Spirit Through the Heavens

C119 Black Bee Ant-mouthed Bear Requesting a Reward

C119 Black Bee Ant-mouthed Bear Requesting a Reward

0"Black Bee Ant!"    


When Lu Feng killed quite a number of little black insects with a single palm strike, he sensed the auras of these little black insects. Immediately, an unfamiliar message appeared in his mind.    


"Huo Wu, fire, these guys are afraid of fire!"    


After knowing what these were, Lu Feng also knew their weakness from the information. So he took a few steps back and shouted to Huo Wu who was behind him.    


"Fire Set the Prairie Ablaze!"    


When Lu Feng's voice fell, Huo Wu waved her hands and the majestic Spiritual Energy instantly turned into a little flame.    


Because this place was filled with forests, the flame around Huo Wu soon lit up the surrounding trees.    


"Not good!"    


Lu Feng was shocked when he saw the fire spread rapidly. However, when he was about to put out the fire, the fire around him gradually extinguished.    


This was a big forest, so the humidity was naturally very large. Even if the fire that Huo Wu created was very strong, once it left the body, it would quickly weaken.    


Therefore, under the strong humidity, the fire naturally died out.    


"Flaming Palm!"    


Huo Wu secretly heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that her flames did not cause a huge fire. Immediately, she pushed with her right hand and a flaming palm print flew towards the Black Bee Ant.    


"Crack crack crack!"    


When a series of light explosions sounded, the Black Bee Ants were instantly burnt to ashes when they encountered the fire.    


"Flaming Palm!"    


When Huo Wu saw that her Flaming Palm's effect was better, she did not hesitate to send out another palm.    


One palm after another, not long after, the crisis of the Black Bee Ant was completely resolved.    




After seeing all of the Black Bee Ants killed by Huo Wu, Lu Feng let out a light breath. Fortunately, he had the information left behind by his mother. Otherwise, he really didn't know what to do.    


"Mother, thank you very much!"    


Lu Feng thanked his mother who he had never seen before in his heart. Then, his gaze shifted to Ji Bing who was beside him.    


"Lu Feng, I need to rest for a while!"    


Ji Bing also knew that he could not hide his situation. Therefore, when he saw Lu Feng looking at him, he took the initiative to speak.    


"I know!"    


Lu Feng nodded slightly. After he told the other three people, they became alert.    




However, a moment later, a familiar roar sounded. Immediately, they saw a Demonic Beast running towards them with all its might.    


"It's that fellow again!"    


Wang Kai's heart was filled with anger when he saw this Demonic Beast. It was this Demonic Beast that nearly caused them to lose their lives.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


When the Demonic Beast ran over, a familiar ear-piercing sound appeared once again. A large number of Black Bee Ants were chasing after the Demonic Beast.    


"Huo Wu, I'll leave those Black Bee Ants to you. Wang Kai, Lin Xuan, protect Ji Bing's safety!" Lu Feng saw the Demonic Beast approaching and took out the Ruyi Devil Subduing Staff from behind him.    


"Got it!"    


After a few people whispered, Huo Wu and Lu Feng stood together. Wang Kai and Lin Xuan stood together to protect Ji Bing.    


Ji Bing had protected them before, so it was naturally their turn to protect them now.    


"Let's go!"    


In order to avoid any more trouble, Lu Feng whispered to Huo Wu, who was beside him. After that, he took the lead and rushed towards the Demonic Beast.    


"Flaming Palm!"    


Seeing Lu Feng rush out, Huo Wu immediately pushed with her right hand, and then a blazing palm print quickly rushed towards the swarm of Black Bee Ants.    




When Lu Feng saw that Huo Wu had already stopped the terrifying Black Bee Ants, he immediately shouted, and then fiercely struck the Demonic Beast with his stick.    


This Demonic Beast looked very similar to the Earth Grizzly Bear, even its fur was very similar. However, Lu Feng did not think that it was the Earth Grizzly Bear, because this Demonic Beast actually had a pocket on its chest.    


This bag was something that the Earth Grizzly Bear did not have, so the two of them were definitely not the same kind.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


Perhaps because he sensed the danger, the Demonic Beast hurriedly roared at Lu Feng twice.    




When Lu Feng saw this scene, he frowned slightly. This Demonic Beast's expression was too interesting.    


Although Lu Feng did not understand what it was saying, from the way it shook its head, it did not seem like it wanted to become their enemy.    


It was because of this that when the stick was about to land on its head, Lu Feng forced himself to stop.    


Just as Lu Feng had guessed, the Demonic Beast did not dodge. When it saw its stick fall, it only closed its eyes in a daze.    


With a trace of curiosity, Lu Feng stretched out his hand and touched the ___'s body. Then, he quickly pulled away from it.    


After obtaining the aura from the opponent, Lu Feng quickly received a new message in his mind.    


"Pocket Bear, born with a kind nature, likes to eat honey, has no offensive ability!"    


When this message appeared in Lu Feng's mind, he was instantly dumbfounded. There was actually still a Demonic Beast that did not have offensive abilities.    


However, when Lu Feng saw the following message, he could not help but take a deep breath.    


"Almost finished!"    


Lu Feng muttered, then looked at the cute Pocket Bear in front of him with a shocked expression.    


There was a total of two pieces of information about the Pocket Bear. The first part was what Lu Feng read just now, and the second part was about the other part of the Pocket Bear.    


"An adult Pocket Bear belongs to a Seventh Level Demonic Beast. Although they are kind by nature and don't attack often, once they are provoked, they will suffer a terrifying revenge!"    


This part was about the second part of the Pocket Bear. Because of this, Lu Feng felt lucky for his actions just now.    


Although the Pocket Bear in front of him wasn't an adult, since it was able to survive here, it obviously had an adult Pocket Bear.    


If he killed this Pocket Bear, he would definitely suffer the crazy revenge of an adult Pocket Bear.    


A Seventh Level Demonic Beast, even a Core Condensation Stage Period warrior might not be a match for it. If that was the case, Lu Feng and the others would certainly die.    


"You can leave now. Don't eat honey anymore. Consider yourself lucky to have met us this time!" Lu Feng kept the Ruyi Devil Subduing Staff, then said to the Pocket Bear who had opened his eyes.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


As if it understood Lu Feng's words, the Pocket Bear let out two roars and walked towards him step by step.    


"What are you doing?"    


Seeing the Pocket Bear approaching him, Lu Feng immediately became alert. However, when he thought that this Pocket Bear didn't have the ability to attack, he gave up on attacking.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


Just as Lu Feng was about to retreat, the Pocket Bear stopped in front of him and reached into his pocket.    


When the Pocket Bear's palms reached out again, a beehive appeared in front of Lu Feng.    




In front of Lu Feng, the Pocket Bear smashed the beehive onto the ground. Immediately after, golden solid particles scattered out from the beehive.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


Seeing these things, the Pocket Bear excitedly growled twice. Then, it hurriedly laid on the ground and sucked the solid particles.    


There were quite a number of solid particles on the ground. In just a short while, the Pocket Bear had absorbed more than half of them.    


However, at this moment, it stood up and revealed a satisfied expression.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


After that, the Pocket Bear looked at the golden solid particles on the ground, then revealed a reluctant expression and roared at Lu Feng twice.    


Although Lu Feng did not know what it was saying, he still understood a little from its meaning.    


"You want to give me the rest?" Lu Feng guessed.    


In order to prove that his guess was correct, he squatted down bit by bit. Of course, he was also on guard against the Pocket Bear.    


Although the information indicated that the Pocket Bear had a kind nature and didn't have any offensive abilities, if the information was wrong, Lu Feng wouldn't be able to react in time if the other party launched a sneak attack.    


However, when Lu Feng picked up the golden solid particles on the ground, the Pocket Bear did not attack. It only looked at the solid particles in Lu Feng's hands reluctantly.    


"These should be honey!"    


Lu Feng stood up from the ground and counted the solid particles in his hand. Although it was not a lot, there were nearly twenty of them.    


Lu Feng picked up the solid honey and sniffed it. When he found that there was no smell, he gently put one in his mouth.    




But just as Lu Feng was about to chew it, the solid suddenly turned into liquid and a sweet feeling appeared in his mouth.    




With a swallowing sound, Lu Feng swallowed the liquid in his mouth.    




However, just as Lu Feng was reminiscing the sweet taste, a powerful force suddenly erupted from his body.    




After realizing this, Lu Feng's expression changed instantly. Without caring about anything else, he quickly circulated the Indestructible Mantra and forcefully suppressed this force.    


Despite this, this force was still restless, which made Lu Feng feel extremely shocked.    


The strength of this Pocket Bear was so huge. One should know that this Pocket Bear had swallowed dozens of Pocket Bear, but it was still fine.    


"Lu Feng, what happened to you?"    


At this moment, Huo Wu had already finished off all the Black Bee Ants. When she turned around and saw Lu Feng's flushed face, she quickly rushed over.    


"It's nothing. I need to adjust my breathing as soon as possible. Give me the Protector!"    



Lu Feng said with difficulty. He did not explain too much to Huo Wu and sat cross-legged on the spot to meditate.    




Huo Wu felt the powerful force bursting out of Lu Feng's body and her eyes revealed a puzzled look. Obviously, she did not understand why a normal person would suddenly become like this.    


"Roar! Roar!"    


Seeing Lu Feng meditating, the Pocket Bear let out two roars and left quickly. Now that the crisis had been resolved, it would be free to do whatever it wanted.    


Huo Wu saw the back of the Demonic Beast and the doubt in her eyes grew. She did not understand why Lu Feng did not kill the Demonic Beast.    


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