Path to the God

C268 exterminating hall of convergence

C268 exterminating hall of convergence

0Inside the main hall of the hall of convergence sat over a dozen people.    


The left and right protectors, the hall master of the Cyan Dragon Hall, the four great Warlord s, the hall master of the White Tiger Hall, and the four great Warlord s were all present. Only the principal position were empty;    


Left Protector slowly drank the tea. Suddenly, he drank a small piece of the tea leaves' dregs, and before he could spit it out, he swallowed it.    


Left Protector's face changed, he was furious and threw the teacup into the hall and shouted: "This Ren Daoyuan, he said that he has something to discuss with everyone, and it was so late at night that he made everyone gather at the main hall. The I gave him the face and he still hasn't appeared, and the Telephone still can't be beaten, what does he mean by this?"    


The Right Protector frowned slightly, looked at the Left Protector, and advised: "Left Protector, calm down, since you're here, then wait a little longer. Maybe before long, Ren Daoyuan will arrive!"    


Then, he extended his hand and pointed to the spot where the Vermillion Bird Hall Master was originally sitting, and scolded: "Look, even that bitch doesn't come. When I heard that she went to get close to Liu Xing, and that she came back today, I even personally beat up her own Telephone, and told her to come over and report on the situation. She actually didn't come as well, she's too gutsy!"    


In the next two days, Ximen Xiahui would be bringing Sect back to the Yanjing. At this critical moment, the hall of convergence was actually like a pile of loose sand, when Ren Daoyuan said that there would be a meeting, there was no one around, and even the Vermillion Bird was extremely powerful, not listening to what he and the Left Protector had to say. He was slightly worried in his heart, as if this was an ominous omen.    


Seeing that no one bothered, Left Protector continued to scold, "I see that Ren Daoyuan and that bitch Vermillion Bird don't want to live anymore. When Young Lord returns, I will definitely report them and let them have a hard time! And that Liu Xing, the I would definitely kill him and feed him to the dogs, the dogs … "    


"Old bastard! If you want to kill I, you have to have the ability! "    


A domineering voice suddenly resounded in the hall. The left and right protectors were shocked as they looked around in search of the source of the voice. Suddenly, a red figure appeared in the hall.    


Their eyes were all staring at the red shadow, which instantly turned into a solid body. A young man with white hair draped over his shoulders, who was as thin as a stick and wore a set of Red Suit s.    


"Liu Xing!"    


From the moment Liu Xing's voice came to him, he still had not reacted to it. He did not know why Liu Xing had suddenly appeared in the hall like a ghost.    


After Liu Xing left the clubhouse, he immediately called the Uncle Xu and told his everything. Then, he found the message Cao Mei had sent, found the location of the Juyi Hall Headquarters and directly headed towards there.    


As for the Uncle Xu, on the way to hall of convergence, he directly called for Ren Daoyuan to help him call the Telephone and ask him to gather the higher ups of the hall of convergence there.    


When Ren Daoyuan heard that Liu Xing wanted to destroy the hall of convergence, he was extremely happy and excited. He was proud of his decision from the start.    


First, he eliminated the Double Evil Alliance, and now, he wanted to exterminate the hall of convergence. If the black blade was in his hands, he definitely wouldn't be able to do it to such a degree, and would not dare to do it!    


Therefore, Ren Daoyuan immediately found an excuse and gathered all of the higher ups of the hall of convergence in the Juyi Hall Headquarters, waiting for Liu Xing to bring people to kill them.    


When Liu Xing came to the vicinity of the hall of convergence and met up with the rest, he asked the Uncle Xu to lead the black blade s to the main entrance to kill their way in without leaving anything alive. He immediately used a invisibility and went to the main hall, preparing to kill all of the high ranking members of the hall of convergence.    


Liu Xing pointed at Left Protector and said: "Old bastard, you kept saying that you will slaughter me and feed me to the dogs. I will slaughter you and feed you to the dogs today!"    


The left and right Protectors all stood up, activating internal force, revealing their cultivation, preparing to kill Liu Xing at any time.    


Left Protector pointed at Liu Xing and shouted, "Ignorant kids, arrogant and conceited, no matter what method you used to enter this place, I will make sure that you won't be able to return today. Brother, attack!"    


Under Left Protector's orders, everyone used whatever skills they had at their disposal to charge towards Liu Xing. The Azure Dragon and White Tiger were the closest to Liu Xing, so they were the first to use their Mountain Pushing Palm to attack Liu Xing from the front and back.    


Liu Xing activated Zhenqi, his long hair fluttering, the Azure Dragon crescent moon knife raised it above his head and attacked the green dragon.    


When Liu Xing was activating the Zhenqi, the left and right protectors turned pale with fright, their faces ashen, Liu Xing's cultivation was actually Mid Xuan class, causing them to be stunned on the spot.    


It was also the green dragon that bore the brunt of the attack. He suddenly felt a wave of pressure pressing down on him, causing his internal force to be stuck in place and unable to move. He could only watch helplessly as the Azure Dragon crescent moon knife cut down from his head like tofu, chopping him into two halves.    


Liu Xing had hacked the green dragon into two halves with a single slash, and with a twist of his hand, he slashed horizontally towards the side. The white tiger could only open its eyes wide, and felt its head flying in the air, before slamming its head onto the ground with a "Pa" sound.    


The eight hall of convergence s were so frightened that they directly peed their pants and had their eyes glazed. Liu Xing did not hesitate at all and continued to hack at them with his Azure Dragon crescent moon knife, putting them all on the ground in one move.    


When Liu Xing's blade split the green dragon into two, the Left and Right Protectors looked at each other and ran.    


But Liu Xing's killing speed was too fast. They had only ran a few steps, and before they could even run out of the hall, Liu Xing had directly used wind control and floated in front of them.    


The Left and Right Protectors saw a red figure suddenly appear in front of them, along with a large Blade. Without even thinking about it, they knew that Liu Xing had charged over, and with a "pa" sound, they knelt down on the ground and kowtowed as they shouted, "Liu Shao, spare me, spare me!"    


The Left and Right Protectors knew that if they dared to make a move against Liu Xing, they would definitely be insta-killed, so they had no choice but to kneel down and kowtow to Liu Xing, hoping that he would let them live.    


Liu Xing said indifferently: "What are you all saying, Louder. My ears aren't too good, I can't hear you clearly!"    


The protectors kowtowed even louder, causing them to bleed profusely, but they did not care about it at all. They continued to kowtow while shouting, "Liu Shao, spare me!"    


Liu Xing then said: "What is it? I still can't hear you clearly! "    


Left Protector shouted: Liu Shao, oh no, Grandpa Liu, please be merciful and let us go. Even if you want us to be your lackeys, we are willing!    


Liu Xing said: "Seeing your sincerity, get up!"    


The Left Protector was overjoyed, he stood up and cupped his fists towards Liu Xing, and said: "Thank you for sparing my life, Liu Shao!"    


Right Protector took the chance to stand up and cupped his fists towards Liu Xing, and said: "Thank you, Liu Shao!"    


Liu Xing raised his hand that wasn't holding onto a blade, and pressed down on the Right Protector, and said: "Hey, hey, I didn't say anything, I just heard his voice, I didn't hear your voice, I have to trouble you to continue kneeling down and kowtowing, and shout again!"    


The Right Protector was extremely furious in his heart, but in order to live, he endured it. He knelt on the ground again, kowtowing to Liu Xing as he shouted: "Grandpa Liu, I was wrong.    


Liu Xing shook his head and said indifferently: "I'm sorry, I didn't hear it clearly!"    


The Protector on the Right continued kowtowing and yelled in a heart-wrenching voice, "Grandpa Liu, I was wrong. Please be magnanimous and spare my life!"    


Liu Xing did not reply, he only pointed to the right protector and winked at the Left Protector, causing him to nod in understanding. He came to a realization and clenched his teeth, then suddenly activated the internal force, aimed at the right protector's head and smashed it down. With a "peng" sound, the right protector's head was smashed into pieces by the Left Protector's palm, the scream came to a stop.    


The right protector had never thought that he would die in the hands of his own people!    


Left Protector slapped his right Protector to death, wiped his hands on his clothes, and bowed to Liu Xing as he said: "Liu Shao, Right Protector doesn't know what's good for you, I have already helped Liu Shao deal with him, is Liu Shao satisfied?"    


Liu Xing smirked and laughed: "Aiya, you are indeed a talent, you are worse than pigs and dogs, you even want to kill your own people!"    


Left Protector's face froze for a moment, then he bowed and said, "As long as Liu Shao does not mind, in the future, I will be a dog of Liu Shao. I will bite whoever Liu Shao tells me to!"    


Liu Xing nodded his head in satisfaction and laughed: "En, not bad, I will keep your dog. You just killed a protector and spilled a bit of blood on my shoes, since you are one of my dogs, then I will trouble you to lick it clean for me!"    


However, he knew that if he were to make a move, would definitely want to die. Thus, he once again lowered himself and bowed down, while preparing to lick Liu Xing's shoes.    


Liu Xing lowered his head to look at Left Protector lying on the ground, the corners of his mouth raised into a sinister smile. Suddenly, he activated Zhenqi and used it to stomp on Left Protector's head.    



Although Left Protector acted like a dog in front of Liu Xing, he was not stupid and kept his guard up against Liu Xing, in case Liu Xing suddenly made a move and caught him off guard.    


When he felt Liu Xing suddenly circulate the internal force, Left Protector realized that it was not good. He immediately rolled backwards to dodge, but he was already lying on the ground, his body not nimble enough, and his speed was not as fast as Liu Xing. How could he avoid it?    


With a "peng" sound, Left Protector's head was directly smashed into pieces by Liu Xing!    


As someone who would kill his own people, even if it were the most loyal dog, Liu Xing would not accept it!    


At this moment, the Uncle Xu had also led the black blade s to attack the Juyi Hall Headquarters without any pressure. After a few rounds back and forth, all of the hall of convergence's people had been killed.    


At this moment, the other branches and strongholds of the hall of convergence were similarly carrying out a massacre. Qixing personally led the troops and charged into each of the strongholds, and without the Expert contending with Qixing, all the people of the various branches and strongholds of the hall of convergence were completely slaughtered.    


Ten-odd years ago to now, the hall of convergence who had always been acting arrogantly in the underworld of the Yanjing, had just turned into dust!    


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