Supreme Master In City

C1111 The Truth

C1111 The Truth

0As the instigator of the incident twenty-seven years ago, Emperor Loonghua must know everything about it.    


Now, it was time to meet him.    


"Chief Steward, Dong Fei, wait for me outside." Loong Wei turned around and ordered.    


After that, he followed Loong Cangsheng into the inner courtyard.    


"Wei, we don't want to see any internal strife in the family. The family head is preparing to have a decisive battle with Great Sage Qi Ming. I hope you..." Loong Daoyuan said with a worried expression.    


If Loong Wei made a move, Emperor Loonghua's strength would definitely be damaged. If he fought Qi Ming again, he would definitely suffer a loss.    


Loong Wei's expression was calm, and he didn't say anything.    


The group of people went straight to the core area of the Loong Aristocratic Family. This place was full of beautiful fields, and there were no signs of artificial sculpting.    


They walked along the winding river. At the end of the river was a quiet and clear lake.    


A middle-aged man with disheveled hair sat by the lake with his eyes closed. He held a fishing rod in his hand.    


"Father, my cousin is here." Loong Cangsheng came closer and called out softly.    


No one would have thought that this man who looked like a hermit was actually the patriarch of Loong Aristocratic Family, Emperor Loonghua!    


He was so ordinary that it was unbelievable.    


Loong Wei had imagined the scene of meeting Emperor Loonghua. It must have been intense. If you live, I die.    


However, when the matter came to an end, it was so calm.    


This peerless man was so ordinary that it made people doubt him. Was he really the legendary Emperor Loonghua?    


Sighing lightly, Emperor Loonghua slowly raised his head and looked at Loong Wei. His tone was indifferent. "Do you hate me?"    


Emperor Loonghua's eyes were dark, and there was no sadness or joy in his expression. "Listen to me. After I finish speaking, you can attack me. What do you think?"    


Loong Wei's eyes turned cold, and he said in a cold voice, "Tell me, why did you do that back then?"    


This question had been pressing on Loong Wei's mind for more than twenty years, and it made him feel extremely miserable.    


"Many people have told you that they saw me kill my father and start a massacre in Loong Aristocratic Family. However, what they saw might not be true." Emperor Loonghua's expression remained calm, as if he was not involved in this matter.    


"Why did you kill your own family?" Loong Wei's expression was cold, and his entire being was filled with killing intent.    


"I was forced to do this. I killed my own father and many of my family members with my own hands. Do you think I'm not in pain?" Emperor Loonghua put down the fishing rod and said with a painful expression.    


"I was controlled by Great Sage Qi Ming back then, that's why I did such an outrageous thing." Emperor Loonghua said with a stern voice.    


As a powerhouse who had reached the peak of his power, he had long surpassed everything else. He rarely got angry, but now he was furious.    


That incident twenty-seven years ago not only tortured others, but also made him, the murderer, miserable beyond description.    


"What did you say?" Loong Wei's eyes became serious as he stared at Emperor Loonghua. He had never thought that Emperor Loonghua would say such words.    


When he heard Loong Cangsheng say that Emperor Loonghua was going to fight Great Sage Qi Ming, Loong Wei thought that the two of them were fighting for the title of the strongest.    


He had never thought that there would be such a connection between them.    


"Back then, I was not in the mood to take care of my family's affairs. I had been traveling outside." Emperor Loonghua slowly stood up and said solemnly, "Later, when I heard that you were born, I rushed home to congratulate my brother and sister-in-law. It was at that time that I saw Qi Ming."    


"After that, I was controlled by him. My body couldn't help it."    


Loong Wei asked, "Great Sage Qi Ming controlled your emotions?"    


Emperor Loonghua shook his head. "No, he only controlled my body, but my mind was still clear. He wanted me to see how he killed my father with my own eyes. It was evil and vicious!"    


"I know that even if I told you about this, you wouldn't believe me. However, this is the truth."    


"Great Sage Qi Ming actually has such an ability?" Loong Wei asked with some confusion.    


To be able to control the actions of a supreme expert and make him do such an incredible thing?    


"You have seen Qi Ming before. You should know about the spiders raised by him, right?" Emperor Loonghua restrained his expression and asked.    


"I know. Could it be? Loong Wei thought. When he first saw those spiders, he felt a little strange, but he didn't think too much about it when he was in a hurry to go down the mountain.    


"Qi Ming used the spider silk to control others. This is also one of his famous skills, but few people in the martial arts world know about it, because those who knew about it were all killed by him. I'm just an exception. "    


Emperor Loonghua sneered. "Everyone in the world thinks that old thing is a saint. How could they think that he is the greatest villain in the world?"    


"Then why did he spare your life?" Loong Wei asked.    


"Qi Ming wasn't soft-hearted. He didn't kill me because he wanted me to become the target of everyone. It would be easier for him to find the copper plate." Emperor Loonghua sighed.    


"Are you really going to fight him?" Loong Wei was silent for a moment before he asked.    


The copper plate was in his hands, and neither Emperor Loonghua nor Great Sage Qi Ming could take it away from him.    


"Blood feud, we must repay it." Emperor Loonghua raised his head and looked at Loong Wei. "Do you believe what I said?"    


Loong Wei nodded. "I believe a part of it. I know that Great Sage Qi Ming is not a good person, but I didn't expect him to hide such a shocking secret."    


"By the way, what exactly is that copper plate? Why are so many people fighting over it?"    


Emperor Loonghua was startled, and then he shook his head. "I have studied it for many years, but I still don't understand it. I only know that the copper plate represents the creation of the world. Once the mystery is solved, a world-shaking event will happen."    


"However, that old bastard Qi Ming must know something about it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been searching for it for so many years."    


Loong Wei asked, "What is your chance of winning in this battle with Great Sage Qi Ming?"    


Both of them were experts in the world. It was hard for Loong Wei to tell who would win and who would lose.    



"I can't say for sure. I will try my best to hold him back." Emperor Loonghua looked at Loong Wei with hope, "You must destroy the Holy Tao Aristocratic Family before I die, and return peace to the people of the world!"    


After saying that, he looked at Loong Cangsheng and said, "Son, I have let you down. If there is a next life, I will atone for my crimes."    


"Take good care of yourself. I will go now!"    




A huge black sword shot out from the front and was firmly held in Emperor Loonghua's hand. "It has been twenty-seven years. We can finally fight side by side again."    


"There is Morality in the heaven and earth, mixed elements are flowing, below is a river peak, and above is the sun and the stars..."    


Emperor Loonghua recited the Morality Technique and strode out of the Loong Aristocratic Family.    


He looked at Emperor Loonghua, who was getting further and further away. Loong Cangsheng's eyes turned red and he looked at Loong Wei. "Cousin, now that you know what happened back then, do you still hate him?"    


"For the sake of meeting you, he has lived for twenty-seven years, and now it's finally time for revenge."    


Loong Wei gripped the long halberd in his hand tightly, his face cold. "For his own selfish desires, Qi Ming has wreaked havoc in the world and slaughtered the innocent."    


Loong Wei had long noticed the strangeness of Great Sage Qi Ming, but he had no evidence to back it up.    


Now, Emperor Loonghua had told him everything that happened in the past, and everything was clear.    


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