Supreme Master In City

C288 Openly Obeying and Disobeying

C288 Openly Obeying and Disobeying

0Everyone was shocked and surprised.    


At this time, a knowledgeable person pointed at the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and said, "I think I have seen that person on TV. He is Secretary Yuh from the provincial government. He is a popular person with the governor. Why is he here?"    


"Could it be that the Cheung Family has offended the governor?"    


While the crowd was arguing, Xu Jiao also squeezed into the crowd. Behind her was a young man in his early twenties. He was Loong Wei's classmate, wang Dong.    


Two days ago, they met Xu Jiao in the shopping mall. The female classmate from before had become so beautiful and charming. Dong Wang's heart was suddenly in turmoil. When he thought of the rich girlfriend who he had to face all day long, dong Wang yearned for Xu Jiao very much.    


Therefore, wang Dong had been pestering Xu Jiao for the past two days. However, Xu Jiao had been waiting outside the Cheung Family for the past two days. She had been waiting for an entire day and no one knew who she was waiting for.    


Wang Dong deliberately revealed the precious golden watch on his wrist. He looked at the time and said, "Let's go and watch a movie later. What's so good about this place?"    


Wang Dong was overjoyed when he found out that Xu Jiao was still in university. With his current status, he could easily make a small fortune and settle a college student in minutes.    


"Sorry, I have to wait for someone." Xu Jiao's attitude towards Wang Dong had always been cold and indifferent. "I don't want to watch a movie. Go and watch it yourself."    


"Waiting for who?" When Wang Dong heard this, he immediately frowned and a gloomy expression flashed across his face.    


Could Xu Jiao be waiting for a man? But what was the meaning of waiting here?    


At this moment, a black car slowly drove over from afar and stopped at the side of the road.    


Loong Wei pushed open the door and came down.    


Looking at the huge array in front of him, Loong Wei sneered. "A dead sheep will mend the prison. Are you trying to show me what you are doing?"    


Loong Wei's expression was cold as he led Dong Fei to the front.    


"Loong Wei!" Xu Jiao saw the leader of the group, Loong Wei, and her eyes lit up. The cold expression on her face changed, and she became wild with joy. She jogged all the way to Loong Wei.    


"Loong Wei?" Wang Dong was slightly startled, and then he became angry. "It's you again!"    


What made him collapse the most was that he clearly saw Xu Jiao flying into Loong Wei's arms like a little bird. The woman who was as cold as ice before was now so lovable?    


"Damn it!" Wang Dong cursed fiercely. He did not expect that he would not be able to avoid Loong Wei, this God of Plagues, even if he was here. He also did not expect that Loong Wei and Xu Jiao would be cut off from each other!    


However, now wasn't the time to compete with Loong Wei. Wang Dong tidied up the unhappiness in his heart and followed behind Xu Jiao to Loong Wei. "Long time no see, Loong Wei. It turns out that Xu Jiao said that the person she had been waiting for was you."    


It was only at this moment that Xu Jiao left Loong Wei's embrace with a red face.    


Loong Wei nodded at Wang Dong. He did not have any grudges with Wang Dong. At most, he just could not stand Wang Dong's vanity.    


"I'll make a trip to Cheung Family first. I don't want those people to wait too long." After Loong Wei finished speaking to Xu Jiao, he walked towards the group of people who looked like leaders at the intersection.    


Wang Dong was shocked when he heard this. He immediately sneered and said, "Waiting for a long time? Could it be that Loong Wei wants to say that these people are waiting for him?"    


With the Liang family supporting him in Lin Hai, Loong Wei could naturally do whatever he wanted. However, this was the Tiandu City. The Liang family's influence could not extend to this place.    


Furthermore, according to what he knew, there were even leaders in the provincial government among those people. Secretary Yuh's background was even greater. He was a capable and capable subordinate of the provincial governor.    


Loong Wei actually said that these leaders were waiting for him. It made people laugh their heads off!    


Wang Dong was chased out of Lin Hai City by Liang Xun a long time ago. Naturally, he did not know what happened in Lin Hai after that.    


As Loong Wei and Dong Fei continued to move forward, the surrounding people also discovered the existence of these two young men.    


"Who are they? What do they want to do?" Everyone's eyes instantly fell on Loong Wei and Dong Fei.    


"Do they want to find Secretary Yuh and the others? Is Secretary Yuh waiting for these two people?"    


In the crowd, someone made a bold guess.    


However, it soon caused a wave of ridicule. "Secretary Yuh and the others, how is that possible?"    


"Look at the crowd. The ones with the least cards are the police chief. The ones in front are all big officials from the province. Even the richest man in Tiandu City, Jee Zhengyang, doesn't have that much face!"    


"These two don't look like rich people. Do they deserve Secretary Yuh to greet them personally?"    


When everyone heard this, they all nodded in agreement.    


Just as their faces were filled with disdain and ridicule towards Loong Wei, they saw a noisy commotion coming from in front of them.    


Under Yao Lu's reminder, the group of high ranking officials in the province also noticed Loong Wei's figure. Everyone looked in Loong Wei's direction with a worried and fearful expression.    


Immediately after that, their hearts tightened. They hurriedly walked in front of Loong Wei and bowed respectfully to him. "Mr Loong, you are finally back."    




Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, and the corners of their mouths twitched.    


Especially the few people who looked at Loong Wei with disdain, they almost bit their tongues off. All of them widened their eyes and froze on the spot.    


No one would have thought that this group of big leaders from the province were actually waiting for this unknown kid, and for a few days?    


These few days, these leaders had been waiting at the intersection. Even if it was the ancient officials welcoming the emperor, it was nothing much.    


Originally, everyone thought that this group of leaders was definitely waiting for a big figure from the Yanjing, but they never dreamed that it was actually a young man in his twenties!    


"This, this is impossible!!" Wang Dong widened his eyes, his heart filled with unwillingness.    


Loong Wei was indeed a figure in Chuzhou, but that was because he had the Qin Family as his backer. However, this was the Tiandu City, and many of these people were important figures in the province. Why were they so humble to Loong Wei?    


Loong Wei, who are you?    


Wang Dong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. He didn't dare to imagine it anymore.    


Loong Wei ignored everyone's shock. His sharp gaze swept across the secretary. "Who was in charge of the matters of Cheung Family?"    


When he heard Loong Wei ask this question, the leaders looked at each other, speechless.    



"Mr Loong." At this moment, a man in a shirt with a beer belly walked out. "My name is Liu Sheng. I am in charge of the Cheung Family."    


"Liu Sheng?" When they heard this name, a few people in the crowd who had seen the world exclaimed in their hearts, "This Liu Sheng is a high official in the Provincial Party Committee. In terms of seniority, he can enter the top ten!"    




When the crowd heard this, they gasped. They looked at Loong Wei and Liu Sheng, feeling extremely shocked in their hearts.    


Such a great figure was actually shivering in front of a young man in his twenties, not even daring to breathe loudly?    


If they didn't see it with their own eyes, they would never believe it even if it was said by the heavens!    


Loong Wei frowned slightly. He naturally had never heard of the name Liu Sheng, but this wasn't important. In his opinion, there was no difference between anyone in Guang Province and any other name.    


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