Unparalleled Martial Arts

C483 One Stick

C483 One Stick



The matter of Qin Chu defeating the two Hidden Dragon Ranks members of the Immortal Martial Continent caused the Heavenly Sword City to become lively for a while before calming down. This matter caused the Immortal Martial Continent's cultivator to feel embarrassed to go out on the streets, because others were looking at them with eyes full of disdain.    


In a battle, there was always a win and loss, but one could not lose too badly. Both of their cultivation base far exceeded Qin Chu's. They looked down on Qin Chu for a long time, but in the end, they were beaten up, causing their faces to be smashed into pieces.    


Qin Chu stayed in the Heavenly Sword Mountain, eating the Flowing Light Pill, and using the Flame Spirit Stone to increase the strength of the elemental energy and the Vermillion Bird Sacred Flame. While cultivating the Essence Qi and increasing the strength of the Vermillion Bird Sacred Flame, Qin Chu was also tempering the Sword Intent and the fist intent. He was neither worried nor anxious about the situation outside. Master of the Dark Prison was suppressing the situation. As for the challenge, it didn't matter who it was. They had to wait for him to leave. No one could drag him out to fight with others, right?    


As time passed, Qin Chu's cultivation base continued to rise.    


Half a month after Qin Chu entered the Heavenly Sword Mountain, someone came to challenge the Vermillion Bird Villa again.    


Shangshu Yu came forward and said that Qin Chu was cultivating in the Heavenly Sword Mountain. If he wanted to challenge her, he could. She would go back and write a letter of challenge. When Qin Chu came out of the Heavenly Sword Mountain, she would accept the challenge.    


Under these circumstances, the people from the Immortal Martial Continent could only return first. They could issue a challenge at any time, but Qin Chu had no obligation. He did not do anything and just waited for someone else to challenge him.    


Immortal Martial Continent cultivator refused to admit defeat and issued another challenge in the Heavenly Sword City. It should be said that with the Heavenly Sword City as the center, it spread out in all directions. This was a big matter for the Holy Martial Continent. It could be said that Qin Chu had won. If the Holy Martial Continent won, Qin Chu's face would be the Holy Martial Continent's face. Furthermore, on the Hidden Dragon Rank, especially the battle between Qin Chu and the late Heaven King Stage cultivator... Watching such a battle could help him improve.    


After cultivating in the Heavenly Sword Mountain for a month, Qin Chu's elemental energy cultivation had reached the bottleneck of the Fourth Grade of the Heaven King Stage. Since he couldn't continue to improve, Qin Chu began to settle down. In preparation for breaking through to the fifth level of the Heaven King Stage, while doing all these... The tempering of his Sword Intent and fist intent didn't stop, because of the suppression and refinement of the Sword Intent unleashed by the Heavenly Sword Mountain. Qin Chu's Sword Intent and fist intent were both increasing in intensity.    


Qin Chu hadn't appeared for a month. cultivator, who was in the Immortal Martial Continent, was dissatisfied. It was said that Qin Chu avoided the battle, and didn't dare to accept the challenge. This made cultivator very angry. They knew that it was impossible for Qin Chu to avoid the fight. However, it was a fact that Qin Chu did not appear.    


A young man carrying a black iron rod came to the entrance of the Heavenly Sword Mountain. When the young man saw Great Ape King, he bowed.    


"Why did you come out?" Great Ape King glared at the young man.    


"Those people are too arrogant. Qin Chu isn't here, so they are just showing off? I will beat them until they are scared." The youth said.    


Great Ape King pulled the young man to a secluded place and said, "You shouldn't be here right now. You should focus on your cultivation until you reach the Supreme Stage, instead of coming out to show off."    


"Father, perhaps your arrangement is correct, but I have my own considerations. Do you want me to spend my life in cultivation, cultivation, and cultivation? Such a life is too thin. There is no thickness or excitement to speak of. So I have decided to kill my way out, just like Qin Chu. Do what you have to do." The young man said.    


"Sigh! You're a little anxious, but your mind has moved. I won't stop you. You can do whatever you want. But you have to remember that you can't do whatever you want. If you have something to do, come outside. Also, you can't start a conflict with Qin Chu." Great Ape King said to the young man.    


"I will remember this, I am coming to the world of flowers!" The young man left the Heavenly Sword Mountain in a flash.    


After returning to the entrance of the Heavenly Sword Mountain, Great Ape King sighed. There were some things that he wanted to stop, but he could not.    


"That little fellow from your family ran out?" Phantom King looked at Great Ape King and asked.    


"I don't know which one of them has a bad mouth. After telling him about the current situation, that guy ran out. His mind moved. It's useless to lock him up anymore. Go ahead and torture him!" Great Ape King said.    


Regarding the matter of Little Ape King, top knew a little about the Holy Martial Continent. He was addressing Great Ape King as his father. But he wasn't his own son. He was the ancient demonic ape that Great Ape King found in the Jianbei Forest. Its talent was outstanding. As long as it didn't die prematurely, it would definitely have great achievements. Great Ape King was suppressing Little Ape King, not allowing him to walk in the pugilistic world. He wanted to sharpen Little Ape King's character, but he couldn't do it now. If Little Ape King's mind moved, it would be the opposite if he kept suppressing Little Ape King.    


After Little Ape King entered the Heavenly Sword City, he made a name for himself, Little Devil King. He went up to the ring in the square in front of the Heavenly Sword City and challenged Outsider.    


There were many people who came to the Immortal Martial Continent. Apart from the Hidden Dragon Rank, there were also other people. They felt that Little Ape King was only at the seventh level of the Heaven King Stage, so they went up to the stage and started the battle. In the end, it was Little Ape King who gave them a stick.    


This situation made cultivator, who was in the Holy Martial Continent, feel excited. Apart from Qin Chu, there were still others who could fight.    


Great Ape King knew about these things, but he didn't ask anything. As long as Little Ape King didn't suffer any losses, he wouldn't care about it anymore. Letting Little Ape King vent his anger on him would be beneficial to his stability.    


After a battle on this day, Little Ape King carried the stick. He arrived in front of the Yun Lai Inn and began calling out to the group of Immortal Martial Continents. However, no one from the Immortal Martial Continent participated in the battle. The two members of the Hidden Dragon Rank, Baili Ming and Sima Yu, were both injured. The other two members of Outsider's Hidden Dragon Rank went to the Sacred Martial City to find someone to fight with, so no one came to confront Little Ape King.    


The people of the Immortal Martial Continent didn't fight the battle. Little Ape King cursed loudly before retreating.    


After retreating, Little Ape King rushed to the Vermillion Bird Villa. This made the people of the Holy Martial Continent very worried. Little Ape King was stopped by someone at the entrance of the Vermillion Bird Villa.    


"Little Ape King, Lord, Vermillion Bird Holy Clan, show off your strength for our Holy Martial Continent. You can't come and fight us." A cultivator stopped Little Ape King.    


"What nonsense are you talking about? In the past, Qin Chu ate and drank in our Jianbei Forest for more than a year. I came to the Heavenly Sword City, but his family didn't treat me well. Could it be that I'm hungry? " Little Ape King rolled his eyes. The stick pulled a little, pushing the people blocking the way to the side. He directly entered the Vermillion Bird Villa.    


Great Ape King, who knew that Little Ape King was heading to the Vermillion Bird Villa, hurried over. He was very worried that Little Ape King would cause trouble in the Vermillion Bird Villa.    


When Great Ape King arrived, he saw Little Ape King eating meat and drinking wine. He was eating and drinking while talking to Qin Lingxi, Qing Yi, and Shangshu Yu about his achievements.    


"Bastard, don't cause trouble for me." Great Ape King glanced at his godson.    


"What trouble? When I come out, shouldn't I find a place to eat and sleep? After thinking about it, it seems like Qin Chu is the only one who has a relationship with our Jianbei Forest." Little Ape King wiped his mouth and said. He didn't know Qin Chu. During that period of time, he had been in seclusion. After coming out of seclusion, Qin Chu left. However, he knew about Qin Chu.    


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