Evil CEO's Favorites

C33 Chapter 33

C33 Chapter 33

0Wearing a peaked cap, sunglasses, and a gray t-shirt and jeans, Mei Xinyi stopped Xia Huanhuan in front of the teaching building in K University. "Are you free?"    


It was obvious that the other party was here on purpose. Xia Huanhuan asked, "Look at you, aren't you afraid of being recognized?"    


"It doesn't matter if you recognize him. I just came to see an old friend. Speaking of which, K University is also my alma mater." Mei Xinyi smiled.    


Xia Huanhuan slightly pursed her lips. In the end, she found a coffee shop with Mei Xinyi and sat down.    


"Why are you looking for me?" Xia Huanhuan went straight to the point.    


"I just wanted to chat with you." Mei Xinyi said.    


"I don't think we have anything to talk about."    


"Even if there's nothing else to talk about, at least we can talk about Nanqing, right?" Mei Xinyi said while sipping her coffee.    


Xia Huanhuan raised her eyes, waiting for the other party's next words.    


Sure enough, Mei Xinyi continued, "I know that you are currently working at a small company that Sihai Group just purchased. Nanqing even asked you to be in charge of the renovation work of the property that he owns, but I hope you understand that you and him have already passed the reading for the full text of the internet science and technology entertainment. "I am his current girlfriend. The one he chose is me after all."    


"I'm not interested in Ye Nanqing." Xia Huanhuan said coldly, "If this is a warning, then there's no need."    


"Then are you dating Jun Ziyan right now?" Mei Xinyi suddenly said.    


"This is my private matter."    


"Don't worry, I'm only concerned about it as an old friend." Mei Xinyi shrugged and looked at Xia Huanhuan with an indescribable envy and jealousy.    


"If that's all you want to say, then I'm going." Just as Xia Huanhuan was about to get up, she saw a waiter, who was passing by their table, brush her shoulder with a customer. The waiter poured a glass of orange juice onto Mei Xinyi's back and poured more than half the juice onto her.    


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The waiter apologized profusely.    


"Never mind." Mei Xinyi, on the other hand, did not get angry as usual. Instead, she said to Xia Huanhuan, "Would you mind accompanying me to the washroom?"    


Xia Huanhuan followed Mei Xinyi to the washroom. There was no one there, so after locking the door, Mei Xinyi said, "It was just dumped on my back. Could you help me zip off my back and wipe it?" As she spoke, she tossed her long hair to the side and displayed her back in front of Xia Huanhuan.    


After a moment of silence, Xia Huanhuan finally stretched out her hand and pulled down the zipper on Mei Xinyi's back. A savage scar could be seen on his back.    


For an actress, having a long scar on her body was a fatal flaw. However, no news media had ever mentioned Mei Xinyi having such a scar on her body.    


Xia Huanhuan pulled out a wet tissue and helped Mei Xinyi wipe her back.    


"Xia Huanhuan, I need to thank you." Mei Xinyi's voice sounded in the washroom, "If it wasn't for you, perhaps I wouldn't have had the chance to see Nanqing in my entire life, much less know that we met each other when we were young. And the person he has been looking for is me."    


"You don't have to thank me. It's yours. No one can take it away from you." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


"Yes, it's mine. It must be mine." Mei Xinyi smiled with her red lips, "Did you know? This scar on my back, I intend to keep it for the rest of my life, because this scar was left because of Nanqing. "    


Both of them understood this.    


— —    


At night, enchanting and intoxicating.    


The nights in B City were always rich, but there were some places that even if one was rich, one might not be able to enter. Just like the famous B City nightclub in the Moonlight Maze City, those who were able to enter were stuck at first. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to enter, but those who were able to buy were the lords of the imperial city.    


Moonlight Maze City's customers were carefully selected. Naturally, the quality of the interior wasn't something that ordinary nightclubs could compare to. Lights, environment, various entertainment items … They were all the best. Some people even said that if the young ladies from the Lunar Fantasy City were dragged over for a beauty pageant, they would definitely be able to win a variety of awards.    


The second floor of the private room had a glass-shaped wall. From the inside, one could see the stage performance in the main hall. However, one could not see the inside of the room from the outside.    


The lights in the ceiling were constantly changing colors, dancing, and singing. There were even some who directly kissed Chanmian in front of everyone.    


These scenes were all normal in the nightclub, but when Jun Ziyan came to the nightclub, he just sat there without drinking or playing, that was the strange scene in people's eyes.    


After Cui Fann finished playing his cards, he saw Jun Ziyan sitting on the sofa, fiddling with the phone in his hand, as if everything around him was isolated from him.    


He walked closer to take a look, only to realize that his friend was looking at Xia Huanhuan's photo on his cell phone. His friend's slender fingers were constantly flipping through the photos one by one. It could be seen that there were quite a few photos of Xia Huanhuan on Jun Ziyan's phone.    


"I heard that you're not in a good mood these past few days?" Cui Fann sat beside Jun Ziyan and said.    


Unfortunately, Jun Ziyan didn't care about Cui Fann at all.    


Fortunately, Cui Fann didn't mind and continued to talk to himself, "Is it because of Xia Huanhuan?"    


Jun Ziyan stopped when he flipped through the photo. Cui Fann immediately knew that he guessed right.    


"A quarrel?" he guessed.    


Jun Ziyan finally raised his head and looked at Cui Fann solemnly. "Shut up."    


Unfortunately, someone still did not know the meaning of life and death. "If it's a quarrel, then it's better to say it's because of some matter. Maybe I can help you come up with an idea."    


"I want you to shut up!" Jun Ziyan's hand suddenly pressed down on Cui Fann's shoulder. The next moment, Cui Fann was thrown to the ground by Jun Ziyan.    




The heavy sound of the landing caused the originally noisy private room to instantly become quiet. After a short moment, the surroundings resounded with the sounds of laughter and whistles.    


Hua Zhilin, who usually had a good relationship with Cui Fann, walked up and helped him up. "What did you say to anger Third Young Master Jun?"    


Cui Fann smiled bitterly. In his memory, he was only thrown like this by Jun Ziyan once. It meant that he was in an extremely bad mood. Apparently, he had hit the nail on the head.    


However, it also meant that Ziyan was in an extremely bad mood.    


There was a Miss Wu on the side. Seeing the situation, she rushed over to Jun Ziyan and said with a smile, "Third young master, why are you so angry? If you're here, then you don't have to be. I'll drink three cups with you to ease your anger."    


"F * ck off." Jun Ziyan turned his head and said coldly to the girl called Xiao Ke.    


It was only now that she could clearly see the man's appearance. He was handsome, yet he exuded a kind of indifferent, devilish coldness. The empty, silent eyes made the people who were staring feel a sense of fear, but at the same time, she couldn't help but want to see his eyes.    


She was so focused that she didn't even notice what the other person was saying.    



Someone at the side jeered, "This little one, our third young master is famous for not being beautiful, so you're wasting your time. Why don't you come over and have a drink with me?"    


However, Xiao didn't want to give up. He immediately got closer to Jun Ziyan and raised his hand to grab Jun Ziyan's chest. However, he was abruptly pushed away by the other party's hand.    


"Don't touch me!" "Nope," Jun Ziyan said in annoyance. No matter how much Xia Huanhuan made him upset and uncomfortable, she was the only woman that could touch him! " You are not qualified to touch me. "    


Xiao Ke embarrassedly covered her hurting hands while her other sisters looked like they were watching a joke.    


A pair of watery eyes were suddenly filled with mist. She bit her lower lip with her white teeth. At this moment, she looked so pitiful.    


Unfortunately, Jun Ziyan didn't even take a glance at Xiao Ke.    


On the other hand, the man that made a fuss just now wrapped his arms around Lil 'K's shoulders and said with a breath filled with the smell of alcohol, "Come, come, Third Young Master doesn't want you. We want." "As she spoke, she gave Xiao Ke a few kisses on the face and squeezed Xiao Ke's plump breasts with her large hands.    


Xiao Ke recognized this person. It was Lu Yao. He had picked her table a few times, but all she knew was that he seemed to be working in the government. The law of C.    


Lu Yao drank a few more cups with Xiao Ke. Xiao Ke took the opportunity to ask, "Who is that Third Young Master? I don't think I've seen it before. "    


"He rarely comes here." Lu Yao let out a burp as he raised his chin towards Little Ke and asked, "What? You've fallen for this Third Young Master?"    


"Just curious." Half of my body was pressed against Lu Yao. "Tell me about it."    


"Him? You really shouldn't have any ideas about him. I … I've never seen him fall in love with a woman before. "    


"He's gay?"    


"Haha, that's interesting, but I don't think I've ever seen him act this way."    


"As long as it's not gay, it's impossible not to be interested in women." In this place, she had seen too many men. Some of them were very decent, but they didn't reveal their true colors after entering this place. It was just a matter of time.    


That Lu Yaojiao, who had regained his senses, felt a little muddle-headed. He immediately said, "Sure, Little, you …" "If you can get into bed with Third Young Master, I'll give you that car in front of my door!"    


Normally speaking, Lu Yao would never have said these words out loud. Yet, he had to say them now.    


Xiao Ke was immediately moved, "Really?"    


"Of course, is there any falsehood in my words?" Lu Yao patted his chest in assurance.    


Xiao Ke's gaze looked at Jun Ziyan in the distance and his entire body was itching to try. He could sleep with a man like that, but how could he have a car? Two birds with one stone couldn't be any better.    


However, the Xiao Ke at this moment would never think that some men could not be touched easily. If they were to do so, they might bring disaster upon themselves.    


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