Mafia King's Adorkable Bride

C33 Uninvited Guest(1)

C33 Uninvited Guest(1)

0Ruan Qingwei looked at Ruan Qingchen and couldn't help but feel sad for him.    


"Qingwei, are you angry with me?" Ann Xiaonuan said worriedly.    


"Of course not. If you are happy, I am also happy." Ruan Qingwei said with a smile.    


Ruan Qingchen looked at Ann Xiaonuan and strode to Ann Xiaonuan.    


While Ann Xiaonuan was not paying attention, he pulled Ann Xiaonuan's arm and was about to leave!    


However, Ann Xiaonuan's other arm was grabbed by Yeh Mingjue. For a moment, the two men each pulled Ann Xiaonuan's arm.    


Ruan Qingchen and Yeh Mingjue looked at each other. The air was filled with the sound of sparks.    


Ann Xiaonuan stood there. She shook off Ruan Qingchen's arm and retreated to Yeh Mingjue's side.    


Ruan Qingchen and Ruan Qingwei never thought Ann Xiaonuan would do such a thing!    


Yeh Mingjue looked at Ann Xiaonuan. His eyes were full of love!    


"Mr Qingchen, don't pull me. Uncle will be unhappy if he sees it." Ann Xiaonuan said.    


Now Ann Xiaonuan did not realize that she refused to have physical contact with any man except Yeh Mingjue.    


Ann Xiaonuan felt that since she was already married, she had to be a proper wife.    


Ann Xiaonuan said it out loud.    


"I will be unhappy if I see it." Yeh Mingjue said in a deep voice.    


Ann Xiaonuan looked up and blinked at Yeh Mingjue. She looked very innocent.    


"Xiaonuan." Ruan Qingchen shouted.    


Now Ruan Qingchen really did not know what to say.    


"Xiaonuan, today is the math teacher's class. Don't you know?" Ruan Qingwei suddenly said.    


"I'm going to be late. Uncle, I'll go back to the classroom first." Ann Xiaonuan said anxiously.    


"No, you don't have to go to class today. You still have injuries on your face." Yeh Mingjue said in a deep voice.    


"No, my mathematics results are very bad." Ann Xiaonuan said.    


"I will tutor you later." Yeh Mingjue said seriously.    


Ann Xiaonuan pouted and looked at Yeh Mingjue. She did not believe what Yeh Mingjue said at all.    


Yeh Mingjue looked at Ann Xiaonuan's doubtful eyes and did not say anything.    


"Master, the medicine is here." Yeh Xing suddenly came out and said.    


Yeh Mingjue took the medicine and said coldly, "Why are you so slow? You should study hard."    


"Yes." Yeh Xing said respectfully.    


Yeh Mingjue turned to look at Ruan Qingchen and said, "I want to take Xiaonuan back to apply medicine."    


After saying that, he hugged Ann Xiaonuan and turned around to leave.    


"Wait." Ruan Qingwei shouted.    


"Qingwei." Ann Xiaonuan called out sweetly.    


"Don't forget to attend class tomorrow." Ruan Qingwei said with a smile.    


"I know, bye bye!" Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


This time, Yeh Mingjue took Ann Xiaonuan to the car and left the school.    


Ruan Qingwei looked at the car that went far away and walked in front of Ruan Qingchen.    


"Looks like you don't have a chance." Ruan Qingwei said regretfully.    


"Xiaonuan will be in danger with him." Ruan Qingchen said coldly.    


"Why?" Ruan Qingwei asked curiously.    


"His identity is too complicated and mysterious." Ruan Qingchen said in a deep voice.    


"Then what is his identity?" Ruan Qingwei asked.    


Ruan Qingchen looked very tired.    


"I don't know. I didn't find anything either." Ruan Qingchen said.    


"As long as that person doesn't hurt Xiaonuan, it will be fine." Ruan Qingwei said.    


"I won't explain to you anymore. I have something else to do so I will leave first. You should quickly enter the classroom." Ruan Qingchen said.    


He left the field immediately.    


Ruan Qingwei looked at Ruan Qingchen's back and shook her head helplessly. She turned around and left the field.    


On the other side.    


The limited edition Rolls-Royce drove on the horse, symbolizing the noble identity of the owner of the car.    


"Does it still hurt?" Yeh Mingjue said with a heartache.    


"It doesn't hurt anymore." Ann Xiaonuan said sweetly.    



"You are really a fool." Yeh Mingjue said helplessly.    


"I am not." Ann Xiaonuan pouted and said.    


"Okay, you are not a fool." Yeh Mingjue said gently.    


The two of them talked with each other. Yeh Xing, who was driving in front, was shocked.    


A few days ago, Mo Qianqiu came to find him and told him that Yeh Mingjue had a woman.    


At that time, Yeh Xing didn't believe his words, so he ran over to ask Ye Yi and Yeh Bing. He didn't think that they wouldn't tell him the truth.    


However, when he saw what happened at the sports field today, Yeh Xing believed it.    


But now, when he saw Yeh Mingjue helping Ann Xiaonuan wipe the medicine, he gently asked if her wound hurt.    


This time, Yeh Xing was very surprised.    


Ten minutes later, Yeh Mingjue and Ann Xiaonuan arrived at Royal Bay Villa.    


Yeh Xing opened the car door and walked out. He saw Mrs Zhang pacing back and forth on the spot, looking very anxious.    


He walked to the front of Yeh Mingjue's car door and opened it.    


"Master, Mrs Zhang seems to have something urgent." Yeh Xing said respectfully.    


Yeh Mingjue listened and held Ann Xiaonuan's hand as he walked down.    


When Mrs Zhang saw Yeh Mingjue return, it was as if she saw her savior. She hurriedly ran towards Yeh Mingjue.    


"Sir." Mrs Zhang shouted.    


"What's wrong?" Ann Xiaonuan asked with a smile.    


"Sir, the Butler Jin is inside." Mrs Zhang said anxiously.    


When Yeh Mingjue heard Mrs Zhang's words, his attitude immediately became cold.    


Other than Ann Xiaonuan, no one present dared to breathe loudly.    


"You scared them." Ann Xiaonuan pouted and said.    


When Yeh Mingjue heard Ann Xiaonuan's words, the coldness in his body lessened a lot.    


"Alright, don't be angry." Yeh Mingjue said gently.    


Mrs Zhang and Yeh Xing looked at them and their lips twitched a few times.    


"Who is it?" Yeh Mingjue asked coldly.    


"It's master." Mrs Zhang said in a trembling voice.    


Yeh Mingjue did not say anything this time. He just held Ann Xiaonuan tightly.    


Before Yeh Mingjue and Ann Xiaonuan walked into the living room, they heard an old voice mixed with anger.    


"Immediately ask him to come back. He dares to take the initiative to marry. They must divorce." The old voice roared angrily.    


Ann Xiaonuan also heard this. Her body stiffened and she turned to look at Yeh Mingjue, feeling wronged.    


"Your family doesn't like me." Ann Xiaonuan pouted and said.    


Her appearance made people's heart ache.    


"Don't be afraid. I hate my family." Yeh Mingjue said.    


"Why?" Ann Xiaonuan asked.    


"It's a long story. I will tell you about it in the future. You just need to remember one thing. You will be my wife for the rest of your life, the mistress of Royal Bay Villa." Yeh Mingjue said seriously.    


"I am not afraid with you around." Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


Yeh Mingjue looked at Ann Xiaonuan's obedient look and lowered his head to kiss Ann Xiaonuan's forehead.    


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