I Don't Want To Be A Young Master

C29 Everyone Can be Very Cute

C29 Everyone Can be Very Cute

0When Ye Feng opened his eyes, Chen Yurou was still sleeping soundly. She was as obedient as a kitten, with her head buried in the crook of Ye Feng's arm and her body curled up, one leg resting on his waist.    


From a psychological point of view, people who like to curl up and sleep generally represent a lack of security.    


Ye Feng touched her face with his hand.    


The pressure of life, the heavy atmosphere of a family, these few years, he had no idea how this woman had endured.    


Thinking about this, Ye Feng's heart ached. Looking at Chen Yurou's face that seemed calm only when she was in his embrace, he felt that she had endured too much.    


Ye Feng wanted to give her a good day, wanted to give her happiness. The problem was, there was no such thing as a free lunch.    


No matter what you want, you have to fight for it. You have to fight until your head breaks and your body is covered in blood. This is the rule of this world.    


So, to fight for it?    


To the current Ye Feng, this was a difficult question to make.    


Lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, a name slowly floated into his mind.    


Ye Yun.    


Ye Feng and Ye Yun were blood-related brothers, and Ye Yun was one year older than him, so he was his older brother. The relationship between the two did not exist between the legitimate son and the bastard son. On this point, the Ye Family was very pure.    


There was no rule in the family that men were not allowed to indulge in debauchery, but they could do whatever they wanted outside. Even if they were to plant a seed inside a wild woman, the Ye family would never admit it, nor accept it.    


Thus, Ye Feng and Ye Yun were of the same father and mother.    


Needless to say, father was the head of this generation of the Ye family, and as for mother, she was also from a famous family.    


In order to ensure that their bloodline would remain outstanding, the men of the Ye family had strict requirements to choose a wife. Only the main wife was born and was eligible to participate in the family business.    


That's right, as long as it was a child with an unknown origin, he or she didn't even have the right to participate in the Ye Family's business. All the companies in the Ye Family didn't even hire a cleaning worker to hire a "bastard" outside.    


In Ye Feng's generation, he and his brother Ye Yun were both outstanding, and the relationship between the two brothers had always been very good.    


A few years ago, after graduating from university, Ye Feng stayed in the capital to assist his father and was groomed as the next generation's successor. Ye Yun chose to study abroad and went to the United States to handle all the Ye Family's international investment business.    


This arrangement was actually based on the characteristics of the two of them — Ye Feng was steady, yet there was ruthlessness in his actions. He was suitable to control the overall situation.    


He had thought that everything would be done according to the will of the clan.    


However, three years ago, when Ye Feng was already prepared to take over the entire Ye Group, Ye Yun, who was in the distant United States, suddenly turned around and attacked.    


Ye Feng still couldn't forget that morning. He walked into the headquarters building in high spirits, entered the office, and found out that the person sitting in the chairman's seat was his older brother.    


In fact, Ye Feng could congratulate him. Ye Feng did not care, just like how Ye Yun did not hesitate to give up his inheritance right and chose to leave the country.    


What really hurt him was his father's words.    


"The next Patriarch has never been you. He was your brother from the start, and the reason why he raised you up was because he was your brother's whetstone. Now you have two choices. You can either stay with your brother and be his brain, or you can go to the United States and manage the international investment business. "    


After hearing this, Ye Feng looked at his mother with an ashen face. His mother shrugged expressionlessly, her meaning clear: Listen to your father.    


In the end, Ye Feng did not choose either path. He chose to leave his family and became an outsider.    


However, it is not that easy to be an outsider …    


The trees want peace, and the wind does not stop. Life looks blissful, but that's only for the people who really grew up in the ordinary environment.    


As the saying goes, a tiger being bullied by a dog. A person like Ye Feng, once he lost the protection of his family, was destined not to be happy.    


"… …"    


While his mind was wandering, Chen Yu Rou woke up. She looked at her phone in a daze, woke up with a whoosh and said, "I'm going to be late for work" before hurriedly washing up and getting dressed.    


Before leaving, he returned and pecked Ye Feng on the mouth. He then asked with a smile: "Were you satisfied with the service I served you last night?"    




Chen Yu Rou's face turned slightly red. She paused and said, "You said, being pregnant isn't …"    


Ye Feng laughed, "The quality of the seeds is very high. The key point is, it depends on the composition of the soil in your area."    


"Scram." Chen Yu Rou threw him a punch, rolled her eyes, and said: "You're not going to work?"    


Ye Feng said, "I'm not in a hurry."    


Chen Yurou said, "You can't just sit back and do nothing now, can you? What if you make Director Duan unhappy? "    


"He dares." Ye Feng laughed: "Don't look at me as the Deputy CEO, he is the CEO. In front of me, he must be honest."    


"Just blow it."    


Chen Yurou picked up her handbag and wandered to the door like a twenty-eight year old girl. She opened the door and walked out, then stuck her head out of the door two seconds later. Last night, when we checked in, the front desk said that breakfast is provided free of charge. Remember to eat when you get up, or else it'll be a waste. It's too late for me to work, so I can't eat with you. "    


Ye Feng laid on the bed and waved at her, "You should also buy some food on the way. Don't leave your stomach empty."    


"Yes." I love you. "    


"Love you too, get lost."    


"You're annoying. Who told you to scram?"    


He threw her another supercilious look and left.    


Ye Feng rested his arm on the pillow and looked at the magnificent ceiling of the room, smacking his lips.    


Right now, it was as if he had returned to the time when he and Chen Yurou were madly in love. At that time, the two were not married yet, and Ye Feng did not need to face her harsh mother and shameful little brother.    


Without a lot of stress and bad thoughts, everyone can be very cute, on the contrary, life is easy to make people hate the face.    



It was precisely because of this understanding that Ye Feng had chosen to tolerate it the entire time.    


However, tolerance isn't the key to unlocking a treasure trove of life. An extremely strong wrist and nimble intellect are the keys.    


After lying down for a while, Ye Feng sat up, put on his clothes, and went downstairs. He had a free breakfast in the restaurant on the second floor, and after he checked out, he took a taxi to the Golden Dragon Tower.    


By Jinlong Group's work and rest standards, he was late, but no one dared to deduct his attendance.    


After receiving his lesson from yesterday, the first thing Duan Pengfei did when he arrived at the company this morning was to announce the appointment of the Vice President so that all the employees would understand and have a good eye for him so that there wouldn't be any situations where security guards stopped him.    


After entering the Golden Dragon Tower, Ye Feng directly took the elevator to the top floor — — Duan Pengfei's CEO's office.    


"Good morning, Young Master." Duan Pengfei nodded and greeted Ye Feng as soon as he entered the room.    


Ye Feng waved his hand, "Change it, we'll call you Boss Ye from now on. When you get used to calling others young master, what's wrong with suddenly saying 'young master' in front of outsiders? "    


"Yes, Director Ye."    


After a while, the secretary brought over a cup of coffee. Ye Feng took a sip and looked at Duan Peng Fei as he said, "Two things."    


"First of all, I want to see the information regarding all the operations of the Golden Dragon Group."    


"The second thing, I want to see the structure and financial situation of the Jin Long Group."    


Holding the cup to warm his hands, he said, "Let's start with the first one."    


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