Evil CEO's Favorites

C12 Chapter 12

C12 Chapter 12

0"Yeah, she always knew he was different from ordinary people. I never played with him." Xia Huanhuan looked straight at Cui Fann.    


"Do you love him?" After looking at Xia Huanhuan for a while, Cui Fann said lightly, "Probably not." Is it because of his illness? "    


Xia Huanhuan was stunned. Was it because of Jun Ziyan's autism? Thus, from the very beginning, she had never listed him as someone she could fall in love with. Even though the doctor declared that his autism was almost completely cured, in her eyes, he was still a patient and not a normal person.    


Seeing that she did not say anything, Cui Fann did not continue. He could not help but feel a sense of horror in his heart.    


Today, because of this woman's words, Ziyan could let himself be beaten to a bloody pulp. Then another day, if this woman fell in love with someone else, what would happen to Ziyan?    


Cui Fann suddenly found it hard to imagine.    


There were five stitches on Jun Ziyan's forehead. The rest of the wounds were only minor, they only needed to be treated for a few days, nothing serious would happen.    


Xia Huanhuan relaxed a little and called Lili. "Xiaorong, I'm not coming back to bed tonight."    


"What's wrong? What's the matter? " Lu Xiaorong asked.    


"Well, a friend of mine had a problem and went to the hospital. I'll be there tonight." Xia Huanhuan answered.    


Lu Xiaorong said a few words of comfort and then hung up the phone after asking her friend to take care of her body during the night.    


Xia Huanhuan put away her phone and went into the bathroom. She washed off the dried blood on her hands one by one and then washed the handkerchief that she had been holding in her hands.    


However, even after being washed many times, there was still a faint layer of blood on the handkerchief. It was deeply ingrained.    


Raising her head, Xia Huanhuan looked at herself in the mirror. At this moment, her face was still pale, her hair was messy, and her clothes were stained with mottled bloodstains — these were all Jun Ziyan's blood!    


Jun Ziyan's ward was the VIP room in the hospital. Compared to the ordinary ward, it was a lot bigger and a lot more luxurious. There was a TV on the sofa and everything was ready.    


When she pushed open the door of the ward, Xia Huanhuan saw Cui Fann talking to Jun Ziyan. Both of them looked towards her when they saw her enter.    


"Then I'll go back first." Cui Fann stood up and left the ward.    


In the huge ward, only Xia Huanhuan and Jun Ziyan were left. After closing the door gently, Xia Huanhuan walked to the bed and looked at Jun Ziyan. He still had salt water on his hands, and he was wearing a hospital gown. The blood on his face and hair had obviously been cleaned up.    


"How's the wound? Does it hurt? " Xia Huanhuan asked.    


"What would you do if I said it hurt?" Jun Ziyan asked.    


Xia Huanhuan choked. That's right, even if he was in pain, what could she do?    


He raised his hand that was not pricked in the slightest, and suddenly lifted his forehead. There were stitches on his forehead that had originally been smooth. Although it was not very long, and it could be seen, the doctor's sewing technique was also very high, very neat. However, it still appeared to be a perfect piece of porcelain, like a crack had appeared. It became incomplete.    


"Ugly?" he murmured.    


She shook her head. "Don't worry, the doctor said that if you recover well, you won't leave a scar."    


"Would you like me if I didn't look good?" To him, whether it would leave a scar or be painful was not what he meant. The only thing he cared about was her reaction, "You said it before, because I'm good-looking, you will like me."    


She was stunned. It was a childish phrase from her childhood, and at that time, she felt that he was as pretty as a Barbie doll, and that she could dress him up as she pleased. He didn't complain at all, so she always kept those words in her mouth.    


However, these words had only been casually said when she was young. She didn't expect him to remember them all the time.    


"Is my liking really that important?" she asked.    


"Very important." His answer did not have the slightest hesitation, just like this answer, it was both natural and natural.    


Her fingers gently caressed his forehead and slid around his wound. This man had protected her even under such circumstances. If it wasn't for him, then she would be the one lying in the hospital right now.    


"I wouldn't dislike you just because you were hurt." she said.    


He suddenly straightened his body and raised his chin even more. Under the light of the lamp, his pale skin and eyes brimmed with coldness and desire.    


It was clearly a contradiction between the two, but it was so naturally reflected on his body.    


"Huanhuan, kiss me!" he whispered.    


As for her, she was actually unable to say anything to refuse. His eyes seemed to suck in her entire soul, leaving her at a loss as to what to do.    


It could be because he couldn't bear it, or because he was moved, or … It's regret, and I want to make it up to you …    


Xia Huanhuan couldn't tell what kind of emotion occupied her body at the moment. The only thing she knew was that she couldn't refuse his plea right now.    


"You … "Close your eyes." she asked.    


Obediently, he closed his eyes, his long, thick, dark eyelashes growing more distinct.    


She held his face in one hand and held his hair with the other, looking at him steadily. Her heart was beating faster, announcing her current nervousness. She had clearly had intimate physical contact with him before, but this was the first time she felt this kind of nervousness.    


Was it because she took the initiative this time? Kiss him?    


Taking a deep breath, Xia Huanhuan slowly bent her body down. Her lips landed near the wound on Jun Ziyan's forehead, as if comforting his pain.    


A sigh of satisfaction escaped his lips, and he clasped his hands around her waist.    


"Huanhuan, I like it when you kiss me. Kiss me more!"    


So it turned out that her initiative could make him so happy. It was as if all the pain from his wounds had disappeared without a trace, and his limbs and bones were all soaked in warmth, causing him to be intoxicated.    


This was a sort of infatuation, a kind of ingrained infatuation, a morbid and unquenchable infatuation!    


Jun Ziyan needed to stay in the hospital for two days to observe his injuries. Even though Jun Ziyan was unwilling, Xia Huanhuan still insisted that he stay in the hospital to ensure that there would be no problems with the wound before she could be at ease.    


On the second day after Jun Ziyan was hospitalized, Xia Huanhuan saw Jun Zichen — the young master of Jun Family, Jun Ziyan's elder brother.    


Someone once used the word "cold" to describe the three brothers from Jun Family. If Jun Ziyan's coldness was a type of emptiness and desolation that made people unable to find any sense of existence in his eyes, then Jun Zichen's coldness was a kind of icy coldness that made people unable to approach him.    


Facing such a man, just standing in front of you and quietly looking at you was enough to make you feel terrified.    


When the uniformed Jun Zichen appeared in front of Xia Huanhuan and shouted her name with a cold voice, she was stunned.    



Although she had met Jun Zichen a few times before, they were not familiar with each other. To put it harshly, Xia Huanhuan felt that Jun Zichen probably never really looked at her before.    


Now, ten years later, Jun Zichen wasn't surprised at all by her sudden appearance. He even recognized her instantly.    


"Yes." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


"Jun Zichen." He gave his name as well as his identity, and his next words were simply, "Ziyan was injured because of you."    


Not a question, but a certainty.    


"Yes." She did not avoid admitting it.    


Her black phoenix eyes stared at Xia Huanhuan, causing her palms to unconsciously break out in cold sweat. It was a pair of phoenix eyes that was similar to Jun Ziyan's. However, within those eyes, there was a trace less clear and a trace more enchanting and sharp.    


"Don't let Ziyan get injured again in the future." After Jun Zichen said this, he turned around and left without even listening to Xia Huanhuan's reply.    


Xia Huanhuan walked into the ward and saw Jun Ziyan sitting quietly on the bed. He didn't do anything, as if he was just … stupefied!    


Upon seeing her enter, his originally empty eyes suddenly brimmed with a certain radiance.    


Jun Ziyan got off the bed and quickly walked in front of Lili. He put his arms around her and buried his head in her shoulder, "Huanhuan …" There was even a hint of coquettishness in the mute mutterings.    


Xia Huanhuan's body stiffened for a moment, but she didn't push Jun Ziyan away. Instead, she said, "Don't press on the wound."    


"It doesn't matter." As long as he could hug her like this, so what if he pressed her down to the wound?    


"Don't act recklessly!" Xia Huanhuan said. After a long time, she finally took it out from Jun Ziyan's arms. "I met your big brother at the ward's door just now."    


"Oh." He answered with an uninterested tone.    


"How did he recognize me at a glance?" Xia Huanhuan was curious about this. After all, her appearance had changed a lot in ten years of hard work, not to mention that she could even count it with her fingers when she fought with Jun Zichen.    


"Big Brother has seen your picture before." Jun Ziyan answered.    


"Photographs?" She didn't understand, and he didn't seem to want to explain. He just stared at her and suddenly asked, "What do you think about my big brother?"    


"Not bad at all." Xia Huanhuan said honestly. Other than Jun Zichen's terrifying aura, his appearance was much better than those idol celebrities.    


Jun Ziyan's black eyes darkened. He suddenly approached Xia Huanhuan and bit her lips in a punitive manner.    


A sudden stabbing pain spread out from her lips. She instinctively wanted to retreat, but her lower lip was still in his mouth. Pulling on it would only make her suffer even more.    


She wanted to push him away, but before she could raise her hands, he skillfully cut them behind her back.    


"Jun Ziyan …" She mumbled his name and stared at him.    


No matter how he acted coquettishly, how he acted cutely, and was as docile as a sheep, at this moment, he was truly a wolf with its fangs bared.    


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