Evil CEO's Favorites

C219 Chapter 219

C219 Chapter 219

0When Xia Huanhuan woke up, she found herself in Jun Ziyan's arms. Her head was on his arm, and he was on his side, his other arm around her waist. His head was lowered, his dark eyes focused on her face.    


She had always seen that kind of attentive gaze in his eyes. It was as if he had been looking at her for a long time, and he was going to continue looking at her like this.    


But now, something else seemed to have appeared in his eyes, and she couldn't tell what it was.    


"Are you awake?" Jun Ziyan's voice softly sounded beside her ear.    


Xia Huanhuan blinked and replied, "Yes." However, after the voice left her mouth, it was even softer than she imagined, like the sound of a mosquito.    


"Is something wrong?" he asked.    


"I'm just a little hungry." She tried to sit up in his arms, but she couldn't lift her hand. Only then did Xia Huanhuan realize that her body was limp and powerless.    


He was clearly awake, but he didn't have any strength left in his body.    


"I... Why does it seem like I don't have any strength? " She tried again, clenching her teeth and using all her strength. However, she only managed to get up a little bit before she fell back into his embrace.    


"It's just that the medicinal effect of your medicine hasn't passed yet." Jun Ziyan said, "After the medicinal effect passes, my strength will slowly recover."    


"Medicinal effects?" Xia Huanhuan muttered as she recalled what happened before she fainted on the brakes. At that time, she had only fainted because her nose and mouth were covered by a handkerchief that had a strong smell.    


And the person who covered her up was — Xia Hao!    


This fact made her body shudder. Xia Hao! How could it be Xia Hao?! But the memories in his mind were so clear.    


Feeling her trembling body, he hugged her even more tightly. "Don't be afraid, everything is fine. Everything is fine." His head dropped and his lips fell on her forehead.    


The warm feeling slowly faded the fear that came from the bottom of her heart. Xia Huanhuan closed her eyes and felt Jun Ziyan's kiss and breath …    


After a while, when her mood had calmed down, she slowly opened her eyes and asked, "What did Xia Hao do to me?"    


"Just knocked you out." he replied.    


"Then what is his purpose?"    


"That is no longer important. What is important is that you are fine now, and he did not achieve his goal."    


Jun Ziyan said as he sat up and got off the bed. He put on a home coat and bent down to pick her up. "I had someone prepare hot porridge earlier, so it's probably not cold yet. Since you're hungry, it's a good idea to eat first."    


She was like a doll, softly leaning into his arms.    


He carried her out of the room and into the living room. Leaning over, he carefully placed her on the sofa, then took out the congee and placed it on the coffee table. The congee was still steaming, and there was an alluring smell in the air.    


Smelling the fragrance of the porridge, Xia Huanhuan felt her stomach growling.    


Jun Ziyan picked up a spoon and scooped up some porridge. He blew a few breaths into the porridge and took a few sips. After confirming the temperature, he moved it towards Xia Huanhuan's mouth.    


However, Xia Huanhuan did not open her mouth to pour the porridge into her mouth.    


He stared at her, a puzzled look in his dark eyes.    


"Tell me the whole story. I want to know." she said.    


Jun Ziyan was silent, but he did not retract his hand. He held up his spoon and stopped in mid-air, "You don't have to know that. As long as you understand, I will not let anything happen to you."    


She closed her mouth and didn't say anything else. She just stared at him.    


Both sides were in a deadlock. Silence permeated the air. After a long while, Jun Ziyan's eyelashes trembled and his eyelids drooped down slowly.    


Many times, it was always like this. It seemed like he was even more stubborn than she was. However, once she stubbornly persisted, then the side that retreated would always be him.    


Could it be that the one who loved each other even more could only admit defeat like this forever? But he was willing to lose, and willing to lose.    


Losing to her was actually not that scary of a thing. What was truly terrifying was that one day, even if he wanted to lose, he would not have that chance.    


"Xia Hao and that girlfriend of his wanted to use you to threaten me, probably just to ask for money." Jun Ziyan said. His voice was light and his tone was calm, as if he was reciting an ordinary story.    


However, as he spoke, a trace of gloom flashed in the depths of his eyes. If Xia Hao still dared to touch her in the future, then even if that man was related to her by blood, he would still kill Xia Hao and then … Never let her know.    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned for a moment as she thought about Xia Hao's gambling debt.    


For money! It was actually for money! His cousin, who was once weak and introverted, had actually thought of this method! Xia Huanhuan's eyes were filled with disbelief, but she knew that what Jun Ziyan said must be true.    


He wouldn't joke with her, much less on matters like these.    


She had hoped that Xia Hao could become better, but she had never thought that he would scheme like this! Is it because a person's heart is too greedy, or is it because he has too many expectations?!    


"Then how did you save me? Did you give him money? Are you all right? " she asked urgently.    


Jun Ziyan shook his head, "No, since you said you don't want me to give him money, then I won't."    


"Then …"    


"Xia Hao is not Bai Zhuyun, and I am not the same person as before. It is not difficult for me to get you back from him." He did not tell her about the bloody scene in the rented room.    


Xia Huanhuan heaved a sigh of relief. Xia Hao was not an organized person. With Ziyan's ability, he was definitely more than enough to deal with his cousin.    


"How are Xia Hao and Ke Xiaomin?" Xia Huanhuan asked, "Did you do something to them …"    


Since she was young, her life on earth had taught Xia Huanhuan that Jun Ziyan would never let go of the person who attacked her. Although Xia Hao was related to her by blood, but...    


"I didn't take their lives, but I won't let them go that easily either." From her eyes, he could easily see what she was thinking, "Huanhuan, don't say anything to persuade me. For me, this is my greatest tolerance."    


Xia Huanhuan pursed her lips, "They …" "So you and my family are relatives after all …" If it was anyone else, she would definitely not try to persuade him. But no matter what, she grew up with Xia Hao. If there was a chance, her mother would be sad too.    


Of course, Xia Huanhuan knew that after this incident, the last bit of affection she had for Xia Hao had disappeared completely.    


From now on, she no longer saw Xia Hao as her cousin! To her, Xia Hao was just a passerby. Even if he caused trouble in the future, she wouldn't care.    


"I know my limits." Jun Ziyan said as he brought the spoon closer to her lips.    


Xia Huanhuan then put the porridge into her mouth and slowly swallowed it down.    


"Does it taste good?" he asked.    


"Mm, it's pretty good." And it was exactly the taste she liked.    


He then fed her spoonfuls after spoonfuls of porridge, because she currently lacked the strength to eat and was extremely slow to do so. But he wasn't impatient at all. Instead, there was a hint of a smile on his face.    


He finished most of the bowl of porridge and only stopped when Xia Huanhuan said that he couldn't finish eating. He then put the remaining porridge on the tea table.    


"Help me wipe my mouth with a tissue." After she finished her porridge, the corner of her mouth felt a little sticky.    


However, Jun Ziyan didn't go for a tissue. Instead, he bent down and stuck out his tongue to lick her lips …    


Xia Huanhuan's face suddenly turned red. The tip of his tongue was soft and hot. His eyes were closed now, concentrating on the licking. Their faces were very close together, and she could see his thick black eyelashes, fanning out like a fan. Occasionally, his eyelashes would even brush against her face, giving her a very faint itchy feeling.    


He licked her until her lips and the corners were clean, but there was still a lingering taste …    


Lightly sucking at her lips, his teeth nipped at her soft lower lip and held it in his mouth.    


Xia Huanhuan had never been like this before. She was clearly extremely clear-headed, yet her body couldn't move. She couldn't even wrap her arms around his neck. But even so, his body still followed his kiss, and it gradually heated up, sending some kind of signal to her.    


"Ziyan …" Xia Huanhuan shouted softly, her voice somewhat slurred, "Don't …" "Don't be like that, I don't have any strength left in me right now."    


It was as if he was a child with a consciousness, unable to control his actions. This feeling was strange and strange.    


"Alright, I'll just kiss you. I won't do anything else." He pressed his lips against hers and whispered, "Huanhuan, wait for the effects of the medicine to wear off. Can you hug me?"    


"Alright." "Yes," she said, and he kissed her even more tenderly.    


He kissed her eagerly, but he did not tell her of the excitement in his body at this moment. When her body couldn't move, it was as if she could only rely on him.    


Whatever she wanted to eat, what she wanted to take, or where she wanted to go, she had to rely on him. Without him, there was nothing she could do.    


She hoped that one day she would be able to love him to such an extent that if he wasn't around, she wouldn't be able to do anything.    


If such a day really came, then he would be very happy! Jun Ziyan thought like this.    


"Huanhuan, will you love me more?" His voice was hoarse, like someone who had just lost their virginity. It sounded like he was mumbling, acting like he was acting spoiled, but at the same time, it sounded like he was yearning for something.    


Xia Huanhuan felt her lips go numb from the kiss. She didn't need to look at herself in the mirror to know that her lips were swollen and red. Her mouth was filled with the taste of him.    


"I already love you very much." she said.    


"But I wish I could have more... "More …" More than enough for her to want him to be by her side all the time, to be unable to see her for a day, to be flustered, to yearn for him more and more, to want him more and more.    


"I will." As she spoke, she suddenly realized that she could slowly raise her arm. The strength in her body was recovering bit by bit.    


Therefore, Xia Huanhuan tried her best to raise her hands and grab Jun Ziyan's clothes.    


His body trembled slightly as his gaze shifted to her hands. "The medicinal strength has retreated?"    


"I think so. It's starting to get a little stronger." She didn't stop her hands, but continued to pull at the hem of his clothes, slowly climbing upwards.    


His hand touched her waist, then climbed onto her shoulder … Her movements were very slow. Originally, it should have been a very simple action, but now, it was very difficult for her.    


It took a long time to raise both arms.    


But for the moment neither he nor she spoke. His body remained motionless, allowing her hands to move freely on his body.    


It was only until her arms were around his neck that she finally breathed a few breaths and smiled, "I never knew that hugging you would require so much effort."    


Glimmers danced in his eyes. He thought back to what he had told her before: he wanted her to withdraw her medicinal effects, so he hugged her.    


As for her, she was hugging him. Even though it was so strenuous, she still hugged him the moment the medicinal effects started to retreat!    


"Ziyan, I love you more every day." She put her arms around his neck, put her lips next to his ear and said in a gentle voice, "Although I don't always say it, my love for you is really deepening. If I don't let you feel it, then I haven't done enough. I will also love you even more in the future. I will give you everything I can give you. "    


She knew that it was easy for him to feel uneasy and sensitive, so she had to say it out loud so that he would understand more about what she was thinking in her heart. Only then would she be able to make him feel at ease.    


He used both hands to hug her tightly. "I will remember every single word you said."    


Remember, then... Never forget...    


There was no end to loving her.    


He thought that once he got married, he would completely have her. However, it turned out that it was only the beginning. When he thought that he had already gotten married, he actually wanted even more.    


Is this also a form of greed...    




In the rented room, all the blood stains on the ground had been cleaned up. Xia Hao's four limbs were wrapped in bandages, and the wound was obviously a simple one. However, other than the bandages on his body, there was nothing else on his body. The coarse rope tied him to a chair.    


Ke Xiaomin had also been stripped naked. She had been fed medicine, and in front of the camera that they had bought earlier, three men had been trying to get on at the same time.    


Ke Xiaomin kept moaning and begging for mercy. She had practiced every pose she could think of. The camera lens recorded everything. Xia Hao was tied to the chair and was also drugged. Even though his body was still in pain, he couldn't resist the instinct in his body.    


However, his words were tied up by a rope, making it impossible for him to release even the slightest bit of it.    


Xia Hao could only watch as Ke Xiaomin continued to work with the other men in front of him. He wanted to close his eyes, but he didn't dare to. After all, Ke Xiaomin had already warned him.    


Therefore, Xia Hao could only endure the pain and the intense excitement in his body as he continued to watch. Every time he lost consciousness, he would wake up and continue being beaten.    


In the past, although his family was only on a well-off level, Xia Hao, who had always been pampered, had never suffered like this before. Now, he was not only resentful towards Jun Ziyan and Xia Huanhuan, he was even hating Ke Xiaomin.    


If it wasn't for this woman's rotten idea, how could he have lost his mind and attacked Jun Ziyan! After all, Xia Hao had come into contact with Jun Ziyan many times when he was in City Z because of Xia Huanhuan.    


It wasn't like he hadn't seen Jun Ziyan fight. It was just that Lili had been there when he had seen her, and she had stopped him every time he had fought.    



As long as Xia Huanhuan stopped him, Jun Ziyan would stop without exception. This also made Xia Hao not imagine that Jun Ziyan would really stab towards him.    


He was more like a gangster than any of the other gangsters he had encountered. He was even like a murderer habitual criminal, as his life was of no value in his eyes.    


Ke Xiaomin, on the other hand, fainted and was then awakened. After repeating this again and again, her lower body no longer felt anything. She only felt as if her entire body had broken down.    


Extremely disgusting!    


But she had no way to resist. Right now, she was even worse than the women in the movies.    


"These two really have no brains, they actually provoked Third Young Master." One of the guards curled his lips and said with a look of disdain.    


"I'm afraid their future will not be so good." Another man said.    


"How long are they going to wait?"    


"Let's go to daybreak. There's only a few hours left anyway."    


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