Path to the God

C341 river of blood

C341 river of blood

0Liu Xing and the rest were all hiding in the trenches, the bomber flew past them and shot down from above. They were all taken care of by Liu Xing, everyone was safe and sound.    


As for the Ytmaker s that were gathered at the bottom of the mountain, under the orders of the Major general Fenkeng, they started to climb up the mountain one after another. They did not use guns or ammunition, but only brought along katana s, bayonets and other tools.    


One after another, they killed a whole group of them. The entire Pingdingshan became even more red, and the blood and water slowly converged into a stream that flowed down the mountain.    


Ytmaker's corpse was accumulating in more and more. Ytmaker who were climbing up the stairs had to step on the corpse in order to continue climbing up.    


The entire Pingdingshan was slowly surrounded by the corpses of the Ytmaker. More and more corpses appeared, and it was as if the mountain was slowly growing bigger.    


The more they killed, the more exhausted they felt, the more exhausted they felt. The more they killed, the more exhausted they became, but the Ytmaker was still like a tide, wave after wave, as though it was endless.    


Killing people was also not an easy matter!    


At the very end, Hu Dapeng and the others only had one last Bullet left, but the Ytmaker was still as endless as ever. A large group of Ytmaker s slowly climbed up, there were around 500 to 600 of them, causing Hu Dapeng and the rest to feel numb.    


Liu Xing took out a lot of the Eternal World's beverages and stacked them beside Hu Dapeng's group, letting them rest for a while, drink more and quickly recover.    


Liu Xing looked at the approaching Ytmaker, and loudly shouted: "Cao Mei, Bai Yu!"    


Cao Mei and Bai Yu immediately answered loudly, "Yes!"    


Liu Xing pointed to the Ytmaker in front and continued, "Follow me, we will slaughter this batch of Ytmaker and win some time for Committee Hu and the others to recover!"    


Cao Mei and Bai Yu replied loudly, "Alright!"    


The three of them jumped out of the trench. Liu Xing swept his Spiritual Sense, collecting all of the katana s that were attacking them into the Eternal World, sweeping out two of them and giving them to Cao Mei and Bai Yu. He held a Long sword in his hand and pointed his sword forward, shouting: "Kill!"    




Liu Xing took a step forward and rushed towards Ytmaker, Bai Yu and Cao Mei following closely behind.    


The Ytmaker was empty-handed, but he was not afraid at all when he saw Liu Xing and the other two rushing towards him, in fact, he was baring his fangs and brandishing his claws at them.    


's Long sword pierced through two of the Ytmaker s and caused their throats to spew blood as they fell to the ground.    


Liu Xing charged into the group of Ytmaker's Team s, and the Long sword shot out from the front, back, and left and right. Using limitless leg shadow, its figure moved among the Ytmaker like a ghost, and wherever it went, the Ytmaker would successively fall and die with a single sword strike.    


Cao Mei and Bai Yu, the two katana s, danced like the wind and water, opening and closing with great momentum. Ytmaker's arms and legs were chopped into pieces, even if they did not die, they would become crippled, and they fell down together.    


In less than five minutes, all of the six hundred or so Ytmaker s were slaughtered by Liu Xing and the other two. On the mountain road, another layer of Ytmaker's corpse was piled up, and their blood flowed like a river.    


"Come, let's go back and rest for a while!"    


Liu Xing brought Cao Mei and Bai Yu back into the trench to continue their rest.    


These Ytmaker s whom Liu Xing and the others had killed, were basically the Ytmaker s who had come to support them. At this time, the's division commander, Ban Tianshamo, had already brought a large group of people to the feet of the Pingdingshan s, and the larger large group was rushing towards the Pingdingshan s.    


At the foot of the Pingdingshan's mountain, Ytmaker had suddenly appeared. Ban Tianshamo was standing right next to him, and Major general Fenkeng was standing right in front of him.    


Major general Fenkeng bent his waist and said: General, Eighth Road has an evil technique, which can collect all of our weapons. I have arranged for the Team s to attack from the top of the mountain to be without firearms or ammunition, so as to prevent them from being taken by Eighth Road and being used against us again. But on one point, they cannot store the tanks and aircraft cannons, they are too high up and only the tanks cannot be used.    


Ban Tianshamo nodded his head, and said: "Very good, then bring all the aircraft cannons over and bombard them non-stop. Also, how were the five intermediate ninja s killed? "    


Major general Fenkeng wiped the perspiration on his forehead and said: "They were killed by a young man wearing red clothes, with long white hair. That man held onto the Long sword, and his body was like the wind.    


Ban Tianshamo pondered for a moment, and said: "Then that means the opponent is indeed a Expert, and that Expert still needs a Expert to deal with it. A general (also known as the Grand Marshal) is to kill all eight paths above Pingdingshan at all costs, even if it is to blow the Pingdingshan flat! "    


In order to take down the Pingdingshan, the general has called in all the armies, all the large companies, brigades, divisions, facets, armies and so on. The total strength is estimated to be more than 1 million, with just a spit from one person, he could drown eight hundred soldiers in the Pingdingshan!    


"Even if every one of the eight paths is a hundred or so Expert, our army will come this time with five hundred low rank ninja s, a hundred middle rank ninja s, twenty high rank ninja s, and an ultimate ninja. It will be effortless for us to take care of them when the ninja is gathered. This battle, our army will win, the Great Japan Empire will win! "    


As Ban Tianshamo spoke till here, Tian Jijiba, Major general Fenkeng and the others responded loudly. The Great Japan Empire will definitely win! "    


"Our army will win!" The Great Japan Empire will definitely win! "    


"Our army will win!" The Great Japan Empire will definitely win! "    


Ban Tianshamo suppressed his hands and said: "Right now, immediately mobilize all the bomber s and anti-aircraft guns and continue to bombard. Force will be five hundred units, batch after batch, with bayonets in hand, continue to attack the mountains. After every batch attacks, they will immediately stop the bombardment, even if we have to waste them, we will kill them all!"    




More and more bomber s and anti-aircraft guns started to frantically bombard Liu Xing and the others' trenches. In the beginning, Liu Xing was still able to handle it, but slowly, his Spiritual Sense was unable to handle it.    


At this moment, another group of Japanese soldiers appeared in front of Liu Xing and the others. Liu Xing was expressionless, he knew that right now, the situation between them and the Ytmaker was one of one where only one side would be able to survive.    


Pingdingshan had already been completely surrounded by Ytmaker, and more and more Ytmaker were rushing over. Liu Xing looked down the mountain with the binoculars, and was shocked, there were dense numbers of Ytmaker everywhere, and he could not see the edge of the mountain.    


Cao Mei pushed Liu Xing and said: "Captain, Ytmaker has already reached the hundred meter mark in front of us. The bombardment also stopped.    


Liu Xing kept his binoculars and nodded, then said: "We need to kill our way through, luckily Ytmaker is like a fool, attacking the mountains wave after wave, if they all came at us together, then it would be troublesome, let's go, it's still the three of us who will go together!"    


Just as Liu Xing was about to jump out of the trench, Hu Dapeng pulled him back and shouted: "Captain, we are almost done resting, I will bring the Brother Sisters to kill with you!"    


Liu Xing said to Hu Dapeng: All of you continue resting, and treat the injuries of the Brother sisters, there are still many of them, there's no need to be anxious! Furthermore, the road is too steep, your skills are too weak, it is not suitable for you to fight the Ytmaker head on. If you go out now, it will naturally cause more casualties, and I will do as I say!    


After Liu Xing finished speaking, he jumped out of the trench with the Long sword in his hands, and took the lead to kill his way over.    


Compared to Liu Xing, they were like little fishes encountering whales, and simply weren't on the same level. They couldn't even get close to Liu Xing's sleeve, and were killed one by one by Liu Xing's Long sword, who were as fast as lightning.    


Liu Xing was glad that he managed to learn the Sword Skills in time. Otherwise, the speed at which he could slaughter Ytmaker would not be so fast.    


With Cao Mei and Bai Yu by her side, it would only take a few minutes to finish off the five hundred Ytmaker s.    


Liu Xing and the other two had just finished killing a group, after resting for a while, another group came, Liu Xing immediately brought Cao Mei and Bai Yu to kill another group.    


After repeating this over and over again, Liu Xing and the other two killed a total of eight times. Ytmaker's corpses were piled up like a mountain, and due to the uneven load, many of the corpses uncontrollably rolled down the mountain.    


Such a high-intensity massacre caused Cao Mei and Bai Yu to sweat profusely, their muscles to ache. Liu Xing also felt a little tired and the three of them immediately returned to the trench to rest.    


The moment the three of them returned to the trench, the bomber and the High Shot came one after another. The cannonballs were even more concentrated and fast, causing Liu Xing's Spiritual Sense to be even busier.    



When Hu Dapeng saw this scene, he wanted to rush out of the trench, pointed at the mountain foot and scolded: "Ytmaker, Grandfather is going to fight it out with you!"    


"Get down, do you want to die? "Listen to me!"    


Liu Xing pulled Hu Dapeng down to the ground. He knew that he couldn't go on like this, he would be killed by Ytmaker's cannonballs sooner or later if he kept going like this. If he died like this, it would be better to fight a great battle.    


Thinking of this, Liu Xing's eyes lit up, he clenched his teeth, and made a bold decision!    


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