Path to the God

C872 play monkey with dog

C872 play monkey with dog

0This time, Referral Bench did not need much time to finish counting the results.    


"Everyone, the name list for this round's advancement has been officially announced!"    


cultivator Xiu was still in the midst of the celebration, when Yin Daohei stood out and directly spoke.    


"One thousand Spiritual pill master, advanced into the 465 Spiritual pill master, there are 535 Spiritual pill master that have not been eliminated!"    


"The name list of the list of names for the next round will be announced on the Display Array. As usual, it will still be announced for another 50 breaths of time. Everyone, watch carefully!"    


Yin Daohei said a few words and left.    


Following which, on the gigantic Display Array, the list of names of the people who had levelled up appeared.    


Yin Di and Yin Jing immediately stared at the Display Array, searching for Liu Xing's name!    


If they didn't see Liu Xing's name appearing, the sisters would never be at ease!    


"Indeed, Young Master Xing did not lie to us. Young Master Xing, you've advanced!"    


The two of them discovered that Liu Xing's name had appeared in the first place with a glance, and instantly became overjoyed with excitement and agitation.    


"I've said it before, I won't lie to you, I definitely won't lie to you. When you see this result, you should be surprised, right?"    


Liu Xing smiled faintly.    


After he said a few words, Yin Di and Yin Jing, the two sisters, were already unable to suppress their excitement any longer and directly pounced towards Liu Xinghuai from the left and right.    


When the merry cultivator saw the name list come out, their eyes involuntarily turned to the list.    


If they did not find out Liu Xing's name, they would probably be even more happy, excited, and crazy!    


"Am I seeing things? And on the Display Array, there's actually that idiot Liu Xing's name? "    


"It's really that idiot Liu Xing who's making such a ruckus. How come he hasn't been eliminated yet?"    


He didn't know when to look, but when he saw who it was, he was shocked.    


Those cultivator s quickly discovered that Liu Xing's name had appeared in the first place. After looking at it several times, there were still those same words: Liu Xing, Xifeng City's representative, age nineteen.    


For a moment, countless cultivator began to go wild, they could not believe their eyes.    


"This is definitely a conspiracy, there's definitely a referee deliberately playing tricks behind Liu Xing's back, intentionally protecting Liu Xing, he definitely wants to shield Liu Xing!"    


"Yes, that idiot Liu Xing's pill furnace has already exploded. Whether it's medicinal liquid or Pills, they have all been turned into nothingness. How did he manage to level up again?"    


"This is unfair, this is absolutely unfair! This is definitely a conspiracy!"    


Those cultivator s who came to watch the show all started to clamor. Bring me and I will take him, not long after, they came to an agreement that Liu Xing being able to get a promotion was definitely because a judge in Referral Group was deliberately letting him win.    


Aside from a few people who remained silent, a large majority of the cultivator began to shout that there was a black curtain.    


"Everyone, let's quarrel together, we will argue loudly together, until Referral Group hears it!"    


"Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of thousands of cultivator, Liu Xing's pill furnace had exploded, and the Pills inside the pill furnace had long been burnt into nothingness. Now that Liu Xing has levelled up, it is definitely a dark cloud, and there is definitely someone controlling it from behind the scenes!"    


"Everyone calls for an explanation from Referral Group!"    


From the surrounding cultivator, a group of righteous people appeared. They spoke loudly and led the numerous cultivator to shout out!    


"I request Referral Group to come out and explain why Liu Xing's pill furnace exploded and he levelled up in the end."    


"I request Referral Group to come out and explain why Liu Xing's pill furnace exploded and he levelled up in the end."    


Those cultivator s slowly all stood up and shouted over and over again. Even the Genius Cultivator s, Bi Yunyao, Yue Ye and others joined the shouting Team, and their voices were extremely loud and deafening, as if even the real Western Regions could hear them.    


Among them, the one leading the group was a red-clothed Young cultivator. That cultivator was very handsome, had an outstanding temperament, and looked like a rare talent.    


As for the Young cultivator that was leading the group, Liu Xing had heard Yin Di and Yin Jing introduce him before. That fellow was called Bai Yang, and he was the first ranked cultivator in the Western Regions.    


Bai Yang was the genius disciple of the six great seven star powers of the Western Regions, who possessed the mastery stage of the martial intent and the martial intent.    


The reason he was so positive about punishing Liu Xing was simply because he had a crush on the Great Princess Yin Di, who was in the City Lord's Mansion.    


The moment Liu Xing appeared, he immediately hugged Yin Di. During the process that was held in Spiritual Alchemists' Conference, the actions of Yin Di and Yin Di were just too intimate, and this made him even more unable to endure it.    


Right now, hundreds of thousands of cultivator had to account to him, so it was not good for those big shots and the other Expert s to step out and meddle. As the top genius of Western Regions's younger generation, he was naturally the most suitable to step out.    


As Liu Xing, Yin Di and Yin Jing listened to the more and more ear-piercing shouts, Yin Di and Yin Jing tightly held onto one of Liu Xing's large hands and leaned into Liu Xinghuai, cheering him on.    


Now, they definitely believed that Liu Xing had levelled up, because the people in the Referral Group were the big shots of the entire Western Regions.    


No matter what, those big shots from the face s had to maintain fairness, not one of them would deliberately let Liu Xing pass.    


Even Yin Daohong who was optimistic about Liu Xing would not deliberately let him level up in front of those big shots.    


And in this round of promotion competition, which was still not the last match, even if Liu Xing was allowed to level up, what about the later promotion competition?    


The shouts of the several hundred thousand cultivator s sounded wave after wave. That cry was too loud, and even the Spiritual Alchemists' Conference was unable to carry on.    


At this time, if Referral Group didn't stand up and say a few words, it wouldn't make sense!    


"cultivator, please be quiet. This Star Emissary will say a few words!"    


The representative of the Referral Group coming out to speak was naturally Star emissary Pan Xiaoxian, the most suitable person to speak!    


With Pan Xiaoxian stepping out, the cultivator who were shouting loudly, finally stopped and listened to what Pan Xiaoxian was saying.    


Seeing the crowd of cultivator quieten down, Pan Xiaoxian immediately took Liu Xing's jade bottle and flew up to the stage!    


"Various cultivator, I never thought that all of you would be so concerned about Liu Xing, and his promotion, even this Star Envoy is happy for him!"    


"For Liu Xing to be able to level up this time, it is indeed because he had refined twelve Exquisite Medicinal Pills, and this is because the remaining warmth of the Pills is still there. You can judge for yourselves!"    


"Although you all are not Spiritual pill master s, I believe you all possess the ability to determine whether or not the Pills was just created recently, and whether or not it is!"    


"This Star Emissary will temporarily place this Pills on the platform and take it away after ten breaths of time. After all of you have seen it, you can also raise any other questions!"    


Pan Xiaoxian said a few bland words, then upended the jade bottle that Liu Xing was pretending to be a Pills, then upended all the Pills inside. Finally, on a piece of White jade table above the platform, he flew down the platform.    


And the eyes of countless cultivator, as well as the Spiritual Sense, naturally all gathered at the high platform, as they all observed the Pills Liu Xing had refined.    


Indeed, just as Pan Xiaoxian had said, although they did not know how to refine pills, they had a little bit of discernment ability.    


After looking at it, the hundreds of thousands of cultivator s were suddenly speechless and did not speak anymore.    


They could all tell that it was a newly created Exquisite Medicinal Pills. Twelve of them, their size was about the same as the standard Pills, not a shred less.    


They wanted to pick the bone from the egg, but at this time, they couldn't.    


Therefore, he could only choose to keep silent and silently suppress the displeasure he had towards Liu Xing in his heart.    


Basically, all of them felt that they were just a clown, a clown who had been deliberately and ruthlessly toyed with by Liu Xing.    


Liu Xing must have purposely placed all the Pills in the profound practitioners before deliberately creating the illusion of a furnace explosion.    


All for the sake of your scoundrels and gloating faces.    


However, Liu Xing's goal was achieved. These clowns, who were jumping around a moment ago, had now completely lost face. They originally wanted to laugh at Liu Xing, but they themselves had become the biggest laughing stock.    


One person messing with hundreds of thousands of people, Liu Xing's move was indeed beautiful.    


However, because of this, he also deeply offended several hundred thousand cultivator s. Since this person was playing around like a dog, naturally, the jealousy and hatred towards him would reach a terrifying degree.    


No one was making trouble anymore as the third round of Spiritual Alchemists' Conference continued.    


As for Liu Xing, he didn't cultivate the Fire anymore this time. He hugged his from left to right, fully enjoying the gentleness brought to him by the princesses, and would occasionally chat about something.    


At this moment, it was up to him to decide who was the most powerful!    


"Everyone, the third round of promotion competition has ended. This time, a total of twenty-seven thousand of our Spiritual pill master s will advance to the next round!"    


"The difficulty of the next round will increase again. To refine a fourth stage Heaven Ranked Pills, in half an incense's time, a Spiritual pill master who can refine a Exquisite Medicinal Pills and advance to Spiritual Alchemists' Conference! "    


"Next, everyone take a look at the Display Array. The thousand Spiritual pill master s displayed will go up on stage and prepare to refine pills!"    


When it was around seven in the evening, the entire West Wind Plaza lit up with a huge amount of illumination Array, and the third round of promotion competition was officially over.    


Yin Daohei stood up and said a few words, then flew down the stage again, and on the enormous Display Array, the names of another thousand Spiritual pill master appeared once more.    


The first, was still Liu Xing.    


"Young Master Xing!"    


"Go for it!"    


The big and small princesses smiled sweetly at Liu Xing. It was already very rare for Liu Xing to be able to reach this step, so they didn't say any more words that required him to return triumphantly.    


It would be good if he could advance, but if he couldn't, he would be satisfied.    


"Alright! "Watch my performance!"    


Liu Xing didn't call Princess Qian Qian a cute little darling anymore. It was already the time for him to seriously face the situation.    


Besides, as long as he was not worried about his darling little cutie, once he calls out, there will be countless cultivator who will feel insulted and definitely not be happy.    


After Liu Xing finished speaking, he flew to the top of the stage and chose an empty, transparent Lattice, then directly entered.    


The first thing Liu Xing did was to summon a top grade four pill furnace.    


The pill furnace of each rank corresponded to the pill formula of each rank, so this kind of combination was the most perfect.    


"A thousand Spiritual pill master s are already in position. The fourth round of promotion competition s, officially begins!"    


"Light the incense!"    


Yin Daohei stood out and said a few more words, then officially started the fourth round of promotion competition.    


This round of promotion competition was the most critical round, because this time, there were a lot of Grade Four Pill King s.    


And this time, it was a fourth stage Heaven Ranked pill formula, and it required half an incense stick to form twelve pellets, and it had to be of the highest quality.    


This was an incomparably huge challenge to the top Grade Four Pill King s as well as to some Spiritual pill master s who had just become Grade Five Pill King, let alone those who had recently stepped into the Grade Four Pill King.    


The promotion competition s began to move, they first looked at the pill formula, then began to refine them.    


Liu Xing did not bother to care about how others looked at him, and directly took out his own Blue Charm Fire.    


Although the Blue Charm Fire was ranked one hundred seventeenth among the earth fire, it was still ranked higher than Duan Zishou's.    


For a moment, it attracted the attention of many cultivator present.    


"Liu Xing that idiot has been playing with us all along. He originally had a natural fire and his earth fire is ranked 117th on the list, but now he's taken it out. He was pretending to be strong earlier so he can play with us!"    


"This bastard, he's too infuriating. If there's a Blue Charm Fire, why didn't you take it out earlier? Why did you take it out now? You really treat us like dogs, damn it!"    


"This bastard, I heard that he's also a cultivator participating in the Genius Ranking Competition. Don't meet Grandfather, otherwise, pull his leg down for him!"    


"Don't meet me!"    


Those cultivator s went crazy again.    



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