Path to the God

C385 Hundreds of feet of miserable death

C385 Hundreds of feet of miserable death

0When Liu Xing saw the Japanese swordsman slashing at him, he was not alarmed.    


"Come at me!"    


Liu Xing growled as a infant appeared in his hands. He held onto infant's legs with one hand and lifted him up with the other. When infant first appeared, her entire body was snow-white and she suddenly emitted a faint blue light.    


The moment they saw the faintly discernible blue infant, everyone was greatly shocked. They were puzzled in their hearts, but Ye Ruoshi turned pale with fright and shouted loudly, "No!"    


Ye Ruoshi had already recognized the blue colored infant that Liu Xing was carrying in his hand, it was the Ye Xiaomi that she had not seen for a long time. She did not understand why when facing the Japanese swordsman's strongest sword, Liu Xing would not use her sword to block it, but use Ye Xiaomi to block it.    


Ye Ruoshi could not understand, Ye Xiaomi was an innocent, living little life. Liu Xing had spent a lot of effort to save her, why did he use her as a shield now?    


Or perhaps, because Liu Xing was in a hurry, he randomly picked up something to block, and did not have time to care about what it was?    


In Ye Ruoshi's eyes, in order to survive, Liu Xing had actually used a small living being to exchange for it, and it might not even succeed, because when Japanese swordsman's sword cut Ye Xiaomi into two, it could also slice Liu Xing into two. Ye Ruoshi could not understand Liu Xing's method.    


Seeing that Ye Xiaomi and Liu Xing were about to be split into two, Ye Ruoshi closed her eyes. She did not dare to watch this scene and was also unwilling to accept it.    




The instant Ye Ruoshi closed her eyes, a light explosion rang out. Xiao Quanchunbaichi's Long sword hacked at his body, as though it was chopping at a cannon, causing a light explosion.    


Amidst the exploding sounds, Liu Xing was sent flying and heavily smashed onto the ground. However, Xiao Quanchunbaichi merely retreated a few steps, his arms became numb, and he could not help but tremble a little. He looked at Liu Xing, and frowned, not understanding why his hand suddenly had an additional infant.    


Seeing that Liu Xing and Liu Xing were still safe and sound and had only fallen to the ground, she felt a lot more at ease. Although he still had many questions and guesses in his heart, he suppressed them and focused on watching the battle between Liu Xing and Japanese swordsman.    




Japanese swordsman scolded, both hands holding her sword, she ran towards Liu Xing, slashing towards Liu Xing's head.    


Liu Xing did not dodge, and immediately raised Ye Xiaomi to block, and with a "bang" sound, Xiao Quanchunbaichi's sword struck Ye Xiaomi's stomach, causing him to retreat a few steps, while Liu Xing pushed the concrete floor beneath him into a concave, forming a faint human shape, where fresh blood continued to spurt out from the wound.    


The feeling of being suppressed was extremely unpleasant. Liu Xing turned around and stood up, held Ye Xiaomi up, and treated him like a Long sword. He immediately used One Sword Roaming Dragon and pierced towards Xiao Quanchunbaichi.    


Ye Xiaomi's body released a blue light that was five meters long, as though it was real. From five meters away, it pierced towards Xiao Quanchunbaichi, and when Xiao Quanchunbaichi slashed at the blue light, he wanted to cut the blue light in half.    


With a "puchi", Xiao Quanchunbaichi's Long sword directly passed through the blue light as if it was nothing at all. He thought that blue light was harmless, so he charged forward, prepared to quickly get close to Liu Xing and give him a fatal blow.    


Xiao Quanchunbaichi underestimated the blue light. He rushed forward and the blue light immediately pierced through his body!    




Xiao Quanchunbaichi's stomach was directly penetrated by the blue light. He let out a blood-curdling scream, and couldn't help but curse loudly. The intense pain made him feel as if his heart and head were about to explode.    


"Even when we're about to die, there's still 8%!"    


Liu Xing also cursed loudly, retracting Ye Xiaomi behind him. A long hole immediately appeared on his stomach, and they were going to wear each other.    




Liu Xing bellowed, he ran forward two steps, using his strength to stomp on the ground, he soared into the sky, using both of his hands to grab onto Ye Xiaomi's feet, and smashed at Xiao Quanchunbaichi's head.    


Xiao Quanchunbaichi was already severely injured, but when he saw Liu Xing bringing the infant down with a smash on his head, he immediately raised the Long sword in front of him to block.    


"Dang ~ ~"    


A loud and clear sound of impact rang out, Xiao Quanchunbaichi's Long sword was bounced to the side, Ye Xiaomi's small head smashed onto his head, causing him to become dizzy and dizzy, her head splitting apart.    




Liu Xing used wind control, his body still floating in the air, once again holding Ye Xiaomi, he swung towards Xiao Quanchunbaichi's head. Xiao Quanchunbaichi turned pale with fright, wanting to use his Long sword to block, but it was obviously too late.    




Just as he sat on the ground, the wound on Xiao Quanchunbaichi's stomach split open, causing him to bleed even more, the scene was too tragic to look at, the intense pain caused Xiao Quanchunbaichi to scream miserably, the sword in his hands could not even hold it, and it fell to the side.    


"Eight, your sister. Young Master will send you to hell!"    


As Liu Xing said this, he fell from the sky in front of Xiao Quanchunbaichi and swung his arm to smash Xiao Quanchunbaichi's head. This time, Xiao Quanchunbaichi had nowhere to hide.    


"Bang ~ ~"    


A muffled sound rang out, Xiao Quanchunbaichi's head was smashed into pieces like a watermelon by Ye Xiaomi's little head, but his body was still as spotless as ever. Xiao Quanchunbaichi had died a miserable death on the spot.    


When some of the Brother s saw that Xiao Quanchunbaichi had finally died, they came up and punched and kicked Xiao Quanchunbaichi's body. When Xiao Quanchunbaichi appeared, they immediately killed the two Brother s they had spent time with, and even killed three of the dark guard s.    




Liu Xing carried Ye Xiaomi in his arms, and shouted at the Brother s of the black blade, and then shouted towards Uncle Xu and Wei Yi: "Wei Yi, Uncle Xu, immediately bring the dead Brother s away, and leave this place to bury the dead Brother s deeply. If their families are still alive, with ten million each, their families will be able to live carefree lives in the future!"    


"Thank you, Boss!"    


The s of the black blade and dark guard s of the dark guard endured their grief and thanked Liu Xing. Then, they carried the corpses of the dead Brother s and left.    


Liu Xing kept all of Xiao Quanchunbaichi's corpse and the blood on the ground back into the Eternal World. Then, he walked to Ye Ruoshi's side while enduring the pain and wiped away the tears on his face.    


Liu Xing said to Ye Ruoshi seriously: "Ruo Shi, this is the law of the jungle, incomparably cruel, if not you die, then I die. You are smarter than me, I believe you understand the logic behind this!"    


Ye Ruoshi nodded her head, took a deep breath and said: "I understand, Liu Xing, you are injured. Let's go back to the villa.    




The two of them immediately walked towards Liu Xing's Cars. Ye Ruoshi drove, and Liu Xing kept Ye Xiaomi in his Eternal World.    


On top of the building that Song Yunxian was in, uncles looked at Liu Xing and Ye Ruoshi getting on the carriage and asked: "Miss Yunxian, do you want to make a move now?"    


Song Yunxian nodded his head, and said: "uncles, Da Shu, I believe you all have seen Liu Xing's most powerful killing move, it is that mysterious infant, I wonder what kind of origin you guys have, as though you all are able to destroy it, are you confident?"    


The uncles and the Da Shu looked at each other and the Da Shu said in a relaxed manner, "Sky Rank and the Earth Rank are two entirely different concepts. Him being able to use the infant to deal with a perfect Expert is not necessarily useful to us, not to mention, us two Heaven Ranked Expert are Heaven Ranked Expert s who know his various methods.    


uncles also said, "Third junior is right, even that Japanese swordsman just now, if he did not underestimate her opponent and think that the blue light was not dangerous at all, if she did not rush towards the blue light, the outcome of the battle might not be clear!"    



clenched his fists and said: "Alright, then that's it, uncles, Da Shu, Liu Xing's car will pass by the road below, you two will go down from the roof first, stop Liu Xing and Ye Ruoshi, cripple Liu Xing first, then grab Ye Ruoshi, I will get off the elevator immediately!"    




Song Yunxian's uncles and Da Shu replied and with a light jump, jumped to the top of the roof's fence. Without any hesitation, they immediately jumped down to the bottom of the building.    


Liu Xing and Ye Ruoshi were in danger!    


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