Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C2925 Assignments(3)

C2925 Assignments(3)



Faang Cheng looked at Chu Xiang and could not help but hesitate.    


"I also agree to join the World Main Hall."    


Chu Xiang immediately said, causing Faang Cheng to frown slightly.    


"You also want to join the Realm Lord Palace? Then... why do you want to join the Realm Lord Palace?"    


He reluctantly asked Chu Xiang.    


"Me? Of course it is because of Fu Ling. Wherever Fu Ling goes, I will follow her. This is a habit that I have developed since young. I am used to always protecting Fu Ling and cannot let her get hurt. Of course, to be able to work in the World Main Palace is a very good training opportunity. I can also take a look at what kind of material I am and what I can do. "    


Chu Xian did not lie and said the reason why he wanted to work in the World Main Palace.    


Faang Cheng could not help but cough lightly twice, and Lee Zhaowen was even more confused. Why did he have to look at others when he decided to come to the World Main Hall to work? Besides, was the World Main Palace a place that anyone could come and go as they pleased?    


"Are you saying that you decided to come to the Realm Main Palace to work in order to protect Fu Ling?"    


Lee Zhaowen asked uncertainly, his brain aching.    


"That's right, the main reason is this. It's also to train myself."    


Chu Xiang laughed as he scratched his hair and turned to look at Fu Ling who was at the side. Seeing Fu Ling covering her forehead as if she did not see anything, Chu Xian suddenly felt that he had said something wrong and Fu Ling was unhappy.    


"Fu Ling, what's wrong with you?"    


He even went forward and whispered to Fu Ling.    


Fu Ling was not willing to respond to him and only looked to the side, trying to distance herself from Chu Xiang. She did not want to play with this retard.    


"Then I am very sorry because the position of the Palace Lord is limited and every position is very, very important. First, those working in the Palace usually didn't have their own personal guards. Of course, the Palace definitely had guards that were responsible for the safety of the entire Palace. However, there really aren't any personal guards that only protect one person. "    


Lee Zhaowen shrugged his shoulders and said to Chu Xiangshu with some regret.    


"Also, you said you want to train, what do you want to train for? What the World Main Hall needed was someone who could work as soon as they came up, not a newbie who went to the Old World Main Hall to intern. Practicing experience requires you to accumulate what you see and hear, not come out after your internship in the Sector Lord Palace, and you'll be able to establish your own sect. "    


After hearing Lee Zhaowen's words, Chu Xiang was stunned and stunned for a moment. Then, as if he understood the meaning behind Lee Zhaowen's words, he looked at Faang Cheng and Lee Zhaowen in disbelief.    


"So you mean... you don't want me to work in the Boundary?"    


Chu Xian finally reacted.    


"Yes, that's the result so far."    


Faang Cheng nodded and confirmed Chu Xiang's guess.    


"Why? Why can't I work in the World Main Hall? Fu Ling and Baili can do it, but why can't I? Are you guys bullying me and looking down on me?!"    


Chu Xian was both unhappy and surprised as he asked.    


"Not letting you work in the World Main Palace doesn't mean that we doubt or belittle you. It's just that we feel that you're not suitable for this position. And the requirements of this position don't match your heart. As we have said before, we are a chance to choose each other. If we choose you, you can choose us. So now it is Fu Ling and Baili who have come to an agreement with us to work in the Hall of the Lord, but you... only unilaterally you have chosen us, but we have not chosen you. "    


Faang Cheng said a long string of words that sounded like a tongue twister.    


"I... I am so strong, why can't I work in the Hall of the Lord. And... and I must be by Fu Ling's side, I must protect her, there is no doubt of that."    


Chu Xian said to the people in front of him with certainty.    


"But our World's Main Palace will not allow people without positions to enter the World's Main Palace to protect a certain person. And based on your arrogance, even if you enter the World Lord Palace, you might be eliminated. All of your decisions revolve around Fu Ling. So if there is any problem, you will most likely abandon the responsibility that you should be responsible for and save Fu Ling. If that is the case... The loss of the Myriad God Realm is unimaginable. That's why we won't take the risk of handing such an important position to someone like you who only revolves around one person."    


Faang Cheng spoke with a serious tone. Although his voice was not loud, his tone was already very strict.    


"I think... you'd be a good fit to teach at the convent. You're lively and easy to talk to, and if you were a teacher, the kids would probably like you."    


As Lee Zhaowen spoke, he found a job for Chu Xiang.    




"Chu Xiang, stop talking!"    


Finally, the other main character of the story, Fu Ling, could not hold it in anymore and interrupted what Chu Xiang was about to say. Of course, she understood what kind of place was the Palace Lord Palace and how could any random person come in. If one wanted to stay with her, then he could only work with her. Chu Xiang's thoughts were biased from the start, so it was normal for Faang Cheng and the others not to use him.    


"We've grown up, so we don't have to be so clingy every day."    


Her voice was somewhat helpless and coaxing. God knows this Chu Xiang was the most difficult to cajole. He and the other male classmates had a chance lunch in the dining room and this brat worked for two days until he made the male classmates vomit out the food that they had eaten. In the end it was Fu Ling who smoothed his hair and made him happy.    


"But, the two of us have never been separated!"    


Chu Xiang was still unwilling to let it go.    


"But sooner or later, we will be separated. Even if we have a good relationship, sometimes we will have to be separated for a period of time."    


Fu Ling continued to persuade.    




Chu Xian was unwilling to let go.    


"If you say no, then no?"    


Fu Ling was also angered by him and her voice could not help but raise.    


"Then... Then don't go to the World Main Hall to work."    


Chu Xian's thinking was really strange.    


"Why can't I go to the World Main Hall to work? I want to go, but I can't just not go to the World Main Hall to work just because you came along! Chu Xian, don't be so childish, can you? "    


Fu Ling was speechless.    



Bai Li and Xu Junxiu looked at each other helplessly. These two people were indeed enemies. They would quarrel and suppress each other.    


However, the topic today was obviously much more complicated than usual. It wasn't something that Xu Junxiu and Bai Li could get involved in.    


"Just watch them quarrel. We are leaving now. Jun Xiu, appropriately tell Baili and Fu Ling about the matters that the Palace Lord should be responsible for. Anyway, these two people will be yours in the future."    


Faang Cheng and Lee Zhaowen, perhaps because they were old, could not stand the noise. The two of them shook their heads and walked towards the gate of the Spirit Cultivation Academy with their hands behind their backs.    


The sky had already turned completely dark, and there was no longer anyone in front of the main gate of the Spirit Cultivation Academy. There were only a few passers-by who had returned late and were walking on the streets in a hurry.    


Faang Cheng and Lee Zhaowen planned to walk along this street in the direction of the Fang Family Mansion. The distance from here to the Fang Residence was actually not that short. Normally, it would take them an hour to walk there. Faang Cheng and the others would probably be a bit faster, but for the past few days, neither of them had any intention of using their Spirit Power. Instead, they simply walked forward slowly.    


They would soon be unable to experience the slow life of the Myriad God Realm. Thus, it was necessary and meaningful to experience it at the right time.    


"That Chu Xiang is quite interesting."    


Lee Zhaowen said with a smile.    


"It's just that his personality is a little unique, and there's no problem with it, but he's indeed not suitable to work in the Myriad God Realm."    


"Yes, there's still room for growth."    


Faang Cheng nodded.    


However, just as he finished speaking, Faang Cheng suddenly sensed something and turned around to look at the gate of the Spirit Cultivation Academy that they had just passed through.    


"Someone... or something has entered?"    


Faang Cheng frowned and said calmly.    


"Damn it, what's going on today? Is there no end to this..."    


Speechless, Lee Zhaowen and Faang Cheng rushed towards the Spirit Cultivation Academy.    


After dinner, the living area of the Spirit Cultivation Academy was still very lively. Most of the older students would go to the bookstore to read or return to their dorms to play games to pass the time. Most of the students who stayed outside to play were younger students.    


Xu Junxiu and the other three walked towards the dorm. Xu Junxiu and Baili walked in front with a helpless face while Fu Ling and Chu Xiang behind them were still arguing back and forth. The content of the argument had already started from the matter of Fu Ling going to the Realm Main Hall to the matter of them stealing peaches from next door when they were young and being chased by dogs.    


Suddenly, Xu Junxiu, who was walking in front, keenly felt a trace of strange Spirit Power. He suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the Spirit Power. He saw a beam of light shooting towards them like lightning. Xu Junxiu shouted, Not good! He picked up two young students who were passing by and dodged to the side.    


Fortunately, Baili reacted quickly, and in the next second, when Xu Junxiu felt that something was wrong, he also realized that something was wrong.    


And the most surprising one was Chu Xian who was still arguing with Fu Ling. It was said that when danger comes, it is the time to verify a person's true thoughts. Chu Xiang shoved Fu Ling away from him to protect her from the bolt of lightning. Then he picked up a boy who was walking along the path of the lightning.    


- Content from [Mi Gu Reading]    


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