Best Soldier Son-in-law

C1160 The Light of Day

C1160 The Light of Day

0"Don't worry, it happened not long after that."    


Ren Shou said in a slow and unique rhythm:    


"Once, ye Yu personally went out to carry out a mission.    


That mission lasted for a long time, a full year and a half. After he came back, ye Yu seemed to have changed into a different person.    


He often locked himself in his room, studying some strange things, and couldn't extricate himself from it.    


And the thing that baffled me the most was that a very evil aura had appeared on Ye Prison's body, and his strength had also advanced by leaps and bounds.    


At a random opportunity, I discovered that he was studying a black pattern.    


I asked him what it was, and he told me mysteriously that it is something that can make the Falcon Team stronger."    


"A black pattern? Is it the one we saw just now?" Liang Siyu asked in surprise.    


"What exactly is that?" Lin Nan asked subconsciously.    


"I don't know either, but I felt that thing was very evil, so I persuaded him to give up."    


Ren Shou took a deep breath and said. "But not only did Ye Yu not listen to me, he even planted this pattern on my body! From that moment on, I knew that he was no longer the previous Night Warden! "    


"Sir, you also have it on your body?"    


Lin Nan opened his mouth wide in surprise.    


Renshou took off his shirt and said with a bitter smile, "Look behind me."    


Lin Nan immediately went around and saw the exact same pattern on Ying's body.    


"People who are planted with this kind of pattern will obtain great power, and even their consciousness will be confused.    


Fortunately, ye Yu's research on this pattern wasn't very mature at that time, so I found a way to crack it "    


Ren Shou sighed and said, "So, ye Yu was afraid that I would ruin his plan, so he took advantage of the moment when I was unprepared and imprisoned me here. If I remember correctly, it has been fifteen years! "    


Fifteen years...    


What kind of concept is that?    


If a person was imprisoned in this cramped space, even if he didn't die, he would probably go crazy.    


"Then why didn't he just kill you? Why is it so unnecessary?" Lin Nan asked curiously.    


"He can't kill me! Because his abilities were taught by me!"    


Finally, ren Shou said, "Perhaps... he still has a trace of gratitude. After all, I am his foster father."    


Lin Nan organized his thoughts and said, "The problem is on that pattern. What exactly is it? Why is the pattern of the shadow gone, but it hasn't woken up yet? "    


"Is your friend also planted?" Renshou asked curiously.    


"To tell you the truth, one of my friends is also the same. He betrayed us before, ren Shou said. But I don't think that was his intention. We've already destroyed the pattern, but he's still unconscious. We're here to find a way to break it." Lin Nan told the truth.    


"That is because your friend's consciousness was disturbed, so what he did was not under his control. And he still hasn't woken up, because the evil power has invaded his body, fighting against his own consciousness" Ren Shou explained.    


"Is there any way to break it?" Lin Nan asked anxiously.    


Renshou smiled, "Dragon King, the fact that you can find this place means that your friend's life should not be lost! I have known the method to crack it for fifteen years in here!"    




Lin Nan said excitedly. "Please, sir!"    


"It's very simple. You should understand the principle of life and death restraining each other. As long as you use another similar force as a guide, it can wake your friend up." Ren Shou said.    


"But where can I find another force?"    


Lin Nan was in trouble again!    


"Dragon King, you don't need to find another force."    


Ren Shou suddenly grabbed the armrest of the chair and his body trembled violently!    


"What's wrong?" Liang Siyu asked.    


When Lin Nan saw her, he immediately stopped her. "Sir, please stop!"    


Ren Shou did not listen to Lin Nan's dissuasion. Instead, he frantically circulated the Spiritual Energy in his body, causing his body to tremble slightly.    


"What is he doing?" Liang Siyu asked.    


"The old man is forcing the Spiritual Energy out of his body." Lin Nan said faintly.    


"Why?" Liang Siyu was dumbfounded.    


How could a cultivator bear to part with the Spiritual Energy on his body?    


"If I'm not wrong, he is making a medicinal catalyst." Lin Nan let out a heavy sigh.    


"Then, ying can be saved?" Liang Siyu said happily.    


Lin Nan sighed. "If you do that, the old man will..."    


Ren Shou said in a deep voice, "Dragon King, you don't have to worry about it. I am already very satisfied that this old bone of mine can live for so long. As for the destruction of Falcon Team, I cannot live alone. However, the fact that I can save a person before my death is already worthy of my death. "    


Finished speaking!    


Ren Shou accelerated the circulation of his Spiritual Energy. Then, he suddenly lowered his head and retched. A black pearl like object fell out of his mouth.    



"This is..."    


Liang Siyu bent down and picked up the black pearl.    


"I have been imprisoned here for fifteen years and have mastered the method to force the power of the black pattern out of my body. It is to condense the Spiritual Energy in the Dantian into this black bead."    


Ren Shou said with a pale face, "The black pig contains the power of the pattern. As long as your friend consumes this black bead, the power in his body will clash with each other, and he will return to his normal state... Cough, cough, cough..."    




Lin Nan walked forward to support Ren Shou.    


However, he found that Renshou's body was like a bag of skin and bones. His right hand accidentally landed on Renshou's wrist.    


This pulse made Lin Nan feel even more uneasy!    


There was not a single Spiritual Energy left in Ren Shou's body. The Dantian had completely dried up.    


His body would definitely not be able to withstand the sudden disappearance of the Spiritual Energy. It would be like a lamp that had run out of oil.    


"Mister Ren Shou, the pattern behind you..." Liang Siyu said in surprise.    


Lin Nan turned his head and saw that the black pattern on Renshou's back had disappeared.    


"The power of the pattern has been forced out by me, so it will naturally disappear."    


Ren Shou took a deep breath and spoke with great difficulty." The secret passage here was something that Ye Yu had left behind, so he could return to the ground from here. As long as we can open the stone cover above us"    


Lin Nan looked up and then jumped onto the wall. He gently pushed the ceiling with his hand and a large amount of dust fell from above.    


With another push, a faint yellow light shone in from outside.    


"Sure enough, I can leave."    


Liang Siyu was surprised and said, "Then old sir, you..."    


"I am already old and have committed many sins before. So, spending the rest of my life here is also a kind of redemption for myself." Renshou smiled calmly.    


His smile was calm and peaceful.    


It was as if he was looking down on life and death!    


Lin Nan carefully put the black bead away, then cupped his fists and said: "Old sir, your great kindness is beyond repayment!"    


"Dragon King, I have always been accurate in my judgment of people, just like how I could tell that Ye Yu would do something big! And I can tell that your aptitude is definitely not below Ye Yu's. "    


Ren Shou heartily laughed. His face had a trace of a strange flush, and his eyes instantly lit up.    


Qin Feng, on the other hand, knew it very well.    


This was the expression of a dying man who had just returned to life.    


There wasn't much time left for Ren Shou.    


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