Young Madam Has Multiple Identities

C535 Did She Bring a Toilet with Her

C535 Did She Bring a Toilet with Her

0"I have something to do. I don't have time to play with you. Also, don't call me sister. If you insist, then wait until you win the bet. " Su Wan curled the corner of her mouth. Di Yechen really would do anything to take advantage of her.    


"What can I do for you? Our age is right here. I can't call you sister, right? It will not be good to call you old for nothing."    


Di Yechen heard Su Wan's reluctant tone and got even more excited.    


He had called Su Wan senior sister for so long before, so what if he called her sister more now?    


It was just that he called Su Wan today not because he was in a mood, but because Di Jue saw that he was bored these few days, so he asked him to find Su Wan and bring her around to play if he had nothing to do.    


"Then I really have to thank you. I will handle the matter myself. If you want to play, just go by yourself." Su Wan said. Seeing that the time was almost up, she hung up the phone.    


"Dudu, dudu..." Di Yechen heard the busy tone on the phone and snorted lightly. "If you don't want to go, then don't go. This young master can have fun by himself!"    


Di Yechen curled his lips and casually turned on the Landlord!    




The Fragrance's annual meeting was held in a manor. Lin Ann had booked the venue and only those who had the invitation letter could enter.    


Chiang Yaxin got out of the car and looked at the manor in front of her. She nodded her head in satisfaction.    


She didn't expect that although the Fragrance seemed like a small company, they were still willing to spend money on their employees. This villa cost a lot of money every night.    


While thinking in her heart, Chiang Yaxin carried her skirt and walked inside.    


Because it was only the company's annual meeting, most of the employees didn't wear very particular clothes. But Chiang Yaxin was different. She wore a white tuxedo with a fish tail tail. She was wearing a set of expensive jewelry. Anyone who knew about it would know that she was attending the company's annual meeting. Those who didn't know would think that she was going to walk the red carpet of Garner!    


The moment Chiang Yaxin entered the banquet hall, she formed a sharp contrast with those employees who did not dress so meticulously and attracted many people's attention.    


"Tsk tsk, this rich lady is really high-profile. It's just a company's annual meeting. I wish I could wear all the jewelry on myself!"    


"Look at her fingers. Wow! Did she bring a toilet with her? Does Chiang Yaxin really think that this is her home ground? Who is she dressing up like this for?"    


"I usually think that she is fake. The smile on her face is always the same. I'm afraid that she has practiced facing the mirror a lot, right?"    


A few female employees could not help but gather together and whisper to each other. They looked at Chiang Yaxin with eyes full of ridicule.    


Chiang Yaxin did not know this. She was used to being a young lady and naturally enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention.    


Although today was only the company's annual meeting, she was dressed beautifully. Clearly, she showed the importance of the company. Even if Lin Ann saw it, he would feel proud in his heart, right?    


As she thought in her heart, Chiang Yaxin walked to the side of the table and held a glass of red wine to savor carefully.    


As soon as Lin Ann arrived, he noticed Chiang Yaxin, who was shining brightly in the crowd, but there was not a trace of happiness on his face. He was full of ridicule, as if Chiang Yaxin was a clown.    


Lin Ann did not have time to think about it. He took the speech draft from his assistant and went on stage.    


Seeing Lin Ann on stage, the staff surrounded him and quietly listened to Lin Ann speak.    


Chiang Yaxin stood in the crowd and tried to raise her presence. She didn't notice the mockery in Lin Ann's eyes at all.    


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