Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C3000 Suspicion(5)

C3000 Suspicion(5)

0Faang Cheng and the others who knew the inside story were slightly stunned, but they quickly recovered their normal expressions and did not want to reveal any clues to Shang Yun.    


"Moon, your movements... are really fast!"    


Shu Qing sat beside Yu Yien and was the first to speak. Although she knew that Yuan Yue was not stupid and that she would have her own thoughts no matter what she did, Shu Qing was still a little worried. After all, that was medicine that had been eaten into her stomach!    


"Ah, since it's a good thing, why don't you move faster? What if Shang Yun doesn't give me the bottle later?"    


Yuan Yue said with a smile as she looked at Shang Yun.    


When Shang Yun heard this, he hurriedly waved his hand and pushed the small porcelain bottle in his hand towards Yuan Yue.    


"Why would I take it back? I can give you all of this bottle."    


Shang Yun's tone was very sincere, and he did not seem to be hypocritical at all.    


"Ah? Give it all to me, then I will accept it!"    


Yuan Yue smiled and took the small porcelain bottle from Shang Yun's hand as if she was a little embarrassed. Then, she jumped back to the seat beside Faang Cheng.    


Faang Cheng's first reaction was to check Yuan Yue's wrist. After touching her for a while, he found that there was nothing wrong with Yuan Yue's body, and it even seemed to have replenished some of the vitality in her body. Only then did Faang Cheng feel relieved.    


"It's really good stuff. The missing vitality in the moon has been replenished!"    


Faang Cheng nodded honestly.    


"Indeed, I feel much more comfortable now!"    


Yuan Yue nodded and took out another bottle from the small bottle to give to Xiao Qi, indicating for her to eat it.    


Although Xiao Qi and Lee Zhaowen were suspicious of Shang Yun, they would not suspect Yuan Yue and Faang Cheng. Therefore, Lee Zhaowen indicated for Xiao Qi to take it over and eat it. Xiao Qi then carefully took the small porcelain bottle and took out a pill from it to eat. Then, he returned the small porcelain bottle to Yuan Yue.    


On the other side, Shang Yun realized that after Yuan Yue ate his Qi Replenishing Pill, she was indeed a lot more energetic. He could not hide his happiness. He was really happy that he could help Yuan Yue. Therefore, he did not have the time to think about how Yuan Yue took away his whole porcelain bottle of pills and gave him his pills as a favor.    


"It's good that I can help you!"    


Shang Yun smiled and nodded. He seemed to be in a good mood all of a sudden.    


"Why did you eat the pill that Shang Yun gave you directly? You scared me! How dare you trust him so much?"    


At this moment, Faang Cheng's voice transmission entered Yuan Yue's mind. Yuan Yue was stunned for a moment, then she turned her head to look at Faang Cheng.    


"That's good stuff. I can tell at first glance. Don't waste it."    


Yuan Yue also replied to Faang Cheng.    


"Besides, I don't believe him, but I believe you. Even if I made a mistake, that thing is indeed poisonous. Can't you save me?"    


Yuan Yue took the opportunity to flirt with him and complimented her man. Sure enough, Faang Cheng was very satisfied. After hearing Yuan Yue's words, his expression changed. Then he saw the smile on his face and the smile on his lips. He was very happy.    


"I also found a problem."    


Yuan Yue saw Faang Cheng's happy expression and could not help but laugh. Then she continued to transmit her voice into Faang Cheng's brain.    


"What problem?"    


Faang Cheng heard this and retracted the smile on his face.    


"Han Yun's body has the smell of witchcraft. The smell of the Gu Insect and the Gu Poison are both there, but I need to sense the smell of the Brain Control Insect."    


Faang Cheng was slightly shocked when he heard Yuan Yue's words. It turned out that the reason why she took the initiative to approach Shang Yun was to sense the smell of the Gu Insect on his body.    


"I know, but don't try to probe him again. You have to know that my jealousy is much more serious than the smell of the Gu Poison on his body."    


Faang Cheng's words almost made Yuan Yue spit out the tea she just drank. She patted her chest lightly and helplessly glared at Faang Cheng. Then she became a lot more obedient and did not take the initiative to approach Shang Yun again.    


"Alright, dinner is ready. Please move to the dining room."    


Wen Liang's voice came from the direction of the dining room.    


At this moment, Faang Cheng was the first to stand up and wave at everyone.    


"Let's go and eat. Today is the dinner that we have eaten together the most. Let's go, I hope you can eat happily!"    


As he spoke, Faang Cheng led the way to the dining room. Everyone followed him to the dining room. The large group of people startled the little kitchen lady who was passing the dishes. The dishes in her hands almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Faang Cheng, who was walking in front, reached out and caught the plate of dishes. Only then did the plates of dishes remain intact and did not fall to the ground.    


"I'm sorry, Mr. Fang, I... I didn't mean it. I was just scared."    


The little kitchen lady looked at Faang Cheng in embarrassment. Her eyes were filled with shyness.    


In fact, it was rare for these servants to talk to Faang Cheng. This was because many people in the Fang Residence were not like the young masters and young ladies in the families of the Ten Thousand Deity Realm. They usually did not need to be served by others. Other than the necessary cleaning of the public areas, the kitchen had to do some work, and there was also the work of purchasing. Other than that, there were no other servants in the Fang Residence.    


Moreover, the treatment of the servants in the Fang Residence was really good. The directors had never treated them as servants. They only paid to hire these maids and servants to work. Usually, they did not need to salute them when they saw them. They could speak to them like ordinary people. The conditions for eating and sleeping were also very good. It was likely that there were a lot of people working in the Fang Residence, but only a handful of people could come in. Although the treatment of the servants in the Fang residence was indeed very good, they also had their own requirements. They were loyal. Before entering the Fang Residence, they would be thoroughly investigated. Only those who were not problematic could enter the Fang Residence to work.    


The young kitchen lady had gone to the kitchen to work after entering the mansion. Other than serving the dishes, she basically didn't see the masters of this family. Today, Faang Cheng had helped her take care of the dishes, so she was quite flattered. Her heart was beating wildly. After all, Faang Cheng's reputation was well-known, and his wealth and appearance were both excellent. It was understandable that the young kitchen lady would behave like this.    


"It's fine. Be careful next time!"    


Faang Cheng felt the young kitchen lady's worshipful gaze and couldn't help but tone down.    


"Oh, yes!"    


The young kitchen lady seemed to have noticed Faang Cheng's coldness and immediately put down the dishes. She nodded at Faang Cheng and turned around to run away with her skirt.    


"Wen Liang, change the kitchen lady tomorrow."    


Faang Cheng looked at Wen Liang and said after seeing the young kitchen lady run away.    




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