Best Soldier Son-in-law

C382 I'm Definitely Going to Help

C382 I'm Definitely Going to Help

0Of course, Lin Nan wouldn't let go of any slim chance.    


He started to rummage through Rat's clothes, trying to find something useful!    


After searching for a long time, only a miniature device fell out of his clothes.    


Lin Nan picked it up and carefully sized it up. He rubbed his chin and said in deep thought: "This thing looks like a communication tool?"    


But Lin Nan thought about it for a long time and did not know how to use it.    


"It seems to be a secret communication tool. The way to use this thing is not so simple. I will study it when I go back." Lin Nan put the communication device into his pocket.    


After searching for a long time, did the killer rat really not have anything else on him?    


Lin Nan was still unwilling to give up and immediately took off the killer mouse's shirt!    


Suddenly, something different in color flashed in Lin Nan's eyes!    




Lin Nan grabbed the moment and began to rummage through his clothes!    


Finally, Lin Nan found a golden pattern on the collar of the clothes.    


This pattern was a golden dagger. The dagger was inserted into the skull of a skeleton.    


"Is this the symbol of the Killer's Organization?"    


Lin Nan was overjoyed!    


This was a very useful item!    


Since he knew that Chung Xinyue's disappearance was related to the Killer's Organization, he might as well start investigating from the Killer's Organization!    


However, this Lin Nan of the Killer's Organization was a complete stranger to him.    


He tore off the pattern on his collar and left the forest!    


He rushed to the Golden Emperor Palace without hesitation!    


With Lau Yingying's influence in the underground area of Jianghuai, perhaps she would know about the Killer's Organization!    


When they arrived at Golden Emperor Palace, it was around ten o'clock in the morning.    


Lin Nan walked straight into Golden Emperor Palace. Most of the people inside knew him and immediately reported to Lau Yingying.    


Not long after, Hai rushed downstairs, bowed and said respectfully: "Master Lin, I didn't inform you before I came here. Please forgive me for not welcoming you from afar."    


"You're welcome. Take me to see Boss Lau." Lin Nan ordered.    


"Yes, Boss Lau is already waiting for you!" Hai gestured for Lin Nan to go upstairs.    


Lin Nan entered the private room and found Lau Yingying really sitting on the sofa. She was holding a half-burnt cigarette between her fingers.    


Lau Yingying was still as sexy as ever today.    


She wore a tight exposed umbilical shirt and a pair of black shorts. Her fair and slender legs were naturally crossed together, giving off a deep temptation.    


Seeing Lin Nan come, Lau Yingying put out the lady's cigarette in the urn and smiled charmingly. "Master Lin, when did you return to Jianghuai?"    


"I just came back two days ago."    


Lin Nan said as he sat down beside Lau Yingying.    


"Oh? Did everything go smoothly in Jinling? Boss Zheng didn't explain the situation to me. I was just about to ask."    


Lau Yingying moved closer to Lin Nan. The faint fragrance on her body went straight into Lin Nan's nostrils.    


Lin Nan took a light sniff and felt his whole body relax.    


It was still the familiar enchanting smell!    


"Not bad, I have some unexpected gains." I have some gains, Lin Nan said in a low voice.    


"Does that mean the Heaven Returning Pill has already been put into the Jinling market? Excuse me, may I ask a question? How much profit will Zheng Shukai make? "    


As a businessman, Lau Yingying was most concerned about this one.    


She had to help Lin Nan analyze whether this deal was worth it or not.    


Lin Nan smiled faintly and said, "Sister Lau don't need to worry. I never lose money when I do business."    


Of course, he would not lose money!    


The Orchid Society was his now. This meant that he was making money for himself. He was just giving a portion of the profits to the Orchid Society to manage.    


Lau Yingying understood in her heart and did not ask any further.    


She used her slender fingers to pull her hair behind her ears and then asked with a smile, "Then why did Master Lin pay a visit to Golden Emperor Palace today?"    


"Can't I come and see you if there's nothing else?" Lin Nan squeezed his eyes and smiled evilly.    


"Then my daughter is really flattered!" Lau Yingying smiled.    


She knew Lin Nan would definitely come for nothing, but she was still happy to pretend to be happy.    


Fighting with someone would bring endless joy!    


"Forget it, I won't play riddles with you anymore, I'm still in a hurry!"    


Lin Nan took out the golden pattern from his pocket and asked, "Sister Lau, do you know what this is?"    





Lau Yingying took it with two fingers and took a closer look.    


It was a golden dagger. The dagger was still stuck on a skull.    


Lau Yingying looked at it for thirty seconds and then said in puzzlement, "What a strange pattern."    


"Sister Lau, you don't know either?" Lin Nan's heart sank.    


Lau Yingying looked at the entire pattern a few more times and silently rubbed her forehead.    


After that, she said softly, "This should have been torn off from the collar. Looking at this pattern, I think it looks like some kind of organization. It might very well be... Killer's Organization."    


Lin Nan smiled. It seemed like Lau Yingying had guessed the same thing.    


"Then do you know what Killer's Organization this is?" Lin Nan asked.    


Lau Yingying shook her head and said decisively: "Never seen it before! And judging from the degree of craftsmanship and material of this pattern, it is definitely not an ordinary Killer's Organization."    


"Haven't you seen it before? Sister Lau, there is something that you don't know about in Jianghuai?" Lin Nan could not believe it.    


" Where did you get this from? "Sister Lau asked. Lau Yingying asked back.    


"It's in Jianghuai! It was ripped off from a killer's clothes." Lin Nan answered truthfully.    


"That's strange."    


Lau Yingying suddenly stood up slowly and paced back and forth in the private room, as if she was thinking about something.    


After a long time, Lau Yingying said, "I have heard about the Killer's Organization in Jianghuai, but there is no such mark. If the killer came from Jianghuai, it could only mean that. One point... This Killer's Organization is not from Jianghuai."    


" Not from the Jianghuai? "    


Lin Nan took a deep breath.    


Why did the investigation become more and more troublesome?    


Furthermore, Chung Xinyue had always been studying here. Why would there be assassins from other places targeting her?    


This did not make sense!    


"Sister Lau, think about it again?" Lin Nan asked expectantly.    


Lau Yingying returned the pattern to Lin Nan and said softly, "Master Lin, when have I ever lied to you?    


This is the first time I have seen this pattern!    


If it was the Killer's Organization of Jianghuai, I should be able to recognize it.    


However, I feel that this pattern is very unfamiliar to me. I've never seen it before."    


Lin Nan suddenly felt a headache coming on.    


He put away the pattern and frowned as he thought deeply. "If it's not Jianghuai, how should we investigate?"    


"Master Lin, may I ask, why do you want to investigate this Killer's Organization?" Lau Yingying sat back down and asked Lin Nan while sticking close to him.    




Lin Nan wanted to say something but stopped himself.    


It wasn't that he hadn't thought about using the Menglan Association's power in Jianghuai to find Chung Xinyue.    


But this idea was quickly rejected by him.    


He didn't want everyone to know.    


Moreover, Chung Xinyue's life and death was still unknown. What if she was still alive?    


Such a disturbance might enrage the other party. It was even possible to tear up the votes!    


Lau Yingying saw that Lin Nan did not want to say it, so she reasonably said, "It is fine if Master Lin does not want to say it. Everyone has their own secrets!"    


"Thank you for understanding." Lin Nan smiled coyly.    


"But, with our friendship. I will definitely help you with this!" Lau Yingying said with a determined look.    


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