Spirit Through the Heavens

C412 Demonic Dust Storm

C412 Demonic Dust Storm

0Demon Resisting City...    


"Is that My Lord Luo?"    


When Luo Yunhao was casually walking around the city gate, a voice came from behind him.    


"You are?"    


Luo Yunhao turned around and immediately recognized the man.    


"Aren't you the last person to leave the city last night? Why are you looking for me?" Luo Yunhao asked with slight doubt.    


"Luo My Lord, someone asked me to bring you a message stone!" Xu An said, then handed over the message stone that he had prepared earlier.    


"A message stone? Who asked you to send it?" Luo Yunhao was stunned.    


"It's one of my saviors. Last night when I went out, I met the Netherworld Wolf. Fortunately, he saved me. Then, he asked me to bring this message stone to you for him! " Xu An explained.    


Luo Yunhao's heart sank when he heard this. Then, when he looked at the message in Xu An's hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.    


"Impossible. How could he leave right under my nose?" Luo Yunhao thought to himself. At the same time, he took the message stone from Xu An's hand.    


"Dad, no, I should have called you Senior Luo. First of all, I really admire you. You have been guarding the city gate for several days, making it impossible for me to leave. But in the end, I still left under your watch."    


"Don't be angry at me for now. I have indeed left, but I didn't disappoint your daughter. I have a reason to leave, and it wasn't my wish to marry your daughter. I'm afraid you don't know this!"    


"Your daughter is still innocent at the moment. She and I got married because she didn't want to marry Xie Gong. But since I married your daughter, I won't go back on my word. I will come back and call you father. We'll meet again in the future! "    


When the words' see you again 'rang out, there was no longer any other sound from the message stone.    


When he heard Lu Feng's words, Luo Yunhao's heart was very calm. He was not angry, and of course, he was not happy at all.    


"Let's go home!"    


In the next second, Luo Yunhao shouted at the guards guarding the area, then he led the way and left the city gate.    


Since Lu Feng had already left Demon Resisting City, why was he still standing guard here?    


Just like that, Demon Resisting City returned to normal after a short while, and there was no need to go through a strict inspection to enter and exit the city.    


When Luo Yunhao withdrew his team and returned to the mansion, Lu Feng was still wandering around in the wild.    


"What is this place?"    


Lu Feng looked around as he walked. At this moment, he seemed to have lost his way.    


Although Lu Feng had a map in his hand, it was only a part of the map. There was no location of the Demon Resisting City on it.    


Therefore, even if he had this map, Lu Feng did not know which direction he should go.    


"Looks like I have to buy a bigger map!" Lu Feng put away the map in his hand, then looked around and muttered.    


But if he wanted to buy a map, he had to go to the city to buy it, but he could not go back to Demon Resisting City. After all, it was not easy for him to walk out.    


"Let's go to Blood Demon City!"    


Lu Feng thought for a moment and said. He knew this Blood Demon City. After all, he had followed Tu Nie there before.    


Since he had made up his mind, Lu Feng no longer hesitated. He immediately changed his direction and sped up his pace.    


In the blink of an eye, the sky gradually darkened. There was no wind around.    


Lu Feng did not care about this. He had already wasted a lot of time, so he continued on his way.    




But not long after he left, Lu Feng frowned slightly, because he found that the Magic Dust in his body was rapidly accumulating.    


"What's going on?"    


After discovering this, Lu Feng hurriedly stopped and found a place to enter the Heaven Piercing Tower.    


"What happened?"    


After entering the Heaven Piercing Tower, Lu Feng looked outside through the Heaven Piercing Tower.    


The sky had just turned dark, so there should still be some light. However, this night was different. In the blink of an eye, it was pitch black. It made people cautious.    


Regarding this situation, Lu Feng didn't understand. He didn't know what was going on in Devil Domain.    


But no matter what, he had the Heaven Piercing Tower, so even if he was stabbed outside, he wouldn't care about anything.    


"Let's take a bath first. Luckily I bought a lot of Dust-washing Water. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do!" Lu Feng looked at the thick Magic Dust on his body, then waved his right hand and a wooden bucket appeared in front of him.    


This wooden bucket was naturally smaller than the ones in the restaurant, but outside, it was very normal. Anyway, it was enough to take a bath. It did not need to be that big.    


Just like that, after preparing the wooden bucket, Lu Feng poured the Dust-washing Water into it, then stood inside the wooden bucket and began to take a bath.    


However, when Lu Feng was taking a bath, the entire Devil Domain was pitch black. Apart from Lu Feng, the rest of the people in the wilderness were in a miserable state.    


"What a huge Magic Dust storm. No, we have to find a place to hide. Otherwise, we will definitely be buried alive by the Magic Dust!" Not far away from Lu Feng, three miserable figures were moving towards the Magic Dust storm.    


"Where are we going to hide? There's no place to hide in this area!" One of them spoke with difficulty.    


"Don't speak anymore. Be careful of the Magic Dust entering your mouth!" The third person spoke at this time. He spoke very carefully, preventing the Magic Dust from entering his mouth.    


Under normal circumstances, it was not easy for a Magic Dust to enter one's mouth. However, when faced with such a strong Magic Dust storm, it was not certain. Therefore, one had to be careful. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome.    


"Look, there's a rock wall there. It should be able to withstand the Magic Dust storm. Let's go and hide!"    


After walking for a few more minutes, the Magic Dust on the three of them was already very thick. Even so, the three of them gritted their teeth and continued forward.    



There was no other way. Once they stopped, they would definitely be buried by the Magic Dust. Once they were buried, the chances of survival would be very low.    


It was also because of this that there was something that could help them resist the Magic Dust storm. It was obviously a lucky thing, so the three of them quickly hid under the rock wall.    


"Phew, this damn weather really nearly took my life!" Hiding under the rock wall, one of them let out a light breath. At this time, a thick layer of Magic Dust had already accumulated on his face, making him feel uncomfortable.    


However, the storm of Magic Dust wasn't over yet. If he used the Dust-washing Water at this time, it would be a waste.    


Therefore, no matter how comfortable it was, he had to endure it. If he wanted to wash away the Magic Dust on his body, he had to wait for the storm of Magic Dust to pass.    


"So comfortable!"    


While the three of them were quietly dodging the Magic Dust storm, Lu Feng had already washed away all the annoying Magic Dust on his body.    


After washing away the Magic Dust, the Dust-washing Water in the wooden bucket also became turbid. At this time, Lu Feng walked out of the wooden bucket and quickly put on his clothes.    


"Lu Feng, there are people outside. Don't rush to move the water out!" Just as Lu Feng was about to move the dirty water out of the wooden bucket, Mu Xiao's voice rang out.    


" Oh? Could it be that the weather outside is gone?" Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, then he checked the situation outside.    




However, when Lu Feng saw that the three of them were covered in thick Magic Dust, he was instantly stunned. This amount was several times more than what he had on him.    


"If this continues, I'm afraid that they will be crushed by the Magic Dust on their bodies!" Lu Feng said.    


"Sigh, who can be as cool as you? There's nothing much to hide in the Heaven Piercing Tower anymore. If you don't have the Heaven Piercing Tower, I'm afraid your current situation isn't any better than theirs!" Mu Xiao said.    


Hearing this, Lu Feng didn't say anything. Indeed, if there wasn't the Heaven Piercing Tower, Lu Feng would definitely be hiding under the rock wall like the three of them.    


However, the rock wall couldn't completely block it, so as time passed, more and more Magic Dust would appear on his body.    


"It looks like they are in great pain!" Lu Feng looked at the three of them with painful eyes and sighed in his heart.    


Saving a person's life was better than building a Seventh Level pagoda. At this time, Lu Feng actually wanted to help them.    


Although he had no relations with these three people, and these three people were devil people, Lu Feng shouldn't have saved them.    


However, whether it was devil people or humans, they were both human. After thinking about it, Lu Feng was somewhat moved.    


But even if he wanted to save them, Lu Feng couldn't possibly keep them in his Heaven Piercing Tower.    


As he thought about it, Lu Feng saw the dirty water that he had washed. Although the water was dirty, the effect of the Dust-washing Water didn't disappear.    




Without thinking too much, after Lu Feng lightly shouted, a bucket full of Dust-washing Water disappeared from the bucket.    




At the same time, when the sound of water falling could be heard, the three people who were originally covered in Magic Dust were instantly drenched in cold sweat.    


"What's going on?"    


When the trio saw this scene, their eyes immediately revealed a look of surprise. The three of them were hiding in the rock wall, where would there be so much water?    


"The Magic Dust on my body is gone!"    


"These are actually Dust-washing Water!"    


"Where did this water come from? "    


Almost at the same time, the three of them said three different words. However, no matter who it was, they were extremely shocked in their hearts.    


It had to be known that the three of them were about to be completely covered by the Magic Dust, but because of the sudden appearance of the water, all the Magic Dust on their bodies were washed away.    


Without the Magic Dust, the three of them would be able to escape from danger. Therefore, there should still be a chance to escape from the Magic Dust storm.    


Just like that, as time slowly passed, the dark night gradually brightened up. At the same time, the Magic Dust storm also became smaller and smaller.    


When a ray of light appeared on the ground, the Magic Dust storm completely disappeared.    


"Phew, it's finally over!"    


When a soft cry sounded, a person covered in Magic Dust walked out from the rock wall.    


"Yeah, if it wasn't for those mysterious Dust-washing Water from last night, I'm afraid the three of us wouldn't have been able to live until today!" Another person walked out from the rock wall. At this time, his body was also covered with thick Magic Dust.    


"Hey, where do you think the Dust-washing Water from last night came from? I've already looked around the rock wall. It's impossible for a Dust-washing Water to appear." A third person walked out. Then, his eyes revealed a puzzled expression.    


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