Best Soldier Son-in-law

C1159 The Prisoner

C1159 The Prisoner

0"Let's go!"    


Lin Nan didn't say much and went straight into the room.    


The room was very dark, and nothing could be seen.    


Lin Nan fumbled along the wall as if he had touched an oil lamp.    


With a flash of his finger, the oil lamp was lit.    


With the help of the weak light, Lin Nan lit up all the other oil lamps in an instant.    


In an instant.    


The entire secret chamber was lit up by the lights of a few oil lamps.    


At this moment, Lin Nan could clearly see the layout of the room.    


The secret chamber was not big, and it was surrounded by walls.    


And in the innermost room, there was a chair, and there was actually a person sitting on it!    


This person looked very old, wearing tattered clothes, and was as thin as firewood. He lowered his head and did not move at all.    


Such a strange scene was indeed somewhat frightening!    


Liang Siyu hid behind Lin Nan in fear and trembled all over.    


Lin Nan slowly walked over and said in a low voice, "Is this a dried corpse?"    




The old man suddenly raised his head. On his wrinkled face, a pair of deep eye sockets stared at Lin Nan!    




Liang Siyu instantly let out an ear-piercing scream. She was so scared that she covered her eyes and tightly stuck to Lin Nan's back!    


To tell the truth!    


Lin Nan had seen all kinds of situations, but at this moment, he was also shocked!    


"Are you a human or a ghost?" Lin Nan asked coldly.    


The old man's dry lips parted slightly, and a deep voice came out of his mouth, "Who would have thought that when I was still alive, there would be someone else from the Night Prison who would come here?"    


"Who is the Night Prison?" Lin Nan asked.    


"It's the leader's name!"    


Liang Siyu said and slowly moved her hand away from her eyes.    


When she mustered her courage to look at the skinny old man again, she suddenly exclaimed, "Mister Renshou? You are Mister Ren Shou?"    


"How many years has it been? Does anyone still remember me?"    


Renshou's voice was hoarse, like sandpaper rubbing against each other.    


Lin Nan was also shocked!    


Just now, they were still talking about this person!    


It turned out that this person was not missing, but inside the secret chamber!    


However, Lin Nan revealed a vicious expression and said, "I won't let anyone from the Falcon Team go!"    


Liang Siyu suddenly pulled Lin Nan and said, "Dragon King, when the Falcon Team attacked the Dragon Hidden Team, mister Renshou had already disappeared. So, this matter has nothing to do with him."    


However, ren Shou suddenly grinned and said, "Dragon King? Dragon Hidden Team? I didn't hear that name from Ye Yu."    


Lin Nan took his hand away and said coldly," Why are you here? "    


This was also what Liang Siyu wanted to ask.    


According to the rumors, shouldn't he be dead?    


Ren Shou said in a deep voice, "Since you have come here, it means that Ye Prison has failed. I knew that he would fail one day!"    


"En, the Falcon Team no longer exists. It has been destroyed by me personally." Lin Nan said casually.    


Ren Shou's expression turned gloomy. He shook his head and said, "Should I be happy or disappointed?"    


"Mr. Renshou, what happened back then? Why are you in this dark secret room?" Liang Siyu asked.    


"I don't want to be here, but I am imprisoned." Ren Shou said in a low voice.    




Liang Siyu frowned and asked, "Who imprisoned you?"    


"It's very obvious, your leader!" Lin Nan answered from the side.    


Liang Siyu was completely stunned when she heard this. "But Mister Renshou has such a good relationship with the leader. Why was he imprisoned?"    


"There are some things that, once it comes into contact with benefits, even the people closest to him will turn against each other and become enemies." Ren Shou said bitterly.    


Lin Nan felt that this sentence contained a lot of information, so he asked, "Old man, do you have a story with him?"    


"Are you interested in hearing it?" Renshou smiled and looked at Lin Nan.    


"Of course, I'm all ears!"    



Lin Nan was willing to know every detail of Falcon Team, especially about the leader!    


"Ye Yu was born in a wealthy family. His parents were famous local businessmen.    


However, for some reason, they offended some important local people.    


A key member did not dare to openly cause trouble for their family, so he found mercenaries and cruelly killed their entire family.    


In the entire family, only he and his distant cousin, li Mingwei, were left.    


These two children, perhaps it was because their originally happy family had been destroyed. From being rich to having nothing, they had tempered a very powerful disposition and cynical personality.    


Once, they had a dispute with others and were hunted down.    


I ran into them by chance, so I saved them"    


Ren Shou spoke very slowly, as if there was a unique rhythm to his words.    


"Later on, ye Yu worshiped me as his foster father and followed me for eight years.    


During this period of time, I taught them a lot of things, and even taught them the secret techniques I cultivate for self-defense.    


However, these two children are completely different. Night Prison is very diligent in his studies, and Li Mingwei seems to value power more.    


Finally, one day.    


They told me that I can't continue being mediocre like this and that I have to do a big business.    


I asked them what a big business it was, and they said they wanted to establish a mercenary group.    


I was very surprised when I heard that, because they were only 27 years old at that time!    


But later on, they really fought to step onto this path."    


Ren Shou struggled to catch his breath.    


He probably hadn't said so much in a long time. That was why he felt a little awkward.    


"Is it because the family members were killed by mercenaries, so they planted seeds in their hearts?" Lin Nan could not help but ask.    


"It should be like this."    


Ren Shou nodded. "I didn't interfere with their decision. I let them go. However, six years later, they came to me again and wanted me to join them. They said they could give me riches and honor as a form of repayment.    


At that time, they already had followers, crazy Tooth and Blood Fiend of the Night Prison, as well as Li Mingwei's Nie Loong, feng Lei, and Qian Lingloong.    


I was surprised by the results of these two children, so I joined them.    


However, I joined them not to help them kill, but to supervise them.    


Because, I have long seen through their ambitions. When their desires are growing, I need to guide them.    


After that, things progressed very smoothly. Ye Yu and Li Mingwei relied on their amazing charisma to create the Falcon Team.    


However, the two of them had different ideas.    


Li Mingwei, who valued power more, led his followers to open up a path that belonged to him.    


However, the two of them were, after all, the founders of the Falcon Team, so they had always maintained a supportive state.    


With the help of the Night Prison, li Mingwei became the director of the Huaxia Intelligence Department.    


From then on, ye Yu had become the true leader of the Falcon Team! "    


After telling the story, Lin Nan had some understanding of the growth of the Night Prison.    


It was truly a classic case of life's counterattack!    


Lin Nan thought for a while and then asked, "Old mister, you said so much, but you didn't say why you were imprisoned here?"    


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