Path to the God

C3167 Gemini

C3167 Gemini

0If the System of Martial Arts of the Holy World s were to collapse from the attack, all the effort they and Liu Xing had put in would have been in vain.    


Seeing that a large portion of the air around Ye Ruoshi also shattered, along with a yellow sword rainbow, Jun Ze immediately sent a sound transmission to Ye Ruoshi, "If it's Junior Sister Shi Shi, don't rely on your attacks to block the yellow sword rainbow's remnant might, you must mobilize your Expert to self-destruct to block it, or else you will harm my Holy Land!"    


"Good Brother!"    


Resisting the pain in his heart, he immediately shouted to the cultivator in front of him. "First Team's squad, ten thousand of them combined, self-destructed into a spatial barrier, and the shock wave swept out, blocking the incoming attack!"    


"Yes sir!"    


Upon receiving Ye Ruoshi's order, all the almighty beings of the ninth floor of the Zhigu World agreed and flew up. Following Ye Ruoshi's instructions, they began to self-destruct.    


Bang !    


Tens of thousands of explosions could be heard as the almighty beings of the ninth floor of the Zhigu World exploded one after another at the same time as their bodies grew larger. Bloody red energy filled the entire sky and the blood-red color was the flesh and blood of the almighty beings of the ninth floor.    


The powerful shock wave formed by the explosion of the almighty experts of the ninth floor of the Zhigu World was like a giant black mushroom cloud, blasting towards the sky.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


An ear-piercing collision and explosion resounded in the sky.    


Ye Ruoshi watched helplessly as the Great Perfection Stage of the Ninth Floor of Zhigu World self-detonated. She felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart and her eyes were filled with tears.    


But she knew this was the only way.    


Moreover, this was probably only the beginning!    


After the explosion, the terrifying attack was blocked and the sky slowly recovered. Countless traces of blood and blood slowly fell down, quietly covering the Holy Land, covering the bodies of countless of experts at the Perfection Stage of the ninth floor who were floating in the air.    


All of the Paragons of the ninth floor of the Zhigu World had determined looks in their eyes.    


They were ready for this, for the final moment of their lives.    


All they could think of was to use their own flesh and blood, their own souls, to protect the continent beneath them, to protect their homeland.    


Jun Ze told the same news to the immortal sage. When they encountered the frightening yellow attack, they also gathered all of the experts in the ninth floor of the Zhigu World and self-detonated to defend themselves.    


The combined force of ten thousand Paragons of the ninth level of the Zhigu World could still perfectly withstand the attack, even if they had to self-detonate to defend against it.    


What Jun Ze and the others were worried about, was that if there were other Expert joining in a while, then perhaps ten thousand Expert's Self-Detonation would not be enough to solve the problem.    


Above the clouds, the great battle continued.    


"Hahahaha, sisters, here I come!"    


A Dwarf Woman laughed and flew over from the distance.    


If she were to join the fray, she would be able to free herself from having to take the Three Mutual White Pages's sisters out, and then allow them to leave with the Three Mutual White Pages.    


In this way, they could truly seize the Three Mutual White Pages and then continue to find a chance to leave the Holy World's System of Martial Arts.    


"One more?"    


Qi Yu saw a Dwarf Woman flying over and was shocked.    


With three Dwarf Woman s, they already felt that it was enough. Now, another one came, that would be troublesome.    


Qi Yu could only deal with one Dwarf Woman. Since Qi Yu had the dark yellow treasure, he could go against two, but with one more, they would have no chance of winning in an instant. Forget about winning, they would probably not be able to keep the Dwarf Woman with the Three Mutual White Pages behind and let the Dwarf Woman leave successfully.    


"Whatever, I'm going to keep an eye on that Dwarf Woman with the Three Mutual White Pages!"    


Fury blazed in Qi Yu's eyes as he sent a sound transmission to Qi Yu. He stared at the Dwarf Woman with the Three Mutual White Pages and attacked with all his strength.    


As a result, the three Dwarf Woman s surrounded and attacked her together. In order to prevent the Dwarf Woman with Three Mutual White Pages s from escaping, she was quickly injured.    


A Dwarf Woman appeared from behind Qi Yu and struck his blade onto Qi Yu's back. Qi Yu was sent flying backwards, a long bloody wound appearing on his back as blood kept flowing out.    


Puuu ~    


During the process of flying, Qi Yu also spat out a mouthful of blood.    


"Tian Mei, let's go!"    


One of the Dwarf Woman s shouted to the Dwarf Woman with the Three Mutual White Pages and the other rushed up and blocked Qi Yu.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The Dwarf Woman with Three Mutual White Pages slashed towards the sky, shattered the space, and flew up, wanting to immediately leave the System of Martial Arts that held the Holy World!    




Qi Yu shouted loudly, his sword striking out horizontally, forcing the two Dwarf Woman s to retreat, flying away with every step! A sword slashed towards Dwarf Woman who was flying towards void fissure.    


She used all her strength, as if she had left the Dwarf Woman with the Three Mutual White Pages, but she had already lost the initiative, so this sword could no longer strike the Dwarf Woman.    


Qi Yu's eyes were filled with pain as he looked at the yellow colored sword rainbow.    


She did not want the System of Martial Arts of the Holy World that she had recovered to collapse, but if the Three Mutual White Pages was taken away at this time, the System of Martial Arts of the Holy World would definitely collapse!    


What should he do?    


Qi Yu had already given up all hope!    


But just as the Dwarf Woman that brought along the Three Mutual White Pages was about to enter the crack in the void, a yellow blade rainbow shot down from above.    




The yellow blade rainbow was extremely fast and too sudden, causing the Dwarf Woman with Three Mutual White Pages to have a drastic change in expression. However, it was too late to retreat.    







The Dwarf Woman that brought along the Three Mutual White Pages, in the midst of extreme terror, watched helplessly as the gigantic blade rainbow chopped down at her, slashing a gash from the top of her head all the way to her crotch!    


Fresh blood immediately spurted out!    






The Dwarf Woman who brought along the Three Mutual White Pages, was smashed back by a huge force in the midst of the scream, and coincidentally was struck by the rainbow beam of Qi Yu's sword. From head to butt, he chopped out a huge gash, and his clothes exploded as his fighting strength plummeted greatly!    




At this time, loud laughter came from above and two bald-headed monk s appeared.    


The two of them carried dark yellow treasure s, both were bald middle-aged men, and their appearances were exactly the same.    




Qi Yu the Rain, and the five Dwarf s were all shocked, feeling extremely shocked in their hearts.    


They did not expect that, not long after it had begun, the Gemini's Clansmen would also come.    


This guy got it. With so many people trying to snatch the Three Mutual White Pages, it was hard to say who would die in the end.    


The problem was, the more Expert there was, the more desperate the battle would be. Would Jun Ze and the others be able to successfully protect the Holy Land?    


The Four dwarfs women gathered together.    


Qi Yu also gathered together and looked towards the two Gemini s.    


Right now, they were all more or less injured, the two Gemini s were still fine, how to fight next, was a little problematic.    


The two bald middle-aged men looked at Qi Yu and said, "Two girls from the Jade Maiden Tribe, how about this? We join forces, four against four, and rely on the dark yellow treasure s to kill the four short girls first."    


What the bald middle-aged man said was not wrong. Now that the Three Mutual White Pages was in the hands of the Dwarf Woman, they could only take it back after killing the Four dwarfs's woman.    


But speaking of killing, it was just for fun. Everyone had immortal heart s, who could kill who? They could only say that they had severely injured the other party, reducing his fighting prowess and making it easier for him to control them.    


If he really wanted to kill the Four dwarfs women, he could only injure them, force the immortal heart out, and kill them again!    


But forcing immortal heart s, everyone had similar backgrounds, they were not that easy to force!    


However, Qi Yu knew that if they helped to capture the Four dwarfs woman, they would only have one dark yellow treasure in a 2v2, and would not be a match for the two bald middle-aged men.    


A Dwarf Woman said, "Jade Maiden Tribe! Don't listen to Gemini, if you join hands and take us down, you will not be a match for the two bald middle-aged men, and at that time, your hard work will all be in their hands! "    


"How about this, if the six of us join forces and attack the two bald middle-aged men, we'll take them down first!"    


Qi Yu looked at each other again.    


This was equally inappropriate.    


Taking down two bald middle-aged men, two of them against Four dwarfs, could only stall for three, only one of them could successfully escape!    


"Whatever, let's fight first. Hahahaha!"    


A bald middle-aged man roared, laughed out loud, raised his sword and slashed at Dwarf Woman with his Three Mutual White Pages.    


The other bald middle-aged man also immediately raised his sword and charged forward.    


Two against four, the battle broke out in an instant!    


This time, Qi Yu was stunned!    


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