Spirit Through the Heavens

C1563 First Place in the Emperor's Trial

C1563 First Place in the Emperor's Trial

0"Lu Feng, they are starting to turn back, but their speed is not fast!"    


When Guo Lin and the others returned the way they came, Qin Jietong quickly reported.    


"Got it!"    


Lu Feng nodded slightly, then looked at the Array Sovereign disciples who were still working hard.    


"I'll give you another hour. You must complete all the spirit formation. Then, you can choose a spirit formation to hide and rest. The rest will be left to us." Lu Feng said.    




Array Sovereign's disciple, who was busy working on his spirit formation, nodded. After that, they continued to complete the spirit formation in their hands.    


"Qin Jietong, you should also set up a spirit formation and hide there. I believe that with your speed of setting up the formation, you should be able to set up a spirit formation that can make people look at you in a new light in less than an hour." Lu Feng said.    


Although Qin Jietong had consumed a lot of energy to maintain the Heaven Seeking Spiritual Array along the way, it shouldn't be a problem for him to set up another spirit formation.    


Furthermore, even if he was exhausted, he could still enter the spirit formation to rest. Because the spirit formation belonged to him, even if someone else entered the spirit formation, they wouldn't be able to do anything to him unless the spirit formation was broken.    


After listening to Lu Feng's words, Qin Jietong silently nodded his head. Then, he removed the Heaven Seeking Spiritual Array from his body and began to arrange a Trap Array that belonged to him on the ground.    


Seeing that Qin Jietong had started to move, Lu Feng didn't stay idle. Instead, he looked around and began to set up a formation on the ground.    


The spirit formation that Lu Feng set up was very simple. Therefore, he set up a spirit formation in a short minute.    


"This is the Invisibility Formation. As long as you don't use your energy, you won't be discovered if you stand inside. You two can hide inside. Of course, no one is allowed to make a move before I give the order." Lu Feng reminded.    




The two disciples nodded and disappeared into the spirit formation.    


After that, Lu Feng set up a few more Invisibility Formations in different places. With these Invisibility Formations, Strength Sovereign's disciples all hid.    


Finally, after Lu Feng set up a spirit formation for himself, the other Array Sovereign's disciples had also completed their mission.    


"Hide yourselves. I'm afraid that group of people will be back soon." Lu Feng said to Array Sovereign's disciple. Then, he hid in the Hidden Breath Formation in the next second.    


After Array Sovereign's disciples hid in their spirit formation, no one was in this place anymore. Because the spirit formation was invisible, it was as if no one had come to this place before.    


After a while, a few figures appeared, and Guo Lin and the others returned to this place.    


Because the Trap Array didn't have any killing intent, even if Guo Lin and the others approached, they wouldn't notice.    


Furthermore, they had been to this place before, so they weren't very vigilant.    


"Guo Lin, when will this continue? What if we don't get into contact with the other groups? Could it be that this trial will continue? " When they were about to arrive at the place where the formation was set, someone started complaining.    


Hearing the complaints, Guo Lin, who was walking at the front, stopped and took a few more steps back.    


"Don't worry. Lord Hong, My Lord, won't let this happen. Besides, I have a feeling that we will soon meet a group. So, let's continue moving forward." Guo Lin said.    


After saying that, Guo Lin prepared to continue moving forward, but he was stopped by Li Yin at this moment.    


"Is there a problem?"    


Guo Lin stopped when he saw Li Yin calling his name, but the other Sword Sovereign disciples did not stop.    


"I have something to say to Guo Lin. You guys go first. We will catch up later." Li Yin said to the few people beside her, and then they continued to move forward.    


"Li Yin, what is so mysterious that you have to talk to me alone?" Guo Lin looked at Li Yin and revealed a curious expression in his heart.    


"Guo Lin, if we can't think of a good solution, I'm afraid this trial will continue endlessly, or we will lose the competition for no reason." Li Yin said.    




But just as Li Yin finished speaking, there was suddenly a scream.    


The scream was very sudden, so Li Yin and Guo Lin were shocked.    


"What's going on?"    


When Li Yin and Guo Lin turned around and looked in front of them, they found that the number of people who admitted defeat had decreased by nearly half.    


The remaining people were worried that they would disappear like the others, so they just stood where they were and did not dare to move.    


"Where is he?"    


Guo Lin frowned when he saw that there were so many people missing in the blink of an eye.    


"Don't go over there. It should be the spirit formation. They are all trapped by it." Li Yin saw that Guo Lin was about to go over, so she quickly stopped him.    


Because Lu Feng had ordered people to set up the Trap Array, these spirit formation did not have any lethality. In addition to the special circumstances of the spirit formation, those who did not know much about the spirit formation would not be able to detect the exact location of the spirit formation.    


Sword Sovereign's disciples were basically sword addicts. They loved swords as much as their lives. So, whenever they had the time, they would naturally put all of their energy into practicing the sword. Therefore, they did not have any knowledge about the spirit formation.    


As for Hong Sovereign's disciples, although many of them knew about the spirit formation, they only knew a little about it. It was still very difficult for them to find out where the Trap Array was based on this point alone.    


"Sword Sovereign, it seems like your group is going to lose." Array Sovereign looked at the two screens and couldn't help but laugh.    


If Sword Sovereign's group was defeated, then their group would be the first in this Emperor Level trial.    


Before this, they were all at the bottom of the list. Now that Lu Feng had joined them, they had jumped from the last place to the first place. This was truly a miracle.    


" Hmph!"    


Sword Sovereign, whose face had already turned ashen, immediately let out an angry humph when he heard this, but he didn't say anything.    


Because of the sudden incident and the fact that he wasn't prepared for it, half of the people had mistakenly entered the spirit formation.    


Although half of the people were still there, one must know that Lu Feng and the rest were hiding nearby. As long as they were willing, they would definitely be able to take down most of the remaining people with a sneak attack.    



This way, only Guo Lin and Li Yin were left. It would not change the outcome of the battle.    




At this moment, a loud shout was heard all of a sudden. Then, a man appeared beside a man at lightning speed.    




A shocking collision sound was heard. Lu Feng gathered his strength and punched the man's back.    


These were his enemies, and Lu Feng naturally wouldn't be polite to them.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


"Ahhhhhhhhhh!! ”    


After Lu Feng attacked, a dozen figures appeared out of thin air. After a series of collisions, miserable screams could be heard continuously.    


In just a few seconds, those who didn't mistakenly enter the spirit formation were injured by a single punch.    


Taking advantage of the fact that these people were injured, Lu Feng and the others didn't stay idle either. They directly threw these people into the spirit formation.    


"You guys lost!"    


After doing this, Lu Feng appeared in front of Guo Lin and Li Yin along with more than ten tall and sturdy Strength Sovereign's disciples.    


When Guo Lin, who originally had a rainbow of sword Qi, saw Lu Feng and his group, a helpless expression appeared on his face.    


"We lost!"    


Guo Lin muttered. This was the first time he had lost a competition after participating in so many trials. He didn't know how to express this feeling.    


While Guo Lin was in a daze, Li Yin's eyes fell on Lu Feng.    


Although he had lost the competition, this wasn't an unacceptable fact. Since he had participated in the trials, there were wins and losses.    


"Alright, I will now announce that Array Sovereign and Strength Sovereign's disciples have obtained the first place in the Emperor Level trial. The other four groups have no results."    


Right at this moment, a dignified voice sounded out from the void.    


"First place?"    


When Guo Lin and Li Yin heard this, both of their eyes revealed a look of shock. It turned out that there were only two groups left in the swamp.    


"No wonder we couldn't find the other groups. The last group has been waiting for us here." Guo Lin couldn't help but laugh bitterly.    


Of course, at the same time, he knew that the biggest problem with their ambush was that there was a loophole in his plan.    


If they didn't return, then even if Lu Feng and the others set up an ambush in front of them, it wouldn't be so easy.    


After thinking about it, Guo Lin was convinced in his heart. He knew that they didn't lose unjustly and unjustly.    




At this moment, Guo Lin felt a force acting on his body. As this force increased, he found that his body became lighter in the next second.    


"Sword Sovereign!"    


When Guo Lin saw that he had returned to Sword Sovereign, he said respectfully and then lowered his head silently.    


As the leader of the trial, he could not shirk the responsibility of losing the competition.    


"No need to say anything." Looking at Guo Lin who was lowering his head, Sword Sovereign, who had an ugly expression, waved his hand.    


Next, Sword Sovereign's eyes fell upon Lu Feng who had also returned, and finally fixed on Array Sovereign.    


"Array Sovereign, do you still count what you said before?" Sword Sovereign asked.    


"Yes, of course. But now, only two of your and Hong Sovereign's disciples are unharmed. Are you sure you still want to try?" Array Sovereign asked.    


Back then, Array Sovereign had promised Sword Sovereign that he would send three disciples to break the formation. But now, there were only two disciples left, which was slightly different from his previous promise.    


"Cut the crap. Let Lu Feng set up the formation as soon as possible. I would like to see how powerful the spirit formation can be. Guo Lin, Li Yin, get ready to break the formation." Sword Sovereign said coldly.    


"Break the formation?"    


Hearing this, Guo Lin and Li Yin's eyes revealed a puzzled look. Obviously, they didn't understand what Sword Sovereign said, and he also wanted them to break some spirit formation.    


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