Path to the God

C337 Expedite

C337 Expedite

0Liu Xing led the way in climbing up the mountain. After crawling for half an hour, everyone had climbed up to the mountainside.    


The military flag was temporarily kept by Liu Xing among the Eternal World. After all, they couldn't find a good place on the mountainside to place the military flag.    


Old Hu, Cao Mei and Bai Yu need to continue cultivating to improve our strength. I will give you all the tools, firearms, ammunition and food, and you can arrange for everyone to dig trenches on the left and right sides of the mountain side to reach the edge of the cliff. If you can't dig it, just use explosives to break it.    


Power, that was the most important thing, Liu Xing felt that his power was still too low, the higher his power, the more advantageous his fighting ability was, he had to raise his strength.    


Hu Dapeng said: "Okay Captain, leave this to me, I promise I'll complete the mission!"    


Liu Xing nodded his head, and said: "We will start our ZP here, you tell the Brother sisters, if there are any problems, don't come over and disturb us!"    




Receiving Hu Dapeng's reply, Liu Xing swept out a lot of tools, firearms, ammunition, as well as food and beverages.    


After finishing all these, Liu Xing picked up two ZPs, one for himself, and one for Cao Mei and Bai Yu.    


In order to ensure that both Cao Mei and Bai Yu's strength could be raised quickly, Liu Xing had also swept through several boxes of Red Bull, as well as several boxes of different kinds of fruits, and placed them in Cao Mei and Bai Yu's ZP.    


Liu Xing called Cao Mei and Bai Yu over. After instructing them to cultivate properly, he quickly entered his ZP, leaving behind a trace of Spiritual Sense, and immediately entered Eternal World to cultivate.    


Silverwind Province, the chief Command of the Ytmaker Regiment. General Ban Tianshamo held a telegram that he just received, his face gloomy.    


Chief of Staff Tian Jijiba stood at the side, looking deep in thought.    


After Ban Tianshamo finished reading the telegram, he handed it over to Tian Jijiba and remained silent.    


After Tian Jijiba finished reading the telegram, he stared at the sand table in front of him again. He placed a small red flag with a red sun imprint on top of a mountain called Pingdingshan.    


The Pingdingshan was near to the Silver Moon City, which was located on the large stone mountain where Liu Xing and the rest were.    


"Tian Ji Jun, you've seen the telegram, I didn't think that there would be a Expert among the eight Team, there isn't a single primary ninja that can return it!"    


Ban Tianshamo felt that it was a pity that twenty elementary ninja had been killed. He had still underestimated the opponent's strength.    


"Lieutenant General, the other party does indeed have a Expert, but at the very least, he is severely injured, or perhaps he is already dead. It is not certain!"    


Tian Jijiba was not disappointed. At least, from the telegram he sent, he managed to deduce a few things.    


Ban Tianshamo said: "What do you mean?"    


"Because one of the injured ninja was killed by a gun, and both sides were probably fighting to the end. Although the enemy Expert had killed nineteen ninja, they were also severely injured, and the last ninja was killed by someone who came to support them while they were killing the enemy Expert!"    


Tian Jijiba's analysis was very accurate, and was exactly the same as the situation back then. Only, he did not know that Liu Xing had indeed been severely injured, but he had recovered.    


Ban Tianshamo nodded his head and said: "Tian Ji Jun, then what do you think we should do next?"    


"Right now, Road Eight is already near the Silver Moon City. It did not start the battle immediately, but has already occupied the Pingdingshan and dug a trench in the middle of the mountain. From the looks of it, they are planning to fight a long battle!"    


Tian Jijiba said, and moved a few flags on the sand table, and said: "One side of the Pingdingshan is a cliff, which is easy to defend against, but hard to attack. They want to use this to attract our attention, the troops behind us seize the opportunity to surround the entire Silverwind Province, and work together from the inside, making us passive!"    


Ban Tianshamo sneered, and said: "Cooperating from the inside? What a joke, immediately send troops to surround Pingdingshan, trapping them! "    


Tian Jijiba said: "You must be tired, but since Road Eight dared to come to Pingdingshan, it means that Road Eight is already prepared. "Lieutenant General, earlier, Road 8 was empty-handed and did not bring anything with him. Now, there are actually tools to dig trenches, and even explosives to blast the rocks, this means that Road 8 is truly not simple!"    


"Oh?" Ban Tianshamo also felt that this matter was a little strange, and asked, "Then what is Tian Ji Lord's plan?"    


Tian Jijiba thought for a while, then said: "Let's end the battle quickly! Immediately call the Major general Fenkeng of the Silver Moon City, have him personally lead the battle, send a small portion of the troops to surround the Pingdingshan, then use the strongest firepower possible to directly attack the mountain, and kill all eight paths! "    


Ban Tianshamo clapped his hands and said: "Alright, I will do as you say! This way, Pingdingshan's Eighth Path will be in peril, and we will definitely disrupt the combat planning of the main forces of the Eighth Path, and cause their plans of working together from the inside to the outside to the inside to the outside to the outside. "    


Tian Jijiba also clapped his hands and said: "Right, Headquarters of the eighth path definitely values this Team a lot, otherwise he would not have arranged such a powerful Expert to be inserted into the Team. The moment the gunshots start, it is very likely that the eighth route will send Team s to rescue us.    


Ban Tianshamo said: "That's right, to be able to win this battle is a great merit for us, we will definitely receive a reward from our superiors, a great benefit for us!"    


"That's right, it's a great merit!"    


Tian Jijiba thought for a moment, furrowed his brows, and said: "First lieutenant, the real Expert of Route 8 is probably not dead yet. I suggest immediately summoning five Intermediate ninja, and we will immediately head towards the Pingdingshan, lurk in the mountains, and take the chance to defeat the real Expert of Road 8!"    


Ban Tianshamo said: "Alright, we will do as you say, defeat the Expert at Road 8, and at Road 8, we will just be a mob, we can slaughter whatever we want!"    


Ban Tianshamo and Tian Jijiba were very excited, as if victory was already in their hands.    


After discussing, Ban Tianshamo called the assistant over. He immediately followed the agreement he and Tian Jijiba had made, and started to deploy the strong generals, trying his best to eliminate all the paths on the Pingdingshan in the shortest time possible.    


Silver Moon City was overjoyed when he received the instruction.    


Major general Fenkeng had long wanted to lead his troops to annihilate them, but his superiors did not allow him to move, so he did not dare to disobey the orders.    


Now that he had the order, the Major general Fenkeng could finally take action. How could he not be happy?    


Major general Fenkeng immediately gathered all the military officers together. He had already made a battle plan, and could arrange all of the battle arrangements.    


Everyone had already arrived, so the Major general Fenkeng said directly: "I just received the division's instruction, take it down quickly. Kill all eight directions, I will arrange the battle plan for you later!"    


"Infantry Regiment, transport company, transport company, guard Silver Moon City, listen to my orders at any time!"    


"Infantry Regiment, surround Pingdingshan, and don't allow any of the Eight Directions to escape!"    


"Infantry squadron, frontline, responsible for attacking the mountain, annihilating all eight paths!"    


"Wild Cannon Squadron, Wild Cannon Squadron, Wild Cannon Squadron, responsible for bombarding the mountain from three directions, killing most of the paths. At the same time, with concentrated artillery fire, we cover the infantry squadron and attack the mountains, destroying the remaining eight paths!"    


"Cavalry Regiment, cavalry squadron, be in charge of standby at the foot of the mountain, ready to kill any fish that escapes the net. If necessary, listen to my orders to go up the mountain and kill the enemy!"    


"Engineer Company, Engineer Squadron, be in charge of waiting at the foot of the mountain. If any mines are found on the way up, immediately step forward to eliminate them!"    


"Communication team, always ensure that the battle situation and instruction can be spread out unhindered!"    


"Sanitary team, follow the troops to the foot of the mountain. Prepare to rescue the wounded soldiers at any time!"    



"Weapon Services Division, you must ensure that the ammunition is sufficient and that it can be delivered immediately!"    


"Field hospital, all nurses in doctor must be at work, be ready to rescue the wounded at any time!"    


"Did you hear that clearly?"    


The Major general Fenkeng finished his sentence and immediately roared, his voice loud and clear!    


Everyone answered loudly, "Hey!"    


"Let's go!"    


The General was wearing white gloves as he pointed towards the direction of the Pingdingshan and bellowed.    


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