 Chapter 625

C625 Chapter 625

0She was asleep, at least, and her eyes would not look at him coldly or say things he did not want to hear. • *    


His hand unconsciously lifted a strand of her silk, rubbing it between his fingers, breathing in the fragrance of her.    


"I was the one who said I was going to break up. Why do I care so much about you?" Chu Lyu muttered to himself. What responded was only the silent air.    


He continued to mutter, "Bai Yuerann, after we broke up, have you thought about me? Have you ever regretted it? " His eyes fell on her soft and tender lips, and the thread in his hand slowly moved to his lips, "If you had said that you didn't want to break up with me, then we definitely wouldn't have broken up, right?"    


However, this kind of hypothetical question would not have an answer, because time would never flow in reverse.    


"It seems like I'm the only one who can keep thinking about the time we dated each other. You probably don't care about it anymore." It turned out that he had been the one in pain ever since they broke up, and she had no influence at all.    


His father had told him to think about what he wanted the most, and now he looked at her and felt as if the answer were about to come.    


Suddenly, Chu Lyu's body trembled. He slowly turned his head and looked at Cang Yao, who was standing at the entrance of the library.    


The man was looking his way, and he raised an eyebrow, unwilling to be outdone.    


Their gazes met in midair. How long had it been since they last looked at each other like that? With a mocking smile on his face, Chu Lyu leaned back against the chair and put down the thread in his hand.    


Cang Yao walked over and stared coldly at Chu Lyu for a moment. Then, he retracted his gaze and looked at Bai Yuerann, who was still sleeping. He walked to her side, bent down and whispered into her ear, "Miss, wake up."    


"Ugh …" A cat-like murmur flowed out from her pink lips. Her eyes that were originally shut opened drowsily. After seeing the person in front of her, she smiled, "Yao, has the activities of the society come to an end?"    


"Yes." Cang Yao answered. He lifted his hand to help Bai Yuerann gather her messy hair because she was sleeping. This action of his seemed extremely natural, as if he had already done it a thousand times.    


Chu Lyu's hand, which was hanging by his side, tightened slightly. When he saw the scene in front of him, he felt another wave of pain in his heart. If he hadn't come to the library, he wouldn't have seen this scene, and he wouldn't have felt pain. But if he hadn't come, he wouldn't have been able to see her sleeping face, and he wouldn't have had the chance to rub and kiss her hair.    


So... In the end, it was still better to come.    


As if noticing his gaze, Bai Yuerann turned around and saw Chu Lyu sitting across the table. She was a little shocked as she didn't know when he came here.    


"What, are you surprised to see me here?" Chu Lyu said lazily.    


"This is the library. Anyone can come." Bai Yuerann said.    


In other words, was she telling him that it was the same whether he was here or not? Chu Lyu suddenly stood up from his chair. His upper body moved across the table as he leaned towards Bai Yuerann and said, "Don't you want to know what I did to you when you were sleeping?" With that, he glanced at Cang Yao, who was standing beside Bai Yuerann, out of the corner of his eyes.    


He saw Cang Yao's usually cold and indifferent eyes and instantly became cold. If Cang Yao had come in and seen him do something more intimate with her, perhaps he wouldn't be standing there unscathed at this moment.    


Cang Yao... As expected, he also liked Rann! It was not the loyalty of a bodyguard to his master, but rather the love of a man to a woman! Chu Lyu had such a feeling in his heart.    


Bai Yuerann's expression changed slightly, but she did not ask anything. Instead, she turned to Cang Yao and said, "Let's go. Old Zhou should be waiting at the school gate." Old Zhou was the driver of Bai Family and was in charge of taking Bai Yuerann and Cang Yao to and from school every day.    


As she said that, Bai Yuerann stood up and put the book back on the shelf. Then, she walked out of the library with Cang Yao.    


Chu Lyu watched the two of them leave. Only when the two figures completely disappeared from his sight did he slowly walk to the bookshelf and take out the book that Bai Yuerann put back to the shelf.    


The book seemed to still have her body temperature.    


"What do you want the most …?" He lowered his eyes and stared at the book in his hands. Although he didn't want to admit it, at the moment she left, he actually wished that she could turn around and look at him. Her beautiful eyes could reflect his figure!    


— —    


When they arrived at the school gate, Bai Yuerann got on the car. However, Cang Yao was still standing outside the door and didn't come in immediately.    


"What's wrong?" she asked.    


"Nothing." Cang Yao's voice had a trace of tension that was hard to detect. He then got into the carriage. His skin had always been fair, but now it actually felt even paler.    


Bai Yuerann glanced at Cang Yao's expression, then looked outside the window, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary.    


"Are you not feeling well?" Her hand touched his forehead. It was a little cold, but not at a low temperature.    


"Nope." he denied, feeling the heat of her fingers so vividly on his forehead.    


"That's good." She withdrew her hand and leaned back in her chair. Her eyes were lowered, as if she was thinking about something. Cang Yao did not say anything and just sat there quietly.    


The car slowly drove away from the school. At the corner of the school gate, a man slowly walked out from the shadows. His cloudy eyes stared at the car as it drove away, and deep hatred filled his eyes.    


"Such a good life." The man smirked and said sinisterly.    


That kind of jealous and harmonious peace, it really made people want to ruthlessly smash it!    




Returning home, Bai Yuerann suddenly asked Cang Yao, "Just now in the library, did you see what Chu Lyu did to me?"    


Because she fell asleep and Cang Yao was beside her when she woke up, that meant there was a certain probability that she saw him.    


"I saw some." Cang Yao replied, "But what I saw was only the few seconds after I arrived at the library. I didn't see what else he did."    


"Is that so?" Bai Yuerann whispered. Then, she looked straight at Cang Yao, "Then, what did he do?"    


Cang Yao's facial expression changed slightly. In his mind, he recalled the scene he saw in the library. The moment his eyes met that person's gaze, he understood that person. He was still filled with yearning and yearning for his mistress.    


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