Mafia King's Adorkable Bride

C376 No One Can Stop Fate from Coming(1)

C376 No One Can Stop Fate from Coming(1)

0Yeh Mingjue hugged Ann Xiaonuan and fell asleep as he thought about it. In his dream, he dreamt of their beautiful future.    


The next day.    


Yeh Mingjue and Ann Xiaonuan opened their eyes at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled. Their eyes were both looking at each other.    


"Good morning, baby!"    


"Good morning, uncle!"    


After the two of them finished talking, they got up and washed up. Then, they went downstairs and started to eat breakfast. Just as they went downstairs, they saw Yeh Rannxi sitting there and starting to eat breakfast.    


"Brother, sister-in-law, good morning!" Yeh Rannxi said.    


"Yes! Good morning." Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


The two of them sat there and started to eat breakfast. Ann Xiaonuan drank a mouthful of milk and looked at Yeh Rannxi. Then her eyes stared at Yeh Rannxi's stomach.    


Seeing that Yeh Rannxi's stomach was a little bigger than before, she really did not dare to believe that Yeh Rannxi had a baby in her stomach.    


"Sister-in-law, why are you always staring at my stomach?" Yeh Rannxi asked curiously.    


"Nothing, nothing. I just feel that it is very magical. You have a baby in your belly." Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


"I also feel that it is very magical. If you feel that it is magical, you can also give birth to one with my brother." Yeh Rannxi smiled evilly.    


"Eat your food. Why do you have so much nonsense?" Yeh Mingjue said snappily.    


"Tsk, eat it." Yeh Rannxi curled her lips.    


Ann Xiaonuan heard Yeh Mingjue pull his clothes, "Don't say that."    


Yeh Mingjue heard that and smiled, then continued to eat his breakfast. They all said three women for a show. This sentence was indeed correct.    


"Sigh, Sister-in-law, why don't we go shopping today?" Yeh Rannxi said with a smile.    


"Shopping? Sure, I can take a look at the baby's clothes." Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


"You can go out, but you must bring your bodyguards and follow you closely." Yeh Mingjue said seriously.    


"Ok, it's a deal." Yeh Rannxi made an OK gesture.    


"Okay." Ann Xiaonuan said excitedly.    


Ring ring ring.    


Ring ring.    


"Hey!" Yeh Mingjue said in a deep voice.    


Yeh Mingjue did not know what the other party had said, but his expression became serious, "Alright, I got it. I will rush over now."    


Yeh Mingjue hung up the phone and stood up. He quickly went upstairs, and not long after that, he walked down in neat clothes.    


"There are some matters in the company that I need to take care of. You guys be careful when you go out to play." Yeh Mingjue instructed.    


"Okay! Don't worry. " Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


Yeh Mingjue heard Ann Xiaonuan walk in front of him. He lowered his head and kissed Ann Xiaonuan on the forehead. Then he took the briefcase and left.    


"Sister-in-law, let's not delay any longer. We will leave now and take you to a good place to play." Yeh Rannxi said.    


"Sure." Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


After that, Yeh Rannxi and Ann Xiaonuan set off. The bodyguard drove to the place Yeh Rannxi wanted to go. Bristo.    


Bristo was a small city located in the southwest of England. It was not far from London, and the train was about two hours away. This place was close to the Irish Sea, so it had been an important commercial port in England since the Middle Ages.    


Briston's most representative landmark was a suspension bridge called Clifton Spension Bridge. It was also one of the world's most famous suspension bridges. It was built and opened in 1864.    


Standing in the distance, one could see the magnificence and charm of the suspension bridge, and standing on the bridge, one could also see the beautiful scenery of the river valley. It was definitely one of the attractions Brigitto could not avoid.    


If you understood the graffiti culture, you would definitely know about the great god of the graffiti world, Banker, and his hometown was Briestro. Walking on the streets, you might even pass by the masterpieces!    


Now, Briestro would even specially host the graffiti festival, inviting artists from all over the world to create on the buildings, putting on beautiful clothes for those ancient buildings.    


However, the most eye-catching one was the hot air balloon festival held in Briestro every summer. This large-scale outdoor activity attracted tens of thousands of people to Briestro. Everyone was having a picnic in the park, chatting, and riding hot air balloons. After nightfall, they began to party. Colorful balloons filled the sky and also let people's wishes fly.    


After driving for more than an hour, Yeh Rannxi and Ann Xiaonuan arrived at their destination. The two of them got off the car to breathe in the fresh air and then the two of them began to go inside to have fun.    


Because Yeh Rannxi was a pregnant woman, Ann Xiaonuan did not play too crazily with Yeh Rannxi and left after an hour. The two of them still did not have enough but there was still time in the future.    


"What time is it, sister-in-law?" Yeh Rannxi asked.    


"It is already 12: 30." Ann Xiaonuan said.    


"What do you mean so soon? Why don't we eat first?" Yeh Rannxi said.    




"After dinner, I will take you to the most famous and large-scale Tesco in England. Safeway, Zachery, Zachery, Zachery, Zachery, Zachery, Zachery, Zachery, Zachery, Zachery. JSains Bury, ASDA. These few days, you've been in England, and I'm your tour guide. I'll let you have enough fun." Yeh Rannxi said.    


"Okay." Ann Xiaonuan said.    


After that, the two of them found a restaurant to eat together, and the bodyguards behind them also went to eat.    


On the other side.    


After Yeh Mingjue returned to the company, he began to work non-stop. Until now, he still hadn't heard of lunch.    


Dong! Dong! Dong!    



Knock knock.    


"Come in."    


Ye Yi walked in with something in his hand and placed it on the table. "Master, this is the company's report. It has already been checked."    


Yeh Mingjue put down the pen in his hand when he heard that. He raised his head and picked up the report on the table to look at it carefully.    


"That's right. I thought they would not be able to complete it." Yeh Mingjue said coldly.    


"Yes. They won't know about your authority if you don't give them a little pressure." Ye Yi said respectfully.    


"By the way, how is the investigation on the engineer of the Prosperous Group going?" Yeh Mingjue asked coldly.    


"Not yet. They did it cleanly, but I will give you an answer tomorrow." Ye Yi said in a deep voice.    


"Yes! Oh right, you are now going to the biggest Tesco in England. Safe, J Saint Bury. ASDA, go and get me something. Just tell them my name when you get there. They've already ordered it." Yeh Mingjue said in a deep voice.    




After saying that, Ye Yi left the office. At this moment, Yeh Mingjue had no idea what his unintentional actions had brought Ye Yi. Perhaps today was the day Ye Yi would change his mind...    


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