Path to the God

C229 Unbelievable! Unbelievable!]

C229 Unbelievable! Unbelievable!]

0The ambulance quickly arrived. doctor and the nurse were stunned to see Liu Xing lying on the ground with his face covered in blood and his tattered clothes.    


How complicated, how cruel, how inhumane must this be, to make a good man like this?    


Liu Xing's situation was not looking good. doctor asked a few questions from the nurse and immediately carried Liu Xing onto the ambulance. While treating him, he rushed back to the hospital.    


Yanjing, Hilton Hotel, presidential suite.    


Parker Hilton sat in front of his laptop and was in a video call with a handsome foreign man. The conversation was as follows: "Brother-in-law, Mei Shi's Health nourishing fruit is the best in the world.    


The other party: "Are you sure?"    


Parker Hilton: "Yes, and right now, the entire Hua Xia knows about the existence of Health nourishing fruit. I have already brought a sample of Health nourishing fruit to your family as soon as possible. This business opportunity must be grasped!"    


The other party: "Yes, if Health nourishing fruit are really that heaven-defying, I believe that before long, countless Major Consortium will go to Yanjing and acquire the Mei Shi. We must hurry before them and seize the initiative!"    


Parker Hilton: "It's like this. There's an old saying in the Hua Xia," We have to get the moon soon. With me in the Mei Shi, I guarantee that there won't be any problems! Furthermore, the Mei Shi's Chairman, Miss Ye Ruoshi is a rare talent, and at the same time, she is also a rare Beauty.    


I will take the sample and after confirming that it was correct, I will immediately bring the think tank to the Yanjing. If you can successfully win the Mei Shi, at that time, you will have earned a great merit and I will guarantee you a place as the Family Head of Hilton!    


Parker Hilton: "Thank you. I'll try. Bye!"    


The other party: "Bye!"    


The person who was talking to Parker Hilton was one of the successors to one of the most mysterious and powerful Rothschild family s in Europe, Parker Hilton's second brother-in-law, William Rothschild.    


Relying on their strict family control, their completely opaque operation in the dark box, their coordination as precise as a clock, their ability to obtain information never before the market, their absolute cold and rational nature, their unending desire for gold power, as well as their profound insight into money and wealth as well as their ability to foresee the future of geniuses, caused the Rothschild family to sweep across the world for more than two hundred years in the midst of the cruel vortex of finance, politics and war, establishing a financial empire that had hitherto been the largest in the history of mankind.    


According to the estimates of the professionals involved, the wealth controlled by the Rothschild family was definitely more than $8 trillion. Those so-called world's wealthiest people are just a joke in front of them.    


Yangzhou City, First People's Hospital.    


At 8 AM on the second day, Cao Mei sat at the entrance of the operation room. From time to time, she would look over at the operation room with a gaze filled with worry.    


Liu Xing's situation had never been good, and he did not know anyone in Yangzhou, so he could only rely on Cao Mei to take matters into his own hands.    


Cao Mei had not rested since last night, and her eyes were bloodshot.    


Liu Xing was indeed heavily injured, he could only hang on with one breath, and could die at any time.    


The fact that Liu Xing's vitality was so strong, shocked all of the doctor's nurses present. What shocked them even more was that after the doctor gave Liu Xing a detailed examination, the result was unbelievable to everyone!    


Liu Xing's entire body had 250 small bloody holes, and after examination, they were all left behind after being bitten by dogs. His back was covered with blood, and there were an estimated seven to eight overlapping footprints, his spine and coccyx were slightly injured, and many parts of his body were severely damaged. Five of his ribs were broken, and from the wounds, one could tell that it was man-made;    


There was also a footprint on the head. There were fine fissures on the skull. Whether or not it caused a concussion had to be observed.    


There was another thing that confused all the doctor. There was nothing in Liu Xing's stomach, it was all black fur. Based on the deductions of the black hair s that had taken out from Liu Xing's mouth and throat, the black fur on Liu Xing's stomach was completely dog fur.    


It was acceptable for a person to be bitten like this by a dog, but it was also acceptable for a person to be beaten like this. However, he just ate dog hair.    


However, the situation with Liu Xing did not allow doctor to think further. They immediately formulated a treatment plan and began to treat him.    


After doctor dealt with Liu Xing's injuries, he immediately helped him to reattach his bones, cut open his dog fur, and so on!    


All of the fees added together was not a small amount, but Cao Mei had taken out all of her savings and borne it all by herself!    


Although she did this to help Liu Xing, she felt that she had a responsibility that she could not shirk from. After all, after being bitten by a dog, Liu Xing was fine, but being injured to the point of spitting out blood, her life was hanging by a thread!    


After six hours, the door of the operation room finally opened. doctor came out first, followed by the nurse who also pushed Liu Xing out.    


"doctor, how is Liu Xing?"    


Cao Mei saw that there were many tubes stuck into Liu Xing's body. His entire body was wrapped in white gauze, and he was wrapped up like a mummy.    


doctor took off his mask and said, "He's still alive, but he's still unconscious. He needs to be treated for many of his injuries. It's very expensive!"    


Cao Mei nodded her head, it was good that Liu Xing was still alive, if something were to happen to Liu Xing, she didn't know what to do either.    


hall of convergence wanted Liu Xing to die, but he had no enmity with Liu Xing, if Liu Xing were to kill her, her heart would be at ease.    


Cao Mei said: "doctor, as long as we can save him, money is not a problem!"    


"Oh, I have another question. I want to ask that …"    


The doctor stuttered and did not speak anymore. He looked like he wanted to say something but was stopped in his tracks!    


"doctor, just say what you want to say! I can accept it! "    


Cao Mei thought that doctor wanted to tell her some bad news about Liu Xing, so she asked: "doctor, are Liu Xing's injuries serious, and do you have some other difficult problems to solve?"    


"No!" The doctor shook his head and continued, "Miss Cao, may I ask, does Liu Xing have mental illness from before?"    


So it turns out that doctor thought Liu Xing was a psychopath!    


Yes, a man who eats dog hair, who would think he was normal? Cao Mei said: "I don't think so! He only went because he was scared... "Go bite the dog, eat the dog hair!"    


Cao Mei could not help but laugh when she thought of the scene of Liu Xing being bitten by a dog. Since Liu Xing was carried by a ghost, she would naturally not tell doctor, and even if he did, doctor might even think that she was crazy.    


"Oh, okay, I got it! The patient has passed through the dangerous period, but needs further treatment. You are his only guardian, so please take care of him! "    


"Okay, I will. Thank you, doctor!"    


After doctor left, Cao Mei glanced at Liu Xing before he went to sleep in the inn. He decided to come back later to visit Liu Xing.    


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