Evil CEO's Favorites

C35 Chapter 35

C35 Chapter 35

0At this point, what could be wrong with this? Cui Fann smiled bitterly. He could only try his best to hold Jun Ziyan's hand to prevent him from hurting his body again.    


Since Jun Zichen had come out, then even if he kidnapped her, he would at least drag Xia Huanhuan here with him! Cui Fann thought.    


Xia Huanhuan did not expect that after a few days of cold war, the first call she received was not from Jun Ziyan, but from Jun Zichen.    


The other party's tone was also very straightforward, "Xia Huanhuan, I'm Jun Zichen, where are you now?"    


Xia Huanhuan was a little confused, but she still replied, "It's in the school dormitory."    


"Where is your school? Location?! "    


Jun Zichen's cold voice was filled with a sense of majesty to begin with. Especially when he said it, it sounded more like an order. Xia Huanhuan reported the location to him almost instinctively.    


After reporting it, he realized that he could just not say anything at all.    


"I'll be at your school's gate in ten minutes. Wait for me at the school's gate to turn pure Yang into wind!" Jun Zichen said.    


"What?" Xia Huanhuan thought she had heard wrongly.    


"In ten minutes, if I can't see you at the school gate, I'll personally come to your room to look for you." Saying that, Jun Zichen ended the call.    


Xia Huanhuan looked at her phone in a daze.    


Lu Xiaorong asked curiously, "Who called?"    


"Jun Ziyan's brother." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


Lu Xiaorong was flabbergasted. "That Jun Zichen?" Because of her good friend's relationship with Jun Ziyan, Lu Xiaorong had worked at the Jun Family hundreds of times online, so she naturally knew about Jun Zichen.    


The three brothers of the Jun Family, Jun Zichen, was their boss. Although he was only thirty-three years old, he was already holding the position of general, and it could be said that he was advancing at the speed of a rocket. This kind of speed was rarely seen in the history of Jun Family, and there were even prophecies that he might advance to general at the age of forty, with the possibility of him taking charge of the entire military in the future.    


Of course, what made people talk about was not only Jun Zichen's speed of advancement, but also his coldness. There was once a gangster leader's daughter even kidnapped him because of a crush on him. She even pointed a gun at his head and told him to say she loved her.    


In the end, Jun Zichen only said one sentence, "The person I will depend on in this life is not you."    


This sentence was heard by many of the people who came to rescue them. No one knew who spread it and it caused a wave of heated discussion on the internet. It was more important to discuss whether speaking the truth or protecting one's life was more important.    


Of course, there were quite a few women who were tempted by these words. They wondered if Jun Zichen already had a lover, and were curious about who Jun Zichen's lover would be if there was one.    


Unfortunately, Jun Zichen himself did not say anything, and those related to him kept it a secret.    


Under the circumstances where the group of gossip reporters could not find any clues, after a long time, they finally stopped.    


"Right." Xia Huanhuan nodded, her heart was also puzzled. Logically speaking, Jun Zichen would definitely not look for her for no reason, and Jun Ziyan was the only person that could be associated with her.    


Could it be … Something to do with Jun Ziyan?!    


Thinking of this, Xia Huanhuan started to get nervous. She looked at the time on her phone. Five minutes had passed since the call.    


After some thought, she quickly put on her shoes and said to Lili, "Sofia, I'm going out for a while."    


"Now?" Lu Xiaorong looked at the time, "In another 20 minutes, it'll be time to turn off the lights." In the dorms of the school, once the lights were out, the doors of the dormitories would close. At that time, even if one wanted to, they wouldn't be able to enter.    


"Well, I'll be back before the lights go out." Xia Huanhuan said as she ran out of the room.    


After jogging all the way to the school gates, Xia Huanhuan saw a silver Mercedes-Benz driving over. The Mercedes stopped in front of her and Jun Zichen got out of the car.    


"Follow me." "No," he said.    


"Where to?" Xia Huanhuan was confused.    


"Go to Ziyan!" Jun Zichen opened the passenger door.    


"Sorry, it's too late now. The lights will be out soon, I have to go back to the dorm before the lights are out." Xia Huanhuan replied, "Mr. Jun, if you have anything to say, you can say it now."    


"If you don't want Ziyan to live and die, you'd better come with me right now!" "No," Lili said.    


What do you mean? Xia Huanhuan was stunned. However, before she could understand what was going on, Jun Zichen had already stuffed her into the car.    


Xia Huanhuan glanced at the man beside her as the car sped down the road like an arrow off a bow. Jun Zichen's expression was terrifyingly gloomy. Coupled with what he just said, it gave her a sudden feeling that something bad had happened to Ziyan.    


"Jun Ziyan, he …" What's going on? " Xia Huanhuan asked.    


There was a stifled silence in the carriage. Just when Xia Huanhuan thought Jun Zichen wouldn't answer her, she suddenly heard a cold voice, "He was drugged."    




Xia Huanhuan was stunned.    


When she arrived at the small room in the Moonlight Maze City and saw Jun Ziyan, she finally understood what Jun Zichen meant by "drugged".    


His handsome face was covered with red and yearning. His fair skin had many scratches. He was in a semi-exhausted state. No one could even say whether he was conscious or not.    


The thin blanket covered Jun Ziyan's body. Seeing Xia Huanhuan and Jun Zichen walk in, Liu Tie couldn't help but feel relieved.    


Finally … Jun Zichen really did bring Xia Huanhuan over.    


"I don't care what you think. The only one who can help Ziyan now is you." Jun Zichen said to Xia Huanhuan. Rather than calling it a request, it would be more appropriate to call it a command.    


Solve it? How was he going to deal with it? It couldn't be that he wanted her to … Xia Huanhuan's face suddenly turned red as she came up with a solution!    


"I …"    


Unfortunately, before he could finish, he was interrupted by Jun Zichen, "If you don't want to say it, I will feed you the same medicine as Ziyan!"    


Xia Huanhuan suddenly felt a chill coming up from the bottom of her feet. Jun Zichen was simply hinting to her that if she wasn't willing, then Jun Ziyan would be as miserable as he was willing to be!    


On the other hand, Cui Fann said to Xia Huanhuan, "Other than you, Ziyan wouldn't let any other woman touch him at all. That's why he came to find you." The medicine he took is very potent. If it is not taken care of, his body will probably collapse in the future. "    


Cui Fann then followed Jun Zichen out of the room and locked the door.    



Only Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan were left in the room. His breathing, heavy and ragged, disturbed all her thoughts.    


Her mind was filled with Jun Zichen's and Cui Fann's words. For a moment, facing Jun Ziyan, she was at a loss as to what to do.    


"Lu..." "Lu …" She heard Jun Ziyan mumbling her name. His eyes were closed and his body was curled up into a ball. His hands seemed to be constantly moving in the thin blanket while his face was filled with pain.    


She could not help but step forward and place her hand on his face.    


His body jolted, and as if he had sensed her presence, his eyelashes fluttered, and he slowly opened his eyes.    


Her originally empty eyes were now filled with red silk. Although her pitch-black pupils were staring directly at her, it didn't seem as if they were focused at all.    


"Huanhuan!" "Huanhuan …" He suddenly called out her name eagerly, and a hand reached out from the thin blanket and suddenly clasped her wrist.    


"Ah!" Xia Huanhuan screamed as she felt herself being pulled by a strong force.    


The next moment, she was dragged out of bed by Jun Ziyan and was forced to lie on top of him. Even though there was a thin blanket between them, Xia Huanhuan could clearly feel something hot on her abdomen.    


She wasn't a child who didn't know anything, so she naturally knew what it was. At that moment, Xia Huanhuan's face turned even redder.    


His grip on her wrist was tight, and her fingers were like iron pincers, making it impossible for her to break free. She thought that he wouldn't have much strength left at the moment, but she didn't expect that even after he had been tortured by the medicine, his strength was still much greater than hers.    


"Yes …" "Huanhuan …" His Adam's apple rolled as he mumbled hoarsely. The tip of her nose was her breath, and in her palm was her temperature. Her arrival made him feel better, but it also made him feel worse. The swelling on his lower body made the pain even worse. I... "So uncomfortable …"    


She could naturally see that he was in an extremely terrible state. "You …" Let go of me first. " Xia Huanhuan hurriedly said.    


However, he couldn't hear what she was saying. He only knew that the current him — "I want to …" Want You... "I really want to …" He wanted to press her down, wanted to pierce through her!    


His mind was getting more and more erratic. Instinctively, he turned over and pressed her down on him.    


This time, it was him getting on and off her.    


Xia Huanhuan felt that the air in her lungs was about to be squeezed out by Jun Ziyan.    


His lips pressed against her face, and he kissed Tian like a dog, wildly and eagerly, and his hand had ripped away her clothes.    


Xia Huanhuan screamed. Her hands instinctively tried to cover her chest, but they were pulled back by him. He lifted her hands high into the air …    


The top of her head, her lips pressed down heavily on the softness of her chest.    


The exposed skin on his body was covered with goosebumps as it suddenly came in contact with the air. However, her chest had become scalding hot because of his suckling.    


She could even feel his tongue and teeth …    


"Jun... "Jun Ziyan …" Xia Huanhuan shouted, but she didn't know what to say. If he was awake, perhaps she could have asked him to stop, but now … Under the effects of the medicine, he was no longer under the control of his mind.    


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