Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C3007 Attack(3)

C3007 Attack(3)

0"So... I am a little worried about Shang Yun's personality. He has a crazy personality and a bit of a pervert. In his opinion, snatching back the position of the Realm Lord from Little Four's hands is his last way out. He will definitely do everything he can to achieve his goal. Unless... he can't move anymore and can't fight for the position of the Realm Lord with anyone else."    


Faang Cheng continued to speak with great certainty.    


Faang Cheng had always treated his enemies seriously. He would not easily look down on his enemies. Although he was very capable, he was never blindly confident. Only in this way could he win repeatedly and not let anyone take advantage of him.    


"But this time, there is another problem. That lunatic has taken a fancy to our Moon."    


Yu Yien shook his head helplessly. After analyzing Shang Yun's personality, he concluded that Shang Yun would not lose his obsession with the Moon so easily. This time, not only did Faang Cheng want to protect the position of the Realm Lord, but he also wanted to protect his woman.    


"Hey, brother, did you say that Shang Yun hid in our Fang Residence and refused to leave because he wanted to kill Little Four and the others?"    


Lee Zhaowen looked at Faang Cheng and asked.    


"Of course not."    


Faang Cheng immediately shook his head.    


"His goal is actually very clear. He wants the Regional Lord's waist tag in my hand. Today, I went to his room and saw that there was a piece of the same Regional Lord's waist tag in his baggage. I felt that he wanted to use the waist tag in his hand to make a big scheme with the waist tag in my hand."    


Faang Cheng frowned slightly and thought for a moment.    


"I think there must be some special characteristics or skills on this waist tag that we don't know about. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to exchange the fake one for the real one. He could just go to the Regional Lord's Hall with the fake one!"    


Hearing Faang Cheng's analysis, everyone nodded.    


"If that's the case, he will act sooner or later."    


Little Four said with widened eyes.    


"Yes, he will definitely act as soon as possible, because he probably already thought that he was probably exposed. When he was dealing with Little Four and Baili in the Cultivation Spirit Academy, he brought a few Spirit Beasts. Those Spirit Beasts were almost the same as the Spirit Beasts he used to teach those three monks a day ago. Think about it, he also knows that we are not fools. How could he not think more when he saw those similar Spirit Beasts? If we suspect him, we will keep an eye on him. If he doesn't make a move, he might not have a chance."    


Faang Cheng took a sip from the teacup.    


"Ah? If that's the case, he will definitely start to make his move soon."    


Xu Junxiu frowned and said softly.    


"That's right, maybe... it will be tonight."    


Faang Cheng nodded.    


It was already very late at night, and the Fang Residence was completely silent. Everyone had already fallen asleep.    


At this moment, a black shadow lightly appeared in the Fang Residence's courtyard. After pausing for a moment, he raised his head and looked at the courtyard walls around the Fang Residence. There were shadows everywhere, as if there was someone hiding there. However, there was no Spirit Power in the air at this moment. If it was really a person, then their Spirit Power was indeed hidden very well.    


The black shadow gently walked to Yuan Yue's room. Because he had quarreled with Faang Cheng today, Yuan Yue was sleeping in his own room. The black shadow's ears were close to the room, and he was listening to the sounds inside. He only heard Yuan Yue's light breathing. It seemed that she had already fallen asleep.    


Under the moonlight, the corner of the black shadow's mouth rose slightly. Then, he pushed open Yuan Yue's door without making any noise and entered.    


Once he entered, the black shadow saw Yuan Yue sleeping soundly on the bed. Her beautiful face was even more attractive under the moonlight. The black shadow slowly approached the bed, then slowly squatted down and knelt on one knee in front of Yuan Yue's bed. He almost piously grabbed Yuan Yue's white and slender hand and carefully looked at her.    


Yuan Yue, who had been disturbed for no reason, moaned in her sleep. The black shadow trembled and froze. His breathing seemed to be much heavier than before.    


"Moon... Moon..."    


He trembled as he called out Yuan Yue's name softly. His voice was filled with desire and humbleness.    


The black shadow was Shang Yun. He was wearing a nightgown and a mask on his shoulder. At this moment, his eyes were filled with Yuan Yue, who had already fallen asleep.    


"Moon, don't be anxious. Wait for me. Once I get the real World Lord token, I'll take you away. That Faang Cheng is not worthy of you. He is not worthy! I will treat you well. I will definitely..."    


Shang Yun seemed to have gone crazy. He held Yuan Yue's hand and pressed it against his face. His mouth kept muttering. He looked like a pervert confessing to his goddess in his heart. He seemed to have forgotten that Yuan Yue had only fallen asleep and not fainted. His movements were too big, causing Yuan Yue to wake up in her sleep.    


"Hmm? Who..."    


Yuan Yue's eyes were still drowsy. She slowly opened her eyes and frowned as she looked at the person who had come. In fact, her first reaction was that the person in front of her bed was Faang Cheng. After all, their quarrel today was just a show for Shang Yun. It was also possible that Faang Cheng had snuck into her room in the middle of the night to look for her.    


Therefore, Yuan Yue didn't show too much surprise when she woke up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the black shadow beside the bed. However, the moment she saw the outline of the black shadow, Yuan Yue's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to shout.    




But how could Shang Yun let her make a sound and attract Faang Cheng and the others? Before Yuan Yue could shout, Shang Yun used the Spirit Power to shut her throat. Then, Yuan Yue was completely controlled by him, unable to move or shout. She could only stare at Shang Yun with her eyes.    


"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise. I won't hurt you. You know this."    


Shang Yun looked at Yuan Yue who was half leaning on the bed and said softly. His voice was very gentle, just like how a man treated his beloved woman. However, the person he was facing was not his woman.    


"I will take you away. When I finish my business, I will take you away. Don't worry..."    


Shang Yun looked at Yuan Yue affectionately. His eyes made Yuan Yue feel cold all over. She knew that this person was abnormal, but she didn't expect him to be so abnormal. She tried her best to break free from the binding of the Spirit Power that Shang Yun used, but she couldn't. It was because Shang Yun's Spirit Power was far above hers.    


Chapter 18 - I Will Take You Away    


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