I Don't Want To Be A Young Master

C23 Inaccessible Clubhouse

C23 Inaccessible Clubhouse

0Those who participated in the meeting were all managers of Jinlong Group, and the lowest ranked were also department managers.    


Amongst these people, many of them had already started staring at the vice president position of the group since long ago, but it was just that Duan Pengfei had no intention of arranging people for this position, so no one dared to ask any further.    


At this time, the people present were either directors or executives. They were all old foxes. Under the watchful eyes of the audience, a young Vice President suddenly appeared, looking unfamiliar. They had never seen him in the company before.    


This... Who could accept this?    


"Director Duan, what's going on?" The one who asked was a slightly plump middle-aged man with a balding head. This man was the second largest shareholder other than Duan Pengfei. His name was Bai Zheng.    


Under normal circumstances, no one would dare talk too much about something that Duan Peng Fei had decided upon. Only he had the qualifications to question it.    


Now that the second shareholder had asked a question, it wasn't good for Duan Pengfei to not answer. He secretly glanced at Ye Feng and saw him lightly nodding before lightly shaking his head. Duan Pengfei had a plan in his heart.    


"Director Bai, this is what happened." He said, "Director Ye's personnel arrangement is the decision of the headquarters. The Beijing Ye Group sent the transfer order directly. Do you have any other questions?"    


"No more." Bai Zheng shut his mouth.    


On the surface, the Golden Dragon Group was Duan Pengfei's company, but the actual owner was the Ye Clan of the capital. Regarding this, not many knew about it, but everyone with the qualifications to sit in this meeting room knew about it.    


Since it was sent by the Ye Family, who would dare to object?    


Wait, his name is Ye Feng …    


Everyone present thought, could he be the young master of the Ye family …    


"Everyone." Duan Pengfei said, "Ye always is a branch member of the Ye Clan, don't think too much. Just cooperate well with Director Ye in the future."    


Hearing this, everyone let out a sigh of relief.    


That's right, if the Ye Family's young master was sent down, he would at the very most control the entire corporation. How could he just be a vice president?    


A branch member of the Ye Family. Hmm, he should be someone that wasn't very important in the family. After thinking about it, he felt that it wasn't that scary anymore.    


Looking at the performance of the participants, Ye Feng nodded his head in satisfaction.    


Previously, he was nodding and shaking his head at Duan Pengfei. That was the meaning, he could reveal that he was a member of the Ye Clan, but he shouldn't reveal his identity. Right now, he didn't want to be fawned over by others all day.    


After the meeting ended, everyone slowly left, leaving only Ye Feng and Duan Pengfei behind.    


With no one else around, Ye Feng directly revealed his identity: "Old Duan, I told you in advance that if you need me to show my face, I can do it. If there's nothing else, don't bother me."    


"Young master..." Duan Pengfei said with great difficulty, "You signed it, you have to participate in the business …"    


Ye Feng waved his hand and said impatiently: "Don't mention this to me, so what if you signed it? I didn't do this voluntarily, but the Ye Family isn't that happy either. Can't you tell? If you really want me to inherit the family business, why did you only give me a Golden Dragon Group? You know your company's position in the Ye Group better than me, right? "    


"Young master..." Duan Pengfei stuttered for a long time and was unable to speak. He didn't have the qualifications to interrupt a matter like this.    


Ye Feng stood in front of the large French windows and looked down at the cars and pedestrians below. He felt that everything was very boring.    


You want me to be a whetstone for "that person"? Or a stepping stone?    


Heh, no matter what, you guys won't succeed. If I gave in so easily, I wouldn't have run out of my house alone.    


You lack a training partner and you want to make fun of me?    


How could there be such a logic in this world?    


Don't you think so?    




Ye Feng's cold smile was reflected on the window.    


"… …"    


The evening's wine party was held in the Yuesheng Garden, the most high-end business club in the entire Tianhai City. It was also one of the properties of the Golden Dragon Group.    


As a leading enterprise in Tianhai City, the Golden Dragon Group needed to be on good terms with all walks of life. Having a wine party became a very suitable path for them.    


The monthly Yusheng Garden royal ball, from the political world to the business world, and even some of the elites that came from the capital, would all gather here.    


Duan Pengfei had some things to take care of at the moment, so he would be here shortly after leaving Ye Feng to go alone. Seeing Ye Feng get into the car, Duan Pengfei reminded the driver, "You must be careful when driving. You must ensure Boss Ye's safety."    


While Ye Feng was on the road, many people had already gathered in the hall. The long table in the center of the hall was filled with wine cups and cold food, making it convenient for visitors to take them along.    


At that moment, the guests were in groups of two or three. They were all dressed in suits, and for their own benefits, they were trying to get close to each other.    


Ye Feng encountered a small problem when he entered the Garden of Yusheng — he did not have the VIP card for this clubhouse. The rule here was that one had to have a card in order to let them pass.    


This was Duan Pengfei's negligence.    


"I'm sorry, but you can't enter." The security guard at the door spoke rudely.    


Ye Feng said, "I'm the vice president of the Golden Dragon Group. Director Duan told me to come over first. If you don't believe me, you can ask the driver." After saying that, he pointed back at the Mercedes-Benz.    


The security guard looked behind Ye Feng and immediately smiled.    


What a joke, just drive a Mercedes-Benz over and you think you can pass yourself off as a member of the Jade Shengli Garden? What's more, this fellow was impersonating the vice president of the Gold Dragon Group. Since when did the Gold Dragon Group have a vice president?    


There was nothing that could be done about it. Duan Pengfei usually traveled in his Rolls-Royce, and the people of the Jade Victory Garden only recognized that car. Right now, Ye Feng's Mercedes-Benz was indeed not very convincing, even if the driver were to help prove it for him, no one would believe it.    


Ye Feng explained himself several times, but the security guards refused to let him go and even threatened him, "Sir, if you continue to stay here, I'll get someone to ask you to leave. Trust me, you'll lose a lot of face."    


Being thrown out after a beating, of course he would lose face.    


Ye Feng stared at the security guard, who also stared at him, with no intention of backing down.    


Although the job at the main gate wasn't that dignified, he was still a member of the Gold Dragon Company, and Yusheng Garden was also the most high-end clubhouse in the entire Tianhai territory. If the boss wanted him to watch the door, then he could be trusted.    


After the two of them looked at each other for a long time, Ye Feng asked, "You're really not allowed to enter?"    



"If you don't want to, then scram far away if you know what's good for you. Otherwise, you won't look good when you start fighting."    


Ye Feng shrugged, turned around and asked the driver, "Have you brought a cigarette?"    


"I did." the driver said.    


"Give me one." After Ye Feng said that, the driver took out a cigarette case and lit it for him.    




"Hiss —" Ye Feng inhaled and looked at the security guard, "Wait for someone, do you mind?"    


"Get lost and wait for me. If you block the door, you might have delayed the other distinguished guests from entering."    


Ye Feng frowned and said, "Yes, yes, but can you be a bit more polite when you speak? For example — 'Sir, please open the door a little, so that other guests can enter' — won't you be able to speak like that?" How did your leader teach you to serve? "    


"What the f * ck?" The security guard was amused, "Are you f * * king sick? Which onion are you? Just by pretending to be a member, I can discount your legs, do you believe? "    


Ye Feng was also happy. Just as he was about to tease the security guard, he suddenly heard someone speaking behind him.    


"You are Ye Feng?"    


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