Supreme Master In City

C44 Funeral

C44 Funeral

0At the funeral of the young master of Wang Family, the biggest family in Chuzhou, Loong Wei openly provoked him and even split open the coffin.    


No matter who it was, they would definitely die for such an act. If he dared to blaspheme the Wang Family in Chuzhou, he would die for sure.    


But today, Loong Wei was unharmed and left in a carefree manner.    


Wang Zhengtian watched him leave without saying a word, and no one dared to stop him. This was shocking.    


Everyone knew that even though Loong Wei had left today, there would definitely be a battle between them in the future. Because of the return of this young man, the silent Chuzhou would certainly welcome an even bigger event.    


As the largest trade union in the region that was recently established, the Merchant Alliance of the Chu Prefecture would soon be able to unify the Chuzhou. But now, they had encountered such a powerful opponent.    


Wang Zhengtian's heart was filled with bitterness. His son had died, and his great business structure was facing an unprecedented challenge.    


Lui Xiongfei's mouth twitched slightly, and his beard fluttered slightly. He looked at Wang Zhengtian, and his mood was very good.    


"Everyone said that Wang Zhengtian has a lot of influence in Chuzhou. I never thought that he would be defeated by a young man. It's really shameful for him." Lui Xiongfei revealed a joyful expression, "Jian, now you have agreed to let Loong Wei join us?"    


Lui Jian was the only son of Lui Xiongfei. In order to nurture the successor of Lyu family, Lui Xiongfei had put in a lot of effort.    


Lui Jian was still able to live up to his expectations. Lui Xiongfei was very satisfied with his son.    


Lui Xiongfei had given the family business to his son to manage, while he was focusing on the matters of the Wind Cloud Pavilion. Both father and son had different roles, but they complemented each other.    


Lui Jian was more careful with Lui Xiongfei's suggestion. He thought for a while before he answered, "I still want to delay this matter. I will try to find out more about him."    


Lui Jian saw the unhappy expression on his father's face, so he explained, "Wind Cloud Pavilion is destined to have a great reputation since the day it was established. If we want to recruit new people, we must be careful."    


"What if he refuses?" Lui Xiongfei said.    


Lui Jian was slightly shocked. In his heart, as long as the Wind Cloud Pavilion sent out an invitation, everyone would beg to join. Why would anyone reject it?    


This was too absurd.    


Then, Lui Jian laughed disdainfully. "The Wind Cloud Pavilion can recruit him. This was the virtue he had accumulated in his previous life. If he dares to refuse, it can only mean that he is short-sighted. "    


Lui Jian paused for a moment and continued, "Those who disobey the Wind Cloud Pavilion will be killed without mercy!"    


Because the Wang Family had joined Wang Hai's funeral, the announcement of the news had attracted countless attention. However, due to the dense security, other than the many invited guests, the rest of the people and the media were unable to enter to take a look.    


Everyone only knew that today was a gathering of famous people, but they knew nothing about what was happening inside.    


However, the Wang Family funeral announced that it was canceled. All the guests rushed out of the mourning hall in panic.    


This news spread very quickly, and it didn't take long for rumors to spread all over the streets and alleys.    


It was said that someone had entered the funeral of Wang Family with a gun and even destroyed Wang Hai's crystal coffin. Someone had almost died.    


Who was this person? He was too bold. He had provoked the Wang Family at such a sensitive time. He was going to fight the Wang Family!    


They had no more information about that uninvited guest.    


Those who knew Loong Wei wouldn't dare to say anything. No one wanted to provoke him, and those who didn't know Loong Wei couldn't say anything either.    


The rumors were getting more and more outrageous. All kinds of news were spreading. Everyone was interested in that young man who caused trouble.    


Some of them recalled the celebration banquet of Xu Family a few days ago. They heard that someone had gone to cause trouble as well. Could it be that the person was the same person as today?    


Jiang Rong, who was in the Audi, hung up the phone with a shocked expression. She turned around and whispered to Lin Ruoxue, "We do not need to go to the funeral. The funeral was canceled."    


Lin Ruoxue put down her phone and frowned. She had already seen the relevant news on the local forum. At the Wang Family funeral, there was a strange man who came to wreck the place. The scene was in chaos.    


The reporters published the news very quickly. This scandal instantly spread throughout the entire Chuzhou City. However, the news was only described in words and there were no valuable pictures.    


"Who on earth dares to cause trouble at the Wang Family's funeral? His courage is really big. " Lin Ruoxue muttered to herself. She had an indescribable feeling in her heart.    


Jiang Rong rolled her eyes at her unhappily and turned her head and did not speak anymore.    


Without this troublesome matter, Lin Ruoxue's mood immediately became very good. She took out her phone and sent a WeChat message to Loong Wei. "I will go to your house for dinner."    


Loong Wei, who was sitting in the backseat of the car, replied with a text message, "No problem."    


As night fell, Lin Ruoxue happily returned to the villa. She had avoided a disgusting funeral today, which made her feel good.    


Tonight, Lin Ruoxue smiled brightly and followed Loong Wei in the kitchen.    


"Loong Wei, something big happened in Chuzhou today!" Lin Ruoxue took a bite of the food and said seriously.    


"What happened?" Loong Wei added a drumstick to Qingqing and asked with a smile.    


"I heard that someone went to the funeral of Wang Family to cause trouble, and that person even brought a gun. Now this news has spread throughout the entire Chuzhou City!" Lin Ruoxue supported her cheek with her hands and blinked her big watery eyes.    


"You don't like the Wang Family?" Loong Wei picked up the chopsticks and asked.    


"I really hate the Wang Family. None of their family has good stuff!" Lin Ruoxue corrected him seriously, "Let's not talk about these unpleasant things anymore. I am hungry."    


"You always come to my house to freeload. You need to pay for my food tomorrow." Loong Wei knocked on the table and put on a stern face.    


"I'm so poor, and you still want my money!" Lin Ruoxue smiled and shook her head like a naughty rabbit.    


The next morning, Uncle Lee suddenly felt unwell. Loong Wei asked Lee Hann to take him to the hospital, and he asked Dong Fei to drive him to Wanan Cemetery.    


This was the graveyard of Loong Wei's father and brother.    


When Loong Family went bankrupt overnight, Loong Hwa jumped off a building and died. It was Uncle Lee who spent all his savings to buy Loong Hwa a graveyard close to Old Master Loong's. It was also the last time he was loyal to Loong Family.    


Both graves were very ordinary. Old Master Loong had told them to simplify everything after he died, so they did not need to waste their money.    


A drizzle began.    


Dong Fei held up a black umbrella and Loong Wei gently blocked it. "No need."    



He waved his hand and signaled Dong Fei to go somewhere else. It had been a long time since their family had reunited.    


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