Path to the God

C1021 one clench of a hand

C1021 one clench of a hand

0Actually, Liu Xing knew that he did not want to do this, but the strong preyed on the weak.    


Otherwise, the one who would die the most would be him.    


"Everyone, when the time is up, for Liu Xing, Jiang Chengzi, and for Baili Moxi who are still standing on the Arena, let's all warmly clap and congratulate them for entering the top three!"    


Very quickly, Liu Hongyi came out to announce the results.    


Although he hated Liu Xing, he was also glad that Liu Xing did not chase him out of the Arena.    


Otherwise, if Liu Xing added two cultivator s who came to pick things up, then how would their young miss, Liu Lingwei, choose?    


after all, he wouldn't choose a cultivator that was far inferior to the three elites and three young masters, right?    


"Next, we will continue with the Groom/Groom Conference. First, we will compare the three of them to be in the first, second, and third place!"    


Liu Hongyi did not bother to be courteous, there were already two Arena s in the middle of Grand Plaza, he directly announced the start of the competition.    


Liu Xing stuffed a handful of Soul Pill into his mouth and directly flew up to Arena number one. He sat down cross legged and held a piece of subdomain s Jade Plate in his hand.    


If Jiang Chengzi came up, then he would act according to the situation. If Baili Mo Xi came up, then he would immediately crush the subdomain Jade Plate, and bind Baili Mo Xi, then kill him.    


Everything was fine until the top two were decided, but no one chose to compete with Liu Xing.    


directly forfeited and obtained second place. Liu Xing easily obtained first place.    


The reward was quickly passed down. Although the City Lord's Mansion did not want to give it to Liu Xing, they still could not save their face and gave Liu Xing a Storage Ring.    


There were also two hundred million Top quality spirit stones, a hundred million Superior or Inferior Grade Soul Crystal, a top rank seven soft armor for defence, and a top rank seven Flying Sword.    


After obtaining the reward, Liu Xing and the other two stayed on the stage. It was an exciting moment, and it was time for Miss Liu Lingwei of the City Lord's Mansion to choose one of the three Mr right s!    


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most exciting moment yet. We, the City Lord's Mansion's Miss Liu Lingwei, will choose one of the three favored children of the heavens, Liu Xing, Jiang Chengzi and Baili Moli, to be our Mr right! "    


"It's still that old saying, those who are chosen, do not be discouraged, those who are not selected, do not be discouraged, there are still four Miss aristocracy s waiting for you, continue working hard!"    


Liu Hongyi stood out and said. The spirits of the hundreds of thousands of cultivator present surged, they stared at Liu Lingwei, and prayed in their hearts: Don't choose Liu Xing, don't choose Liu Xing, don't choose Liu Xing …    


"Alright, I won't say too much. Next, let's invite our City Lord's Mansion's Miss Liu Lingwei to personally say who the Mr right she likes is. May we ask Miss Liu Lingwei!"    


Seeing that everyone was in high spirits and extremely focused, Liu Hongyi did not hesitate at all and directly said his last few words.    


After the applause and cheers, the hundreds of thousands of cultivator at the scene also became silent, as if only their heartbeats and breathing could be heard.    


The gazes of several hundred thousand cultivator s were all filled with strong anticipation. Their hearts were still praying non-stop, and all of their attention were focused on Liu Lingwei.    


Liu Xing also looked at Liu Lingwei.    


But Liu Xing knew, the chances of Liu Lingwei choosing him was practically zero.    


Because he knew of his previous actions, Liu Lingwei would definitely take it to heart. If it was him, he probably wouldn't choose such an arrogant, arrogant, despicable and shameless guy as her Mr right.    


But to be honest, he really had no other choice due to the situation.    


In his heart, he still had a trace of hope, which was that Liu Lingwei understood his difficult situation.    


After all, just the fact that Liu Lingwei was so beautiful and fierce was enough to cause countless cultivator to be unable to keep their eyes open.    


He wanted Liu Lingwei to choose him so that she could protect Liu Lingwei and use his great luck to bring good luck to Liu Lingwei in the future.    


After all, those two were fierce. It would be bad if they were ruined by others. It would be better to let them be ruined.    


Liu Lingwei stood up from the White jade bed and looked at Baili Moli who was standing on the stage. She was so excited that Baili Moli could not take it anymore.    


The Four Directions Pavilion's Young Lord Baili Moxuan had already been successfully selected by the Star Alliance's Miss Jiang Xinyan. For the Four Directions Pavilion, this was already a matter of great joy.    


If he was chosen by the City Lord's Mansion's Miss Liu Lingwei again, he would be even happier. Then, in the Groom/Groom Conference this time, they, the Four Directions Pavilion, would definitely be the luckiest of the six great forces.    


Liu Lingwei looked at Baili Moli, then looked at Jiang Chengzi.    


Jiang Chengzi was calm and collected the entire time, waving a handful of folding fan in his hand.    


Jiang Chengzi was an extremely intelligent person, he was 100% sure that the person Liu Lingwei chose was him.    


"I choose …"    


After Liu Lingwei saw Jiang Chengzi, she immediately asked.    


Liu Xing was instantly disappointed. He was still anxiously waiting for Liu Lingwei to look at him and give him some hope.    


But Liu Lingwei didn't even give him a glance as she prepared to announce the person she liked. In an instant, flames of fury burned in his heart, trying to take revenge on Liu Lingwei.    


He now knew that Liu Lingwei had definitely not chosen him.    


However, he could choose not to. After all, he was the first in two consecutive matches. It was fine to just take a glance at him, right?    


These women, did they look down on him that much?    


thought right, let alone the future Miss aristocracy, the previous Jiang Xinyan really looked down on him now.    


Although the hundreds of thousands of surrounding cultivator already had an answer in their hearts, they were still extremely excited, waiting for Liu Lingwei to personally announce it.    


"I choose... Jiang Chengzi is my Mr right! "    


Liu Lingwei gently activated the jade mouth, and said these words with an extremely pleasant voice.    


Several hundred thousand cultivator s instantly cheered as everyone cheered.    


Liu Xing didn't say anything, gloomily lowered his head, and flew down the stage. He then flew up the stairs to find a seat to sit down.    


He had defeated all the Young cultivator s, but he couldn't win over a woman's heart. No, it was two women's hearts.    



However, no one could say who was right or wrong in this matter.    


The third round was about to begin. Liu Xing already had no interest in fighting them.    


However, he once again swallowed a handful of Soul Crystal, took out the cucurbita and gulped down a mouthful of strong liquor, telling himself: If I don't get what I want, I'll get even better!    


For the third battle, he would continue to participate.    


"Everyone, Fellow Daoist's Miss Liu Lingwei has already chosen her own Mr right. Everyone offers their most sincere blessings, but everyone does not need to be discouraged. There is still a chance!"    


"Next, let us continue with the third round of Groom/Groom Conference. Please use your most enthusiastic applause and cheers to invite our Four Directions Pavilion's Miss Baili Lanyue to the stage!"    


Liu Hongyi took advantage of everyone's interest and immediately invited Miss aristocracy, who was holding the Four Directions Pavilion, over.    


But after the cheers, they also quieted down, their eyes filled with anticipation, waiting for Baili Lanyue to step up.    


When Liu Xing heard the name Baili Lanyue, his heart suddenly felt deeply moved. He raised his head to look at the sky, and suddenly remembered that Yue Chongying had not resurrected in Eternal World.    


Resurrection of Yue Chongying required a top level eight spirit object Neon wood and a Top Ninth Rank spirit object Sky Heart Soul Nurturing Wood.    


At present, he hadn't found a single thing.    


He had previously coincidentally obtained a piece of Sky Heart Soul Nurturing Wood at Eternal Demon Cave, but at that time, he was in an urgent situation and his soul power had been consumed by Ye Xiaomi.    


It had only been more than two years, and he was still participating in the Groom/Groom Conference s here, delusional enough to want to marry a great influence's Miss aristocracy s.    


Thinking of this, Liu Xing suddenly became somewhat worried.    


If he could not find these two spirit objects, how would he face Yue Chongying, who died because of him?    


"Meow …" Meow … "Meow …"    


Just as Liu Xing was lost in his thoughts, a sharp and clear cat cry came out from the sky. Everyone knew that Baili Lanyue was here, and all looked towards the direction of the cat cry.    


At this time, in the air above Inner Ancient City Grand Plaza, the middle stage fourth stage spirit beast, Cloud Piercing Light Cat, appeared.    


The head of the cat was round, with pointy little ears, and its large green eyes were as wide as two small green lights. Its entire body was a white background with black spots. Its stomach was completely covered in snow-white hair. From a distance, the fur on his back looked like a lump of snow-white cotton that had been lit with a few drops of ink.    


Cloud Piercing Light's cat had four fat and short, beard was very hard, like steel needles, its long tail was like a small whip, swaying left and right.    


The most striking thing was its pair of bright and agile eyes, which were blinking slowly. It was truly too beautiful.    


And on Yun Guanglin's cat, stood a beautiful woman, he was Baili Lanyue.    


Liu Xing looked up and saw that Baili Lanyue had a round face with a blush on it. She was dressed in a green, multi-coloured, flower-shaped dress with the edge of the teeth pinch, with a silky blue and dark carvings of cicada wings.    


She had thick, soft, black hair, and her hair was tied up in a chic, high bun. Inside her hair were beads embedded with gold and jade.    


On her waist, there was a silk ribbon with long spikes. On it hung a spirit beast bag with a picture of a longevity star leading a sika deer. On her feet were embroidered soft satin shoes, giving her a delicate and beautiful appearance.    


These were not important. What was important was that after being bound by the silk ribbon that gathered the long spikes of the flower knot, her slender waist was completely revealed.    


It really is cherry Fan Su mouth, willows small waist.    


Baili Lanyue's psoas gripped tightly, if she fell into that man's hands, it was likely that two pairs of large hands would be able to grab onto her psoas and attack until her body was hollowed out.    


Seeing how detailed Baili Lanyue's psoas was, Liu Xing finally understood why the ancient people said those words.    


Lord Chu loved a slender waist, and would starve to death in the palace.    


This slender waist was exactly like Liu Lingwei's ruthlessness and was the nemesis of men.    


Liu Xing had to exclaim in surprise. Up until now, the three Miss aristocracy s that had appeared, Jiang Xinyan, Liu Lingwei, and the others all had their own beauties and beauties.    


Of the three, there was no way to tell who would be first or second. It was just a matter of everyone's preferences.    


If the first three Miss aristocracy s were so attractive, then what would happen to the other three?    


Liu Xing and the hundreds of thousands of cultivator were filled with anticipation.    


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