Futian Sword Fanatics

C151 eerie fluctuation

C151 eerie fluctuation

0"Of course!"    


It was obvious that he was abnormally excited at the moment. He used his withered fingers to take down the bottle of Dragon Bodhi Leaf from Huangfu Qianqiu's tongue!    


"Item exchange, we can start the trade now!"    


Huangfu Qianqiu's eyes lit up!    




The ghost flame in the Yin Yang Faceless Ghost Hat flickered, and then, Huangfu Qianqiu placed the Dragon Bodhi Leaf on the table. Seeing this, Huangfu Qianqiu also placed the money and spatial storage container on the table!    


Then, the two of them pushed the items out of the way!    


The item slid down to the other party!    


The deal was a success!    


"Hahaha, Grand Helmsman Huangfu, we'll meet again in the future!"    


After obtaining the Royal Spatial Container and the soul coin, Yin Yang Faceless Ghost waved his sleeves, and his figure immediately floated into the air!    


The devil fire in his hat flickered, and very quickly, his entire body disappeared!    


Naturally, he had obtained the Royal Spatial Container and couldn't wait to transplant the Fire Ghost Tree!    


"How is it, did the deal work?"    


Seeing that the Faceless Ghost had suddenly disappeared, Shi Long immediately rushed into the inner hall to ask, while Mo Lin and the rest followed closely behind!    


"Reporting to Master, the deal is a success. This is the Houtian Dragon Bodhi Leaf!"    


As Huangfu Qianqiu said this, he handed the Dragon Bodhi Leaf back to Shi Long!    


"Not bad, Brother Mo Lin, here, for you!"    


Stone Dragon received the Dragon Bodhi leaf from Mo Lin and immediately handed it to him!    


And Mo Lin, without hesitation, directly held onto the Dragon Bodhi leaf!    


He didn't feel much from not being able to touch the leaf at all. As soon as he did, a majestic aura of life began to emanate from within the leaf!    


"Bang, bang bang!"    


As Mo Lin held onto the Dragon Bodhi Leaf, he actually felt the heart beating of the leaf, and this heart beating seemed to have come from prehistoric times, from ancient times, giving Mo Lin a feeling of ancientness, like the flow of a great Dao!    


"The Dragon Subhuti Leaf actually has a heartbeat?" "How could that be?"    


Right at the moment when Mo Lin felt the heartbeat of the Dragon Bodhi Ye behind him, his pupils suddenly shrank!    


But before he could even react, the bottle of Dragon Bodhi Leaf cracked open on the spot, and the original body of the Dragon Bodhi Leaf transformed into a green ripple, which then entered between Mo Lin's eyebrows!    


And the moment that the green ripple entered Mo Lin's forehead, Mo Lin felt his vision go black, then his entire consciousness started to become hazy!    


"Brother Mo Lin, brother Mo Lin!"    


Sensing that Mo Lin's situation was not right, Shi Long, Shi Yi and the rest all roared madly!    


But the moment the green energy entered Mo Lin's body, Mo Lin closed all six of them, and he could not sense anything outside at all!    


"Let's go, quickly, bring the Mo Lin brothers back and call the best pharmacist in the Wild Dragon County over. The Mo Lin brothers can't get into trouble!"    


Seeing Mo Lin standing there motionlessly, like an ice corpse, the stone dragon immediately roared!    


As for Shi Yi, Master Shi, he carried Mo Lin and rushed out of the house without hesitation.    


At this moment, there was still a trace of fluctuation in Mo Lin's mind. In his consciousness, there was a cluster of green colored fluctuation that was rushing around inside his body like a raging dragon!    


The green ripple, moving from Mo Lin's forehead all the way down, Mo Lin had merged with the Canglong's cinnabar's blood and retreated two steps back when he saw the green ripple. It was as if he was exceptionally afraid of it, and what made Mo Lin even more surprised was that when the green ripple reached his dantian, the sword-shaped soul mark in his dantian, started to tremble in fear. You should know, this sword-shaped soul seal, was actually Jian Xiuluo's item, Jian Xiuluo's number one Evil God in Ancient Desolation.    


What was this green energy wave?    


Could it be that it wasn't the Dragon Bodhi leaf?    


Mo Lin's blurry consciousness was analyzing everything!    


Indeed, the later Dragon Bodhi Leaf simply could not shake the blood of his fusion Canglong's cinnabar at all, much less cause Jian Xiuluo's sword-shaped soul imprint to tremble!    


However, what exactly was this wave?    


Mo Lin could not understand, it was as if, in this world, other than the Heavenly Dao, there was nothing that could cause Jian Xiuluo's sword-shaped soul imprint to tremble!    


However, could it be that this green wave was Heavenly Energy?    


'How could this be?! '    


Mo Lin could not understand.    


Time passed. In the blink of an eye, three months had gone by!    


Mo Lin also lied in bed for an entire three months. At the end of the third month, the green ripple in Mo Lin's body, disappeared into Mo Lin's chest, and Mo Lin's consciousness slowly recovered!    


The current Mo Lin was still lying on the bed, he was motionless, like an ice corpse!    


Helmsman Shi, this old man will do his best, this Young Master Mo Lin, has lost all of his meridians, his life force is gone, there is nothing to be done, you should at least ask someone else!    


The number one medicinal master of the Wild Dragon County shook his head and left with the box!    


"NO!" Impossible, my brother Mo Lin is truly blessed with great fortune. Heavens, my brother Mo Lin, you actually dare to accept him! I refuse to accept this, I, Shi Long, refuse to accept this! "    


After hearing what the pharmacist said, Shi Long's expression completely darkened!    



But he did not believe, he did not believe that Mo Lin would fall just like that.    


It had to be known that during the three months that Mo Lin had been lying on the bed, the stone dragon had spent hundreds of trillion soul coins to search for all kinds of medicinal masters, but Mo Lin still had not woken up!    


"Brother Long, is Brother Mo Lin real?"    


Shi Yi choked with emotions as he looked at the scene of the Stone Dragon cursing in grief and indignation.    


"No way, Brother Mo Lin won't die, he won't die! If anything happens to him, even if I, Shi Long, die trying to kill him, I will still kill that Faceless Ghost! That bastard, I will kill him to avenge Brother Mo Lin!"    


In the days that Mo Lin had been lying down, he had blamed himself countless times. If not for the fact that he was going to give Mo Lin the Dragon Bodhi leaf after he died, Mo Lin would not have been harmed so cruelly!    


He hated him, he was furious, he regretted it, but no matter what he thought of, he could not save Mo Lin!    


Naturally, they did not know that Mo Lin's consciousness had already begun to revive. If they were to know, they would definitely be wild with joy!    


At this moment, Mo Lin's body was slowly recovering, and his consciousness was awakening little by little!    


And at that moment, Mo Lin had already opened his eyes!    




Following the waves of bone cracking sounds, Mo Lin sat up straight!    


After three months of not moving at all, even Mo Lin's bones had grown to become one!    


"How long have I been lying down?!"    


Mo Lin got up, shook his head, and relaxed his muscles and bones!    


It was also at this point that he suddenly realized that there was a long, tender bud in the center of his heart. It was green and glistening, filled with boundless life force. The power of the great Dao circulated, and was incredibly divine!    


"How could that be? Why is there a plant in the center of my heart? "    


Mo Lin saw a plant growing in the center of his heart, and his pupils immediately contracted!    


He tried his best to think back. He thought of the green energy that had been surging through his body before, and the Blood Sword Soul Seal's trembling with fear!    


"Is this the green wave?" Why does it grow on my chest? "    


Mo Lin couldn't understand it, but he found it hard to understand as well!    


He stared at his heart and pondered for an entire hour, but he still couldn't find anything wrong!    


Just as he was lost in thought, Shi Long and the others pushed open the door and entered!    


And just as the stone dragon pushed open the door and entered, his eyes locked with Mo Lin's!    


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