Supreme Master In City

C273 Magical Equipment Exchange

C273 Magical Equipment Exchange

0"Magic weapon?" Loong Wei was slightly startled, "I'm not a priest, so I don't know much about these things."    


After saying that, Loong Wei was about to hang up the phone.    


Half-immortal Liu on the other side did not give up and quickly explained, "Mr Loong, listen to me. This social meeting does not only have magic weapons, but also all kinds of divine weapons and weapons. Many of them are rare good things. You can think about it again?"    


"Divine weapons?" Loong Wei mused for a moment before nodding his head and agreeing, "Alright."    


Half-immortal Liu was overjoyed when she heard that. She hurriedly told Loong Wei the location and the route map, and even how to ride a car.    


Half an hour later, Loong Wei drove to the Cloud Dawn Villa. The so-called magic artifact exchange meet was held here.    


After reporting Liu Yuan's name to the security guard at the entrance, a tall and beautiful female receptionist quickly brought Loong Wei to the main hall. It seemed like Half-immortal Liu's name was very famous here, and Loong Wei was able to travel unhindered along the way.    


"Mr Loong!" Just as he stopped, he heard a familiar voice. He turned around and saw that it was Half-immortal Liu. She was walking towards Loong Wei with a middle-aged man in his fifties.    


The middle-aged man looked at Loong Wei with a serious expression and muttered, "Half-immortal Liu, this young man is the master you mentioned?"    


As the middle-aged man spoke, he kept shaking his head. His eyes were full of doubt.    


Half-immortal Liu, who was in front of him, had a sage-like appearance. However, it was child's play to say what kind of master this young man was.    


Looking at his age, he was only in his twenties. Even if he was born and started cultivating, a mere twenty years of cultivation could not be considered as an expert, right?    


Seeing the middle-aged man's face full of doubt, Half-immortal Liu smiled slightly. "Director Xu, you don't know about it. Don't look at Mr Loong's young age. But he's more powerful than me!"    


"With Mr Loong overseeing you this time, there will definitely be no problem!"    


It was only at this moment that Loong Wei came to a realization. It turned out that Half-immortal Liu had agreed to help Chairman Xu. But she knew that she did not have any real ability, so she carried Loong Wei out.    


This old fellow had a good plan. He was really old but not dead. He was a thief.    


However, since he was here, Loong Wei didn't mind taking a look at him, especially those legendary divine weapons. What kind of background did they have?    


However, general Manager Xu still looked at Loong Wei with doubt in his heart. He was skeptical about what Li Xianzi had said, but there was no better way. He could only believe that this young man in front of him was really as profound as Half-immortal Liu had said.    


"Come with me." General Manager Xu led Loong Wei and Half-immortal Liu into a heavily guarded secret room.    


At this time, many people had gathered in the secret room. When they saw Chief Xu enter, they greeted him repeatedly. "Old Xu, why are you only here now? We only need you!"    


Director Xu replied apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm going out to pick up a friend."    


"It's you!" At the same time, a pair of resentful eyes stared at Loong Wei, who was behind the crowd. The person who spoke was Mrs. Nie, whom he had just met in the morning.    


Loong Wei was also a little surprised when he saw Mrs. Nie. He did not expect to see this woman here.    


However, Loong Wei only glanced at her quickly and ignored her.    


"Mrs. Nie knows Mr Loong?" Chief Xu's eyes lit up slightly and he took the initiative to ask.    


Mrs. Nie let out a cold snort and didn't reply. When she thought of the scene that happened in the Yang Family in the morning, she was burning with anger. She was the wife of the Nie Family's Patriarch, but she was humiliated by Loong Wei one after another. This was ridiculous!    


Chief Xu looked at Loong Wei with a complicated look in his eyes, then he went forward and sat down.    


Seeing that everyone had arrived, an old man in a Tang robe sitting in the middle slightly nodded his head. "Since everyone is here, let's begin."    


As he spoke, the old man in a Tang suit waved his hand, and a subordinate behind him placed a box on the table. "This time, I brought two magic tools. Everyone, please take a look!"    


Only then did Loong Wei understand that the so-called magic tool exchange meet was actually a small auction. The elder in the Tang suit was a seller, while Chief Xu, Mrs. Nie, and the others were all buyers who came to bid.    


Because he wasn't sure about the benefits inside, that was why he invited people to give him a look.    


"Click! Click!" The secret code box opened with a sound. The Tang clothed elder put on a white glove and took out a jade ruler. "This first magical artifact is called Heaven Measuring Ruler. It is rumored to be an ancient artifact that can suppress evil!"    


"If you invite this divine artifact to your home, you will definitely be able to find peace in your home. You will be able to suppress evil spirits and drive away evil spirits. You will also be able to turn bad luck into good fortune!"    


Loong Wei raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the Heaven Measuring Ruler in the old man's hand. Although there was a bit of spiritual energy flowing within the jade ruler, it was too weak. Talking about the exorcism of evil and turning evil into good fortune was simply nonsense.    


The old man in the Tang suit placed the Heaven Measuring Ruler on the table. Under the bright light, the many wealthy people in the room all looked carefully, and from time to time, they would even discuss it in a low voice with the person with the eye they brought.    


Chairman Xu looked at it for a long time, but he could not see anything. He turned around and looked at Loong Wei. "Mr Loong, what do you think of this Heaven Measuring Ruler?"    


Loong Wei shook his head slightly. "It's useless. It's just a gimmick."    


"Can I test the spirit energy of the Heaven Measuring Ruler?" A middle-aged man wearing glasses beside Mrs. Nie asked.    


"Why not?" The elder in the Tang suit smiled.    


The bespectacled middle-aged man stepped forward and waved his hand lightly. Instantly, the entire room was filled with a chilly wind. Clouds of black fog emerged from the middle aged man's palm. Vaguely, the sound of wailing ghosts and howling ghosts could be heard.    


Loong Wei frowned. It turned out to be another warlock that controlled ghosts?    


However, this person's strength was far from the black-robed old man from yesterday, and was only slightly stronger than Half-immortal Liu's.    


At the same time, this middle-aged man held the Heaven Measuring Ruler on the table. Surrounded by the evil and dense fog, the Heaven Measuring Ruler actually emitted waves of green fluorescent light.    


In an instant, the black fog dissipated, the chilly wind stopped, and the wailing of ghosts and wolves also disappeared. The evil energy emitted by the middle-aged man seemed to be suppressed by the Heaven Measuring Ruler in an instant.    


Seeing this, the rest of the wealthy people secretly called out good stuff!    


Mrs. Nie waved her jade-like hand and said to the Tang robed elder, "I want this Heaven Measuring Ruler. Old Lu, name a price!"    


The old man with the original name Lu Zhao smiled and said emotionally, "Since Mrs. Nie has spoken, the Heaven Measuring Ruler will belong to you."    


"Deal!" Mrs. Nie would never be stingy as long as it was something good. After all, money was just a string of numbers to the Nie Family.    


After a while, Mrs. Nie glanced at Chief Xu beside her. "Xu Yang, it seems like the Mr Loong you invited has poor eyesight!"    


Xu Yang's heart sank. He looked at Loong Wei unhappily. He was very dissatisfied that Loong Wei couldn't identify this treasure.    


Half-immortal Liu, who was standing beside him, was also a little embarrassed. She didn't expect that Loong Wei, whom she regarded as a god, would also be able to make eye contact with him.    



Loong Wei was the only one who smiled indifferently and did not make an explanation.    


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