Best Soldier Son-in-law

C4 Dangerous Asura!

C4 Dangerous Asura!

0A flashy sticker, flaming red hair, black earrings, a worn-out cowboy shirt, and a skinny body.    


The young man's image of a hoodlum was on the verge of popping out.    


"Chen Hao?" Chung Xinyue hesitated in surprise.    


She recognized him.    


Chen Hao was her former classmate in her first year of high school. He was problematic in school and often skipped classes. He would get into fights and even flirted with different girls. He was often reported and criticized by the whole school.    


He dropped out of school and stayed home when he was in his second year of high school.    


Everyone heard rumors about him being in the underworld and that he did a lot of bad things.    


"What a surprise. I didn't think that our school belle would still remember me."    


Chen Hao proudly flicked the earrings on his ear and said, "How have you been? I haven't seen you for a while. How about I take you for a ride?"    


Chung Xinyue shook her head. "No. You can go by yourself," she replied.    


Obviously, she rejected his offer. She was not fond of gangsters.    


"Hey, don't refuse so quickly. I can introduce you to a few friends. It will be fun," he insisted as he grinned at her.    


Chen Hao shamelessly tried to pull her towards him.    


Chung Xinyue did not expect him to be adamant. She got scared and quickly hid behind Lin Nan.    


Lin Nan noticed her reaction and took a step forward.    


It was just a small step,    


but it meant a lot to Chung Xinyue, who was behind him.    


Chen Hao studied Lin Nan and saw that he was neither tall nor strong but just a normal person. He frowned disdainfully.    


He curled his lips and asked, "Chung Xinyue, who is this guy?"    


Chung Xinyue ignored him and kept silent.    


Lin Nan smiled at him and said, "Does my identity have anything to do with you?"    


"You're quite brave."    


Chen Hao lit a cigarette and took a puff. Then he blew the smoke at Lin Nan's face and asked, "Are you her brother?"    


"No," Lin Nan answered as he shook his head.    


"Then, are you her uncle?" Chen Hao frowned.    


"No." Lin Nan shook his head again.    


"Her father?"    


Suddenly, Chen Hao's face lit up when he seemed to realize something. "Oh, that's impossible! She's an orphan. Her parents died a long time ago," he said as he grinned slyly.    


Chung Xinyue's expression turned gloomy when she heard his comment.    


The death of her parents when she was still young left a pain in her heart for a long time.    


Lin Nan stared right at Chen Hao. He shook his head and sighed. "Your breath stinks. Did you forgot to brush your teeth this morning?"    


"Cheeky bastard! Do you want to die? Don't you know who I am?" Chen Hao sneered. His face turned red like he was going to explode.    


He had been in society for so long, but he had never met anyone who stood up to him.    


And someone like Lin Nan had the guts to talk back to him?    


Chung Xinyue pulled Lin Nan from behind and whispered, "Brother Nan, ignore him. Let's go."    


"Fine," Lin Nan agreed. Besides, he was not in the mood to deal with a lowly character. He began to walk away towards the Laosan Noodle Shop with Chung Xinyue.    


However, Chen Hao suddenly reached out his hand to stop them from walking away. He was fuming mad.    


"Hey, wait a moment!"    


"What? You still have something to say?" Lin Nan frowned impatiently.    


"You really don't know how to shut up. I was talking to Chung Xinyue, not you. Don't interrupt us!" Chen Hao bellowed.    


Suddenly, a loud sound echoed through the Five Dragon Street.    


Bewildered, Chen Hao covered his red cheek and stared at Lin Nan in shock.    


It took him a while to react after he slapped him hard in the face.    


"You dare hit me?" Chen Hao's eyes widened as he grimaced in disbelief.    


"Look, I don't care if you ate shit for breakfast. That's your right. Just don't go around talking to people with your mouth smelling like shit. That's just wrong," Lin Nan responded with a pitiful smile.    


"I will kill you!"    


Chen Hao's body trembled in anger. He tried to throw a punch at his face, but Lin Nan quickly dodged away.    


"Too slow there!"    


Lin Nan teasingly shook his head as he grinned at the hooligan.    


He crouched down as soon as Chen Hao approached him.    


Using his right foot, he immediately kicked the perpetrator's knee.    


Chen Hao felt a sharp pain in his knee. In a second, his whole body flew a few meters away.    


He tried to pick himself up, but a foot suddenly hit his face. He laid on the ground, unable to move.    


Lin Nan retaliated when Chen Hao was knocked down to the ground.    


He incredibly took care of him for not more than five seconds!    


The bystanders were stunned as they witnessed the scene.    


Chung Xinyue froze with her mouth dropped.    


She did not expect to see the valiant side of her brother Nan who was usually friendly and had a good temper!    


Being stepped on and humiliated by Lin Nan made Chen Hao fuming mad.    


"Don't you know who I am?" Chen Hao threatened him.    


"Not interested," Lin Nan calmly said as he casually shook his head.    


"Do you know who my boss is? It's Baldie of Ghost Fire Gang," Chen Hao screamed at the top of his lungs.    


Lin Nan smirked. He stared at him with an amused expression on his face. "So?"    


He did not wait for a response and instead put force into his feet.    


Chen Hao suddenly felt his face throbbed in pain. As if a wall hit his face, crushing his head.    


He initially did not expect Lin Nan could do that.    


So he became terrified of the person before him.    


"Brother Nan, forget it," Chung Xinyue insisted with a horrified look on her face.    


She was afraid that Lin Nan might do something reckless or worse.    


"Alright, alright," Lin Nan said as he retracted his leg.    


Chen Hao pulled hi head back as he heaved a sigh of relief. He almost lost his life again.    


He subconsciously felt his cheek with the palm of his hand.    




It hurts!    


The pain burns!'    


He could feel half of his face swelled up like that of a pig's head.    


When he thought it was over, Lin Nan suddenly bent down and grabbed him by the collar with one hand.    


"What do you want?" Chen Hao wailed. His expression dramatically changed, like he was about to cry.    


Even if he was a gangster, he still cowered around people stronger than him.    


He realized Lin Nan was a ruthless person. Even more ruthless than the bosses in the underworld!    


Lin Nan bore his cold eyes on him without blinking and said, "I'm warning you, stay away from Chung Xinyue. Or else..."    


Chen Hao could feel his hand tightened his grip around the collar.    


He felt like a fish out of water. He gagged as he gasped for air.    


When he began to choke, he reminisced about how he took breathing for granted.    


Horrified, Chen Hao stared back at Lin Nan.    


'Why is his gaze like that?' he thought to himself.    


The man before him was like a bloodthirsty predator from ancient times that would eat humans. It was a ruthless glare.    


He was like Hades who came back from hell.    


If he wanted you to die at three o'clock in the morning, you shouldn't expect to live past five o'clock in the morning!    


As he prepared for his death, Lin Nan let go of him.    


Chen Hao immediately gasped for air.    


He had never felt how good the free air was!    


Lin Nan smiled at him and said, "Young man, you wouldn't survive in the society so easily. I advise you study hard so that you can be useful someday."    


His warm smile made him look like a big brother who was easy to get along with.    


His sudden change of attitude made it look like nothing happened.    


Chen Hao realized that his smile was more terrifying than his calm face.    


He bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."    


His voice cracked as he stopped himself from crying. Then he stood up and ran towards his motorcycle.    


He started the engine and left hurriedly.    


He did not even hesitate nor look back.    


Lin Nan watched him go and nodded to himself as he said, "He's not a bad kid. He knows he made a mistake and apologizes."    



Chung Xinyue started laughing when she heard him.    


"What are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong?" Lin Nan was confused.    


"If Chen Hao is a good man, then you are a bad man," she replied with a smile on her face.    


"This is the first time someone described me in such a way," Lin Nan muttered with a smile.    


It made sense to him that she didn't know since he had never shown his fierce side in front of her before.    


Everyone who knew him called him 'Devastating Asura'!    


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