Mafia King's Adorkable Bride

C381 A Lover Is Bound to be Married

C381 A Lover Is Bound to be Married

0Yeh Mingjue couldn't help but smile when he saw the stunned look on Ye Yi's face. He knew very well that Yeh Rannxi and Ye Yi were in love with each other. Ye Yi couldn't bear the burden in his heart, so he didn't agree to Yeh Rannxi's request.    


Now that both of them had settled their past grudges, neither of them would be calculative about the past.    


Now, not only had the two of them reconciled, they also had the crystallization of love. Yeh Rannxi and Ye Yi should cherish each other.    


"Master, it was my fault in the past. I shouldn't have run away from things. If I hadn't avoided those facts, the two of us wouldn't be like this now." Ye Yi said in a deep voice.    


"As long as you think it through now, it will be fine. I just want Rannxi to have a good home. I don't care about anything else, even if it is money and power. I will not let them marry Rannxi, because they are not worthy of her. You are the only one, and I only acknowledge you. " Yeh Rannxi said seriously and seriously.    


Ye Yi was touched when he heard Yeh Mingjue's words. It was his fortune to have met such a master in his life.    


"Master, I will definitely take good care of Rannxi in the future. I will not let her suffer any harm." Ye Yi said seriously.    


"That's good. You know that I only have one sister. If you let her get hurt, I will not let you off easily." Yeh Mingjue said coldly.    


"Yes." Ye Yi said respectfully.    


Yeh Mingjue nodded with satisfaction when he heard Ye Yi's serious words. He believed him. After all, he had been by his side for many years.    


The conversation between the two was heard by Ann Xiaonuan and Yeh Rannxi upstairs. Ann Xiaonuan heard them turn around and smile at the touched Yeh Rannxi. The two of them did not enter the room when they went upstairs. Instead, they secretly listened to their conversation in the corner.    


"Rannxi, you can really rest assured now. You don't have to be afraid anymore. Ye Yi has already made a promise to uncle. Ye Yi will not leave you." Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


" Yes! I heard him. I believe him." After Yeh Rannxi finished speaking, she ran downstairs.    


Yeh Mingjue and Ye Yi heard the footsteps and looked up at the two people running down from upstairs.    


"Ye Yi." Yeh Rannxi shouted and jumped into Ye Yi's arms.    


Ye Yi saw Yeh Rannxi like this and held her tightly. At this moment, Ye Yi finally did not hide anymore. He was frank about the love between the two of them and there would not be any obstacles.    


Ann Xiaonuan hid in Yeh Mingjue's arms and looked at the two of them hugging in front of her. Her face was full of smiles. She did not expect that she would create the love between the two of them, and that they would be good friends. The more Ann Xiaonuan thought about it, the happier she felt in her heart.    


"Uncle, this time it is my credit, right?" Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


Yeh Mingjue heard her lower his head and kissed Ann Xiaonuan on the forehead. "Yes, it is your credit this time. I can satisfy you whatever you want."    


Ann Xiaonuan's eyes lit up when she heard that, "Really? Can you promise me anything?"    


"Of course." Yeh Mingjue said.    


"But I can't think of anything right now. I'll tell you when I think of something." Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


"Okay, I will listen to you." Yeh Mingjue said dotingly.    


Ann Xiaonuan heard him intimately hugging Yeh Mingjue's arm. Yeh Rannxi and Ye Yi separated and looked at Yeh Mingjue and Ann Xiaonuan.    


Yeh Rannxi walked in front of Ann Xiaonuan and reached out to hold Ann Xiaonuan's small hand. Her face was full of gratitude.    


"Sister-in-law, I really thank you this time!" Yeh Rannxi said sincerely.    


"Thank me. You don't have to thank me. Actually, both of you love each other, so I just helped you lose it." Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


Yeh Rannxi heard that and smiled. Then she hugged Ann Xiaonuan. Her face was full of smiles. She felt that her life in the future could be very good. Yeh Rannxi wanted to let go of Ann Xiaonuan because she could already feel the cold eyes of her elder brother.    


"Alright, since there is nothing else, I will go eat breakfast and then go to work." Yeh Mingjue said coldly.    


"Yes." Ye Yi said in a deep voice.    


After that, the four of them sat together for breakfast. This breakfast was very warm. After breakfast, Yeh Mingjue and Ye Yi went to work. Ann Xiaonuan and Yeh Rannxi were in the manor.    


At the company's main entrance.    


Yeh Mingjue got out of the car and walked in expressionlessly. Ye Yi respectfully followed behind him.    


The employees of the company watched Yeh Mingjue enter the company and did not even dare to breathe loudly. Before Yeh Mingjue came here, they would at least relax a little. Now that Yeh Mingjue came, they did not dare to breathe loudly.    


Moreover, they thought that Yeh Mingjue came to inspect the company and would return to the headquarters in a few days. They did not expect that he would stay for so many days.    


Moreover, those people who did fake accounts in the company, including those who handled the business, all suffered a strong blow from Yeh Mingjue. So after this investigation, they believed that those people would not dare to be so impudent anymore.    


"How's the investigation of the flourishing thing going?" Yeh Mingjue asked as he walked.    


"It's all done." Ye Yi said respectfully.    


"Go to the office and explain to me." Yeh Mingjue said coldly.    


"Yes." Ye Yi said respectfully.    


Yeh Mingjue went to the office and took off his coat. He sat on the chair and turned on the computer.    


"Master, the people who were at their peak came to our construction site with us to inspect. Then, the engineer was injured. It was actually arranged by the company on purpose. They arranged for people to stand upstairs, and when they saw them, they pushed the steel plate down. It just so happened to hit the man at the height of his power. " Ye Yi said in a deep voice.    


"Pa!" Yeh Mingjue broke the pen in his hand and Ye Yi jumped.    


"Humph! I have seen many of such tricks. Since you don't want to work with us anymore, let's push the boat along with the current." Yeh Mingjue said coldly, his eyes filled with killing intent.    


"Master, what do you mean by...?"    


"Have you found the video of the scene?" Yeh Mingjue said coldly.    


"I did, but I couldn't get into their computer during the investigation. In the end, I spent some effort to find the video." Ye Yi said in a deep voice.    


"It looks like I can't let it go so easily this time." Yeh Mingjue said coldly.    


Ye Yi looked at Yeh Mingjue's face and knew that he was very angry. This was the first time someone had framed their company, and someone had been injured. This time, Yeh Mingjue would not let them go easily. Otherwise, they would not know who was the most powerful party.    


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