Best Soldier Son-in-law

C6 Who Are You Looking For?

C6 Who Are You Looking For?

0Master Lin Nan left him the ancient book. It was a valuable item he relied on when he was recovering from his injuries.    


His master was a strange man. He liked to wear coarse white clothes. Thus, he was known as the White-clothed Grandmaster.    


His medical skills were quite exceptional in that he had cultivated magical medical skills and immortality.    


Eight years ago, he taught Lin Nan the complete Open Heaven, Nine Needles. However, He mysteriously disappeared just as he taught him the first half of the Sky Opening Medicinal Ceremony.    


Lin Nan became a mercenary to find his master.    


The all-powerful Dragon Hidden Team was only established by chance that happened later.    


Lin Nan carefully took out the ancient book Sky Opening Nine Needles.    


He flipped through the pages and stopped in the middle. Then took out nine silver needles of different lengths.    


The nine silver needles were a gift from his master. They were called Falling Sky Needles.    


Made from a Meteoric Metal, Lin Nan was already the 19th successor when he received them.    


After it went through the baptism of time, the Falling Sky Needle didn't change at all. Instead, it became sharper and tougher.    


Even though the light in the room was a bit dim, the cold silver light that came from the Falling Sky Needle showed.    


"Heaven Breaking Qi, seize the fortune of Yin and Yang, stabilize the universe of the sun and moon. Only by continuous accumulating can one break through the shackles of the human body."    


As soon as he finished the chant, Lin Nan swiftly pierced the silver needles into several major acupuncture points in his body.    


Fengchi Acupuncture Point!    


Zhangmen Acupuncture Point!    


Taiyuan Acupuncture Point!    


Those were the few acupoints of life gates of the human body!    


Once inserted into different acupuncture points at the same time, the results would vary.    


Only by repeatedly tempering could the needle technique become proficient.    


Lin Nan, who had excellent talent, had long reached the level of Blind Needle.    


The Spiritual Energy in Lin Nan's body began to burst, like a dry well suddenly filled with water, through the stimulation of the Falling Sky Needle.    


Although the Spiritual Energy didn't flow much, it gave him a new hope.    


His master told him that the mysterious Heaven Breaking Qi, once integrated with the innate Qi, could control all kinds of Spiritual Energy far and wide, and it was the ruler's Qi.    


He distributed the Spiritual Energy for a moment. When he opened his eyes, it was already evening.    


He stared into the distance and thought to himself, 'I restored my Dantian and Qi Sea, but the Spiritual Energy is still weak. I still need to enrich my meridians with medicine to recover.'    


He frowned. 'But these herbs aren't cheap, and I don't have any source of income right now,' he muttered to himself.    


Lin Nan felt immensely depressed at the thought.    


He used to live comfortably, thanks to Ye Qingcheng, who let the company regularly give allowance every month.    


But their relationship had strained recently. Ye Qingcheng was certain he was useless and cut off his allowance two months ago.    


This troubled Lin Nan.    


He couldn't even pay the rent. How could he afford to buy medicine?    


Being a mercenary shocked him. The payments he saved from completing missions were not much, but enough to be one of the richest people in Jianghuai City.    


However, he hid his identity to treat his injuries that he almost completely separated from his past self.    


If he secretly used the money from that account, he might leave clues for the enemy to discover.    


It wasn't that he didn't have money. He just wanted to avoid exposing his whereabouts before he could even prepare himself.    


'It seems like a single cent can really make a handsome man like me worry to death.'    


He laid down on the bed gloomily.    


Just as he was about to think of ways to earn money, his phone rang.    


He picked up the phone and saw that it was Ye Keer calling.    


'This girl, is she finally going to end this act?' he muttered to himself.    


Lin Nan smirked and pressed the answer button.    


"Hey, Lin Nan, where are you?" Ye Keer asked directly.    


"What's the matter?" he responded casually.    


"My dad will be flying back from Europe, about seven o'clock. My sister hopes that you return home and solve the problem as soon as possible," she said on the other end of the phone.    


"Oh," he muttered half-heartedly.    


"And... my mom will come this time," she added.    




Lin Nan's expression changed drastically. "That devil woman... No, mother-in-law will come too?" he whined involuntarily.    


Ye Keer ignored his unique way of addressing her mother and instead said provocatively, "That's right! You better come back quickly and not be late."    


She did not wait for his answer and immediately hung up the phone. Then winked at Ye Qingcheng, who was reading by her side.    



"Sister, everything is ready. With mother personally taking charge of the situation, I don't think that trash will be able to stir up any more trouble."    


"Okay," Ye Qingcheng responded faintly.    


She might look normal, but she was anxious deep inside.    


'Am I finally going to get rid of that guy this time?' she thought to herself.    


She sighed heavily and hoped for the best.    


'Damn it. That devil woman will come as well. What should I do?' Lin Nan thought anxiously.    


His mother-in-law was not a good person. In fact, she almost ruined the marriage three years ago.    


Until now, he still had a grudge over her.    


Out of frustration, Lin Nan immediately called his father-in-law.    


But he couldn't contact him.    


'He's probably still on the plane.'    


He didn't think too much about it and immediately put on his clothes and went out.    


When he passed by the east side of the house, the light was still on. He thought It was probably Chung Xinyue who was still studying.    


Lin Nan did not disturb her and rushed towards the street to call a cab.    


When he arrived at the Famous Family Villa District, the driver looked at the meter and said, "Sixty-eight dollars."    


Lin Nan got out of the car and whispered, "how expensive."    


Lin Nan checked every pocket he had and only managed to collect sixty-five dollars with the coins. He handed it to the driver and smiled sheepishly. "Mister, can I pay you less than three yuan?"    


The driver looked at him with a confused expression on his face. He took the money and said in disdain, "Why would you take a taxi if you don't have money? Call me unlucky. "    


The driver then stepped on the accelerator and left ruthlessly.    


Lin Nan was seriously in a bad mood that he couldn't even curse.    


He was the son-in-law of the owner of Ye Corporation, yet he didn't even have the money to take a taxi. Who would believe it if the word got out?    


He sighed and walked towards the Famous Family Villa gloomily.    


The Famous Family Villa was a group of high-end villas. It was so expensive that the price made the people in the entire Jianghuai City speechless.    


Those who could afford to live there were either rich or noble people.    


Ye Family was located in the southeast part of the community. It was a single villa with an area of more than 1,000 square meters. There was a big garden inside with a fountain rock garden.    


The gate of the family villa was enormous. It had surveillance cameras all over the place that even flies probably could not get in.    


The villa also had a high-end security system that allowed people to enter the house through facial recognition. Although he lived there, Lin Nan did not have the authority to enter.    


He could only ring the doorbell like an ordinary guest.    


Moments later, a meticulous and sharp-looking white-haired old man wearing a long robe walked towards his direction.    


The old man vigorously approached him with extremely steady steps.    


As he arrived by the door, he looked at Lin Nan and asked him a question that made him speechless.    


"Hello, who are you here for?"    


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