Path to the God

C2 Thunder on a clear day

C2 Thunder on a clear day

0Liu Xing was around a year older than Ye Ruoshi, and at the age of seventeehehe was beautiful and moving. He was even the school belle of the Yantai, and since he was young, she was bright, intelligent, and multi-talented, he entered the management department of the Yanjing University before he was fifteen, and in just a year and a half, he had completely mastered all the subjects of the management system.    


After leaving school, Ye Ruoshi started a small company that specialized in research, production and sales of health care and skin care products. The reason Liu Xing could go to the Yanjing University was all because of him, the fiancee. Perhaps, when he realized his own situation, Liu Xing did not want to give up on himself, nor did he want to fail to live up to Ye Ruoshi's painstaking efforts.    


had originally not allowed him to participate in today's military training. Since Liu Xing insisted on participating, there was no choice but to remind Liu Xing: If you can't take it, you have to stop!    


Liu Xing was abandoned by his family, left homeless on the streets with nothing left to lose, causing his personality to change drastically. His heart became incomparably hard, so even though he was in extreme pain, he continued to grit his teeth and persevere.    


Just as Liu Xing was in extreme pain, in the cloudless sky, a sudden "boom" resounded like thunder, shaking everyone present to the point of temporarily losing their hearing.    


At this time, no one realized that a ray of light that had descended from the sky had instantly entered Liu Xing's head. Liu Xing only felt a "hum" sound in his head, after which he completely lost consciousness.    


At this time, in a forest deep within the Shen Long Jia, a herb gathering old man raised his head. He squinted his eyes, looked at the sky, and muttered to himself. Looking at the direction, it should be the Yanjing! Yanjing is the foot of the Son of Heaven, a place where talents gather. If the appearance of such an unusual phenomenon is not a True Dragon, then it is a True Treasure.    


The old man that was collecting the herbs was Gui Zhongxian. He was dressed in a green robe with a wine gourd hanging from his waist, his hair was like a crane, and his eyes were as clear as a tiger's. His golden beard was one foot long.    


Gui Zhongxian removed the gourd from his waist and took out the stopper, raising his head to take a gulp. Gui Zhongxian once again hung the gourd on his waist, his clear tiger eyes instantly becoming cloudy. He picked up the medicinal blue in his hands and continued to search for medicinal herbs.    


After the thunderclaps, the instructor was the first to recover from his injuries. The student stood unsteadily and listlessly. When the instructor saw this situation, he decided to let the students rest for a while. Thus, he announced for them to rest on the spot.    


"Ah ~ Not good, someone fainted!" A female classmate coincidentally discovered Liu Xing lying on the ground and started shrieking.    


When the students and instructors heard his shout, they immediately gathered around. The freshmen basically didn't know anyone, but they all liked to join in the fun.    


"Who the hell is this? He's so weak, yet he still came to participate in the military training and even fainted. Isn't he asking for trouble!" A male classmate pointed at Liu Xing who was on the ground and said.    


"He's only been standing there for ten minutes and he's already fainted. Isn't he too weak?" Another male classmate shook his head and said.    


"Hey!" A student who recognized Liu Xing immediately shouted, "Isn't this the person who was reported to the news agency last month? Hua Xia's skinniest Boys Liu Xing? "    


"Yeah, I heard he was Yantai's former fianc? of the genius school head, Ye Ruoshi? Sigh, what a pity! Just like that, a flower was planted by a pig. "    


The instructor thought that Liu Xing had suffered heatstroke and did a simple heatstroke treatment for him. After that, the school doctors team came over to carry Liu Xing away. In every military training, there would always be a few people who fainted on the spot due to poor constitution. The instructor was used to it and continued with his training.    


The school hospital of Yanjing University had a combination of Chinese and Western medicine. The medical care team was strong, after all, the students here were all pillars of the country, the future of their homeland.    


Liu Xing was carried into the school hospital, but nothing abnormal happened. His breathing was steady, but he was still unconscious, as if he had fallen asleep. All of the doctor s were at a loss for what to do. In the end, Principal Wang Qingshan personally acted, but they still could not find out what happened. It could be seen that Liu Xing's problem was very troublesome. Before Wang Qingshan came to the Yantai, he was once the vice president of the Hua Xia's Chinese Medical Association.    


The school hospital had no choice but to contact Liu Xing's family. However, there wasn't even a single phone belonging to Liu Xing, so they could only find the emergency contact Ye Ruoshi's Telephone on the enrollment record and call him.    


When Wang Qingshan and the other doctor were discussing about Liu Xing's condition, Ye Ruoshi arrived. Ye Ruoshi had studied in the Yantai for more than a year, so she naturally knew Principal Wang Qingshan, and as the genius school beauty of the Yantai, Wang Qingshan also knew her.    


When Ye Ruoshi saw Wang Qingshan, she didn't hesitate at all and directly walked in front of him.    


"Hello, President Wang. May I ask how is Liu Xing? Did you wake up? " Ye Ruoshi opened his mouth and asked politely. His voice was a little cold, but it carried a trace of worry that was difficult to conceal.    


When Wang Qingshan saw Ye Ruoshi, he waved to the other doctor s to do their own thing. After everyone had left, he then said to Ye Ruoshi: "The situation is this: during Liu Xing's military training, he was suddenly struck by lightning and lost consciousness. We checked his body, and his breathing was steady and normal. But there were many ways to try and wake him up. Whether it was the needle, the roar, the call, or the smell, none of them worked. To be honest, we did our best! "    


After Ye Ruoshi heard it, her eyebrows furrowed. She felt that it was very strange, who could not hear that sound? No one was hurt, so why was there a problem with Liu Xing alone? Ye Ruoshi asked in confusion: "Thunder from a clear sky? I heard it too, all the employees of my company heard it, at that time everyone was only temporarily deaf for a moment, how could Liu Xing be unconscious? "    


Liu Qingshan thought for a while, then said thoughtfully: "Right, this is also something that I cannot figure out. All of us recovered very quickly, and only Liu Xing is unconscious, could there be a problem with his body?"    


Ye Ruoshi knew that Liu Xing's body was frail and sickly since young, and his body was indeed very bad. He was so skinny that he looked like he would fall at any moment when the wind blew, but it shouldn't be any worse than those old granny from Old grandpa.    


In the end, Ye Ruoshi sent Liu Xing to the Yanjing for a full body check-up. The principal of the First Hospital was Ye Ruoshi's grandfather, Ye Lingtian.    


There were countless Expert in the Yanjing, but there were only a handful of Godly Doctors. After a round of examination and diagnosis, Liu Xing was sent to the VIP ward. Ye Lingtian looked at the unconscious Liu Xing, shook his head, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.    


"What's wrong?" Seeing Ye Lingtian's look of sighing, Ye Ruoshi asked anxiously, "Grandfather, don't keep sighing. Tell me quickly, what happened to Liu Xing?"    


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