Treasure identifying Golden Finger

C2883 Throwing the Child away(4)

C2883 Throwing the Child away(4)

0If the neighbors had been ordinary, they would have been kind enough to help each other out if they were in trouble, but the mother of the missing child was a little taken aback by the number of people who had come to help, and by the way they seemed to want to make a big deal out of it.    


"I just wanted to ask about the kids, and I didn't want to make a scene at the convent, but when I came... things seemed out of my control."    


The mother of the missing child was a woman, but she was a mother. She wasn't young, after all, and she wasn't that simple.    


"Hmm, indeed!"    


Yuan Yue nodded and didn't say anything. She just looked at those people who had nothing to do with this.    


"Tell me. Why... Why are you helping the mother of the missing child? What do you want? Or... Are you plotting something bigger?"    


Yuan Yue asked directly.    


"You... Don't slander us. We are helping Sister Wang. How could we have any other intentions? Besides, what good would it do us? It doesn't really matter to us whether we find the child or not, does it?"    


The leader interrupted and explained.    


"That's right. I am thinking about it too. What does it matter to you if the child is found or not? So, what else could it be? So I thought..."    


Yuan Yue said with a smile. Then she turned around and saw the gate of the Cultivation College.    


"You want to go in, don't you?"    


Yuan Yue's words made the man stop. He didn't expect that Yuan Yue would want to go in. Since the Spirit Cultivation Academy didn't allow entry, they didn't force anyone to enter. They just followed the sequence of events and fought for a chance to enter the Spirit Cultivation Academy bit by bit.    


"We didn't. We're just helping Sister Wang."    


The leader didn't admit it.    


"Okay, I thank you on behalf of the mother of the missing child. You can go back now!"    


Then Yuan Yue nodded to the men and women in thanks, and told them to leave.    


"What? You want us to leave? How is that possible? We came here with Sister Wang, so we have to go back with her. It's not easy for Sister Wang to take care of the child alone. We can't let her be fooled, bullied, and fooled by you. What do you want to talk about? We will talk with Big Sister Wang. "    


The leader frowned and stared at Yuan Yue in front of him with unfriendly eyes.    


"Okay, then you can come together if you want. I don't mind. But... we're not going to talk in the Spirit Cultivation Academy. We're going to find a teahouse to talk. And even if Director Zheng comes back later, we'll let him come to the teahouse to talk instead of going back to the Spirit Cultivation Academy. In that case... are you sure you want to follow us?"    


Yuan Yue didn't say anything else, but asked another question.    


"Not going to the Spirit Cultivation Academy? How can we talk if we don't go to the Spirit Cultivation Academy? Sister Wang, we can't not go to the Spirit Cultivation Academy. How do you know if they're real or fake? He said that he was Faang Cheng, the principal of the Spirit Cultivation Academy, but who could prove it? What if he is a swindler that Zheng Ziyun and the others found to appease us?"    


The leader tried to find fault with her once again, causing Sister Wang, who was already feeling uneasy, to be confused. She stared at Yuan Yue and then looked at the leader. She couldn't make up her mind at the moment.    


"If you ask who can prove that Faang Cheng is the principal of the Spirit Cultivation Academy, can I prove it for you?"    


At this point, a voice suddenly sounded from not far away. Everyone turned around and saw Zheng Ziyun standing at the entrance of the Spirit Cultivation Academy with a look of shock on his face. In his shock, there was a hint of awkwardness.    


"Principal Fang..."    


Zheng Ziyun and Faang Cheng had always addressed each other by their first names, but today, Zheng Ziyun had changed his way of addressing him. Furthermore, his voice was much softer than when they usually met, so it was obvious that he was feeling a little guilty.    


"Director Zheng is back."    


Faang Cheng knew that Zheng Ziyun was feeling a little guilty for not reporting the matter of the loss of the Spirit Cultivation Academy's child to the higher-ups. He could understand Zheng Ziyun's thoughts, but he did not agree with his actions, so... Faang Cheng deliberately called out to him half-jokingly.    


"Well, I... I went out of town and looked around, but... I couldn't find the kid."    


Zheng Ziyun knew that Faang Cheng must have known the whole story by now, so he could not hide it any longer and told the truth.    


Faang Cheng nodded his head. His guess was right. Zheng Zi Yun had indeed gone to look for his child.    


"Director Zheng, the child... is still nowhere to be found?"    


The mother of the missing child walked in front of Zheng Ziyun and asked carefully with teary eyes.    


"There is still no news of him..."    


Looking at the mother of his missing child, the guilt in Zheng Ziyun's heart could not be any greater. He lowered his head, not knowing how to face the mother of his child.    


"Don't worry, the other party must have taken the child away for some reason. He definitely did not want to harm the child. If they wanted to harm the child, then they should have just taken care of the child in the Spirit Cultivation Academy. They wouldn't have spent so much effort to take the child away from the academy. So the child is most likely fine. As for how to find him... I still have to think of another way."    


Saying that, Faang Cheng turned to look at Yuan Yue.    


"Yue Yue, I'll have to trouble you and Senior Gu King with something. In order to make it easier for us to communicate, don't let the child's mother go home. Find a place near the Cultivation Spiritual Academy with a better environment and help the child's mother settle down."    


Faang Cheng said to Yuan Yue and the Gu King.    


"Alright, no problem."    


Yuan Yue nodded, and the Gu King also agreed.    


"Then Director Zheng... we have to think about how to find the child."    


Faang Cheng looked at Zheng Ziyun and said.    




Zheng Ziyun looked a little listless.    




After Faang Cheng had made all the necessary arrangements, the cousin the mother's neighbor had brought with her spoke up. His tone was as if Faang Cheng had stolen something from them.    


"If we leave the mother in your hands, won't we be sending her to the jaws of death? Since we agreed to help her, we will help her to the end!"    


The man spoke righteously.    


- From Mi Gu Reading    



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