Evil CEO's Favorites

C18 Chapter 18

C18 Chapter 18

0"So?" For some reason, the tone of his voice and the expression on his face made her feel uneasy.    


His eyelashes gently raised as he stared at her with a lifeless gaze, like a dead sea. "I want to be your boyfriend. It doesn't matter if you want to or not, I want to!"    




The coffee cup in her hand shook, and the warm coffee splashed onto the back of Xia Huanhuan's hand.    


She stared at him in astonishment. His words were like an automatic rewind, echoing in her ears.    


He — wanted to be her boyfriend? It was no longer a pleading tone. This time, his tone was firm, not even allowing her to reject him.    


His gaze fell on the back of her hand and he pulled out the tissue on the table. He took her hand and carefully wiped the coffee from the back of her hand.    


Although the coffee was not too hot, the back of her hand was still faintly red.    


Jun Ziyan lowered his head and kissed the back of Xia Huanhuan's hand. He kissed every bit of red, as if he was doing something extremely important. His expression was focused and serious, even carrying a sense of piety.    


As for her, she was so shocked that she forgot to retract her hand and just stared blankly at him. She watched as his lips left the back of her hand and his lower jaw rose. Her beautiful and captivating lips spoke word by word, "Huanhuan, let's get along."    


Could communication begin just because of this sentence?    


She wanted to reject him, but she was scared by his expression. His originally clear and pure eyes now had an extremely dense haze. It was dense and cold, with a primal sense of danger.    


"Huanhuan, even if the Promise of Ten Years has not arrived, I can still turn you into mine." As he spoke, his voice was deep and cold.    


She suddenly felt a chill rise up her spine. He was serious, and there was no room for manoeuvre. If she said "no," then he would not hesitate to use a more forceful method against her.    


Jun Ziyan drove Xia Huanhuan back to school in his car.    


Along the way, her mind was in a mess. She seemed to be thinking about a lot of things, but it also seemed like she wasn't actually thinking about anything at all.    


When the car drove to the school gate, it was 3: 30 in the afternoon. At this time, there weren't many people at the school gate. Xia Huanhuan's hand moved to the door handle and was about to open it to get off, but her shoulder was suddenly held down by Jun Ziyan.    


"Are you unhappy?" he asked.    


"Do you think I should be happy?" Xia Huanhuan turned around and asked. No one can still be happy after being forced like this.    


But he leaned over and rubbed his cheek against hers. "But I'm happy, Huanhuan. I'm happy."    


She was stunned. The temperature of their skin was intertwining. As long as she slightly retracted her hands, she could easily wrap her arms around his waist.    


"I will definitely make you fall in love with me." He whispered in her ear, as if he were making an oath.    


The tip of her nose was filled with his scent, confusing her thoughts and will. To fall in love with a person, can you fall in love because of "certain"?    


"Do you understand what dating is all about?" Xia Huanhuan asked. Even if there were no longer any obstacles to his communication, could he understand what this so-called "interaction" was?    


"I don't understand." Jun Ziyan shook his head as expected, but he continued, "If I want to understand, I will understand with you. Huanhuan, you can't not give this opportunity to me! "    


No... No...    


For a moment, she felt a sense of absent-mindedness, as if she had seen him when she was young. He tightly held her hand and said to her, "Huanhuan, you can't leave me!"    


dating? Was he really going to date someone like him? She suddenly had the feeling that she was walking on a tightrope. It could be a bottomless abyss; ahead, it was a fog. Whether it was advancing or retreating, both were unknown.    


"I'll pick you up tomorrow." His voice interrupted her reverie.    


"Pick me up?" She looked at him, puzzled.    


"A date." Jun Ziyan spat out the word 'simple'.    


Xia Huanhuan was a little dumbfounded. She was dating Jun Ziyan?! Strictly speaking, she and Jun Ziyan had spent a lot of time together since they were young. But there was not a single date in the name of a serious date.    


"You want to date me because of dating?" Xia Huanhuan asked after thinking for a moment.    


"Right." He nodded, as if it was a matter of course.    


She was suddenly speechless.    


After returning to the bedroom, Xia Huanhuan laid her head on the bed. She felt that she had only gone out for a few hours, but it felt like she had drained all the energy in her body. Lu Xiaorong asked worriedly as she looked at her good friend's dispirited expression.    


"The interview is alright, it's just a preliminary test today anyway. I'll wait for a few days for some news from the phone and see if I can come back for the test." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


"Then why do you have such an ugly expression?"    


"Do I look bad?" Xia Huanhuan asked, and Lu Xiaorong directly passed the makeup mirror to her.    


Xia Huanhuan took the mirror and looked at herself in it. Her face was pale.    


"Oh right, I have two tickets to the fan club. Tomorrow is Saturday, do you want to go together?" Lu Xiaorong said.    


Xia Huanhuan thought about what Jun Ziyan said before he left and shook her head. "No, I still have things to do tomorrow."    


One night, Xia Huanhuan kept thinking about what Jun Ziyan had said during the day. He said that whether she liked it or not, he wanted to be her boyfriend; he said, "They're dating."    


She … Was he unable to dodge it? Even though the Promise of Ten Years had yet to truly arrive, but … But he couldn't dodge it?    


He was domineering in his decision, but could she only passively accept it?    


The next day, Xia Huanhuan got up with a pair of panda eyes, obviously not having slept well that night. In the bathroom, washing her face in a daze, she heard Lili say from outside, "Hey, Sofia, there's a beautiful man standing outside our dorm. I've never seen him before, but he doesn't seem to be from our school."    


Generally, few people would describe a man as beautiful. Xia Huanhuan's mind raced as she ran from the bathroom to the balcony and down the stairs.    


From her angle, she could see a tall figure wearing a set of white clothes and pants standing straight on the empty ground below the room. He was holding a mobile phone in his hand. His head was lowered as if he was looking at something on the phone.    


Around them, there were quite a few girls observing and whispering to each other. However, no one dared to approach them.    


Although she was as beautiful as an idol star, attracting people's eyes, the heavy aura of death exuding from the man's body seemed to be a silent warning to those around her to not approach.    


Suddenly, as if he had felt her gaze, the other party abruptly raised his head, and his eyes that were like black lotuses looked towards Xia Huanhuan.    



It was Jun Ziyan!    


She had thought that he had come to pick her up so that he could wait for her at the school gate. She hadn't thought that he would come straight to the dormitory and wait for her there!    


Jun Ziyan tilted his chin back and looked directly at Xia Huanhuan. Perhaps it was because he had been looking at her for so long that Lili couldn't help but ask Xia Huanhuan, "Huanhuan, do you know him?"    


"Yes." Xia Huanhuan replied and ran back into the room from the balcony. She quickly combed her hair and changed her clothes before saying goodbye to Lu Xiaorong. Then, she ran out of the room and hurried down to the internet science and technology entertainment area.    


"Why are you waiting for me here?" she asked, running to him.    


"Can't I?" He put away his cell phone, lifted his hand, and smoothed down her hair, which was a little messy from running.    


The girls who were originally watching downstairs started to whisper even louder when they saw this scene. Xia Huanhuan glanced around and saw that many of the girls were from her dorm.    


"Also …" No, where's your car? Parked at the school gates? " she asked.    


"Yes." He nodded slightly.    


She quickly pulled him towards the school gate. His Lamborghini was visible in many ordinary cars.    


When they got into the car, Xia Huanhuan let out a sigh of relief. "Next time, just call me at the school gate." she said to him.    


He frowned. "Am I shameful?"    


"Huh?" She was stunned.    


"You don't want me to be in front of those people, do you?" He leaned toward her.    


She stared at the face in front of her. He was sensitive, and she could sense the meaning behind some of her actions.    


She pursed her somewhat dry lips and said, "I …" "I need some time to get used to it …" Or rather, she always felt that once she pulled him into the circle of her life, the relationship between her and him would become even more ambiguous.    


He started the car and said nothing more.    


Xia Huanhuan asked Jun Ziyan, "Where are we going now?"    


"Aquarium." "No," he replied.    


The aquarium was built on the outskirts of the city, an hour's drive from Xia Huanhuan's school.    


"Have you had breakfast?" she asked.    


"Nope." Jun Ziyan answered.    


Therefore, Xia Huanhuan told Jun Ziyan to stop at the breakfast stand not far from the school.    


Because it was already past the peak hours of the morning, there were not many people at the booth at the moment. Jun Ziyan sitting in such a breakfast stall gave people a feeling that it wasn't quite the same.    


The stall owner clearly had not expected such a customer to arrive so early in the morning, especially since the black Lamborghini was parked not far from the stall.    


"Do you come here often to eat?" Jun Ziyan looked around and asked.    


"Mmm, this place isn't far from the school. Sometimes, when I'm tired of school breakfast, I would come over to buy some." "No," she said. He also handed the sauce on the table to Ye Zichen, "When you eat the noodles, you can add some of their family's special sauce. It can't be eaten anywhere else."    


He glanced at the sauces she handed him, but said nothing. He obediently scooped some and put them in the broth.    


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