Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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C31 031

0"Do you have one of those strapless vibrators with you?" Sam asked.    


I smiled. "A slave should always be prepared for what a Master wants. Of course we do. In our room."    


"Would you get one for us?"    


"Yes, Master Sam. Pleased to."    


I gave a slight curtsy and made my way to our room. Master was in bed with Rhonda, spooning from the rear, fucking her cunt from behind, stroking her sensitive nipples. My lesbian slut slave was moaning. They looked up in surprise.    


"Pardon, Master. I came to pick up some toys. How are you doing?"    


"I'm doing well, and hopefully, from the sounds she's making, your slave isn't missing you too much."    


"She's a sex slave, being fucked. She cannot help herself." I bent over the bed and kissed her. "I'm glad you're enjoying our Master." I kissed Master as well, stroking his inner thigh up to his sack, lightly squeezing the nuggets inside. "Save some energy for tomorrow sir. I expect to be well fucked at our bonding ceremony."    


"I'm quite certain you'll be well fucked, slave."    


"Promises, promises, sir." I released his balls.    


I got two of the strapless vibrators plus chargers. "Carry on." Actually, they'd barely stopped at all.    


Returning to Sam's room, I was very pleasantly surprised to find William and Evelyn in the room. My eyebrows raised in query.    


"Wouldn't want anyone to have to suck plastic," Sam said in explanation, "and I certainly wanted to try the vibrator buzzing next door."    


"Which one of your slaves would you like to try it on first, Master Sam, and which hole do you prefer for yourself?"    


"My wife should be first and I'll take her cunt."    


Both Masters were erect. Nice, strong cocks.    


"Master Sam, please lie down in the center of the bed. Marcia mount him. Chantelle, would you like to fuck your sister slave's ass?"    


"Oui, Julia. Très bonne."    


"Let me help you put this on." I inserted it in her moist cunt. "You cling with your Kegel's. The button to turn on the vibrator is right here. Wait until you're inside her before turning it on. You'll enjoy it too. Oh, and you should use a little lube to help you get inside her."    


"Si'l vous plaît. The bedside table drawer."    


Lisa got some lube and handed it to me. I smeared some over the vibrator and dribbled a little over Marcia's puckered star, waiting for her fucking. Chantelle climbed onto the bed and slowly pushed through the ring of her partner.    


"Master, please give me permission to cum. I'm going to cum quickly," Marcia moaned.    


"Cum," Sam said, and before Chantelle was fully seated in her bottom, she spasmed into the first orgasm. Chantelle finally buried all of it in Marcia's bum. She turned on the vibrator and Marcia climaxed again, or perhaps still, continuing and increasing.    


"The only thing she's missing, Master Bill, is a cock to plug the slave's mouth," I said.    


William climbed on the bed and Marcia devoured his cock. From then on, it was a pretty regular diet of orgasms for Marcia. She couldn't speak for the prick in her mouth, but the litany of moans and squeals and squeaks as she climaxed were many and varied.    


"Master," Evelyn asked. "May I try this too."    


"Of course, if the batteries last long enough."    


"I brought the chargers," I replied. "They can recover as quickly as you will, Master Bill."    


He laughed, driving into Marcia's mouth. She easily took every inch of him, no matter she was cumming constantly.    


"Evelyn, if you like, Lisa can fuck you with the other one," I said.    


"Please. Master, may your slave cum?" Evelyn asked.    


"Yes, you may cum, slave, as much as you like for the rest of the night."    


"Thank you, Master."    


Lisa donned the other strapless and bent Evelyn over the side of the bed. After penetrating her pussy, Lisa turned it on and Evelyn jumped.    


"Oh, my! That feels very nice," she moaned.    


Before long, she was joining Marcia in cumming, as were Lisa and Chantelle, the operators. Since I had nothing better to do and knew how responsive Marcia was to verbal suggestion, I began pinching her nipples.    


"Do you like being airtight, slave; a cock in every hole?" I asked. "What if your Master lets you have three live cocks filling your slut holes tomorrow? What if you were fucked in front of everyone who was there for our ceremony, most of them strangers to you? Everyone watching you, seeing you for the slave slut you are instead of a deputy sheriff."    


I kept up the quiet commentary, whispering lewd suggestions to her as she was fucked. Marcia's moans became more frantic, her orgasms speeding up.    


Finally, I said, "What if one of the people fucking you is a stranger, someone you've never met. The first time you meet him is when he shoves his cock in your mouth?"    


Her back arched and she screamed as she was hit with an intense orgasm. Her nipples were throbbing under my fingers and Sam groaned and joined her, his cum spilling from her cunt, he pumped so much in. As soon as her contractions started dying, William grabbed her hair and held himself just inside her mouth as he spewed out his cream. Marcia gobbled up every drop, swallowing rapidly. His orgasm over, I told Chantelle to turn off the vibrator and Marcia collapsed against her Master's chest.    


She was breathing hard, huge gulps of air. "Holy fuck," she panted. "That was wonderful. Your commentary kept me quite engaged, Julia."    


"Monsieur, I would like this for myself," Chantelle said, pulling out of Marcia's bottom.    


"I'll need a moment to rest," Sam replied. "That was quite draining. I think with you, I'd like the vibrator in your cunt while I fuck your ass; see what that's like."    


"Whatever you want, Monsieur."    


Lisa stopped fucking Evelyn, pulling out of her now her Master was done. She was panting as well. The strapless was quite effective in giving sluts such as ourselves orgasms.    


"Chantelle," William said, "perhaps you could open a bottle of 2003 Latour Bordeaux I have in my room and give everyone a small glass while we rest?"    


"Your $3,000 dollar bottle of wine, Monsieur William?"    


"Yes, please."    


"Oui, Monsieur." Chantelle left to do as requested.    


"Master Bill," I asked, "what's the difference between a $3000 dollar Bordeaux and a $100 Bordeaux?"    


"You mean besides the price?" Bill replied. "The actual quality may not be thirty times better, but it's usually better and the other factors affecting price include age and rarity. A 2003 is actually seventeen years old already, which increases rarity as the vintage is sold and used, but you will probably notice more smoothness than in a $100 Bordeaux's. This particular wine has aromas of blackberry, licorice, currant, and minerals. It is well refined, which gives it a long finish. Rich in color and low acidity, but it is also very sweet and utterly seamless. It feels like liquid velvet to your palate, and leans more toward a sexy type of feel, rather than an intellectual feel. Sliced black truffles, sweet leather, chocolate, and mint, make this wine rich and intense inside your mouth."    



"All of that means very little to me. I have no idea what a sexy type feel or intellectual feel of wine on your palate means, or long finish."    


"Don't worry about words. If you don't notice a difference in the taste, it makes no difference between the different prices. You should like the taste of this though."    


"How does it taste with cum, Master Bill?" Lisa asked.    


William laughed. "I don't know. That's the first time anyone has ever asked that question."    


"Slaves need to ask it," Lisa said.    


Sam's cock had finally slid out of Marcia's cunt and she'd recovered enough from her intense orgasms to clean her Master. I offered to clean her pussy as between her multiple orgasms and Sam's, it was quite messy. He granted his permission and I lapped at their combined fluids through another climax for her. Lisa took the both vibrators and washed them thoroughly, then placed them on the chargers. By the time I was finished, Chantelle had returned with a tray with seven glasses. Two of the glasses contained slightly more wine for the Masters. The remaining five went to the slaves.    


I took a sip and it was smooth and delicious. "It tastes quite good with cum," I said, drawing a spate of laughter from everyone.    


We chatted about this and that, including the wine, Bill trying to explain the nuances of wine to us. I didn't understand most of it, but it was good, and it didn't really matter.    


Refreshed, Sam thought it was time to go again. I asked Evelyn if she wished to be triple penetrated after Chantelle. She looked to her Master for permission like a proper slave. He nodded yes to her unspoken question, so she said yes.    


"Why don't you be the bottom this time," I said, "since Sam wants to fuck his slave's ass."    


She eagerly agreed. I inserted one of the refreshed vibrators in her pussy and showed her where the on/off button was.    


"Don't turn it on until Chantelle mounts it," I said. She nodded.    


Chantelle climbed over and slowly sank down the stalk springing from Evelyn's cunt. They kissed. Evelyn reached for and found the button and turned it on. Chantelle moaned. "Va-moi, Monsieur. Fuck mon cul."    


"Will you lube me, Julia? My slave wants me to fuck her ass."    


I smiled and nodded. As with Marcia, I lubricated Chantelle's bottom and Sam's prick. I parted Chantelle's ass cheeks so Sam could slide into her rectum as the muscular ring surrendered to the pressure he exerted.    


"Mon Dieu, exquis!" Chantelle exclaimed when Sam was fully seated in her bottom.    


Sam having found his seat, William placed his prick at Chantelle's lips and she opened her mouth to accept him. In no time, she was cumming, gurgling on Bill's dick. Seeing she was adequately taken care of, I offered to fuck Marcia with the other vibrator.    


"You haven't had an opportunity to cum yet. Wouldn't you like to be fucked instead?" Marcia asked.    


"Master wished us to serve you, Marcia. Besides, I'll cum from my end of the strapless."    


"Then let me lick Lisa while you fuck me," she said. I was perfectly happy to let Lisa enjoy pleasure so I readily agreed.    


Lisa lay down beside Evelyn and parted her legs for Marcia. Marcia knelt between her legs and when she began licking Lisa, I pushed into her puffy slave pussy and turned on the vibrations. Soon, all but the men were cumming. They were working up to it.    


"You have the most beautiful clamshell cunt, Marcia," I said. "Your clit peeks out and your inner lips are barely visible when you're aroused. You have such a lovely, prominent mound. And you taste so good. I think I could lick your pussy for hours."    


Marcia's mouth was busy but she moaned and wiggled her bottom in appreciation for my words.    


Plunging into her cunt, staring at her perfect bottom, I was reminded again how lovely she was. If anyone had a more perfectly beautiful bum, I didn't know who it was. She rivaled the great asses of Hollywood. Master would love fucking this slave from behind.    


"Your ass is perfect too. I don't believe I've ever met a more gorgeous woman. I would easily call you a perfect ten."    


Sam said, "Marcia has a hard time appreciating herself. It seems she only sees the flaws when she looks in a mirror."    


"What flaws?" I asked.    


"Exactly," Sam laughed. William joined in.    


Since I was gazing at her lovely cheeks, I decided to play with the flawlessness. I began running a finger up and down the crease. Her pucker had returned to normal; a tight, brown, starred bullseye winking at me every time she climaxed. The lube lying beside me on the bed still, I dripped a couple drops on the rosebud. Every time she orgasmed, I slid a long slim finger inside her excellent posterior to extend her pleasure. She mewled in Lisa's pussy.    


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