Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C54 054

C54 054



Last night, Master showed me how to add my fingerprints to Rhonda's biometric slave collar and devices so I could remove them for her work. He showed us how to light our badges sigils and collars and to turn them off when we needed to be more discrete. I got fucked twice before bed, once while Rhonda and I were in a sixty-nine, and both Rhonda and I were fucked again this morning, while we ate each other out. Poor Lisa didn't get any sex, although Master did spend time kissing her and caressing her lovely breasts before we went to sleep last night. We had to get up several times during the night, every three hours to apply Lisa's salve and once to feed Lucas.    


Master had to go to work today since he hadn't been home for two weeks, but we did manage to make him late for work. I helped Lisa shower and apply more salve afterward. Sean started banging away in the basement around nine when he heard us stirring. Working, since he had nothing better to do.    


When we finally left the bedroom, we found Wendy sitting naked at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal with milk.    


"It looks as if you need to buy groceries," Wendy said. "The milk is about to expire and you're low on eggs and other staples."    


"I'll go shopping then," I told her.    


"Can I go with?"    


"Why not."    


Shasta started frying up bacon while Lisa fried eggs and sliced cheese. I was feeding Lucas again. We'd started giving him some baby food in addition to milk during some of his meals. We had enough eggs to make four egg sandwiches with bacon and cheese.    


"Wendy, please call Sean up to have his sandwich," I said, spooning apple sauce in Lucas' tiny mouth.    


She went to the door to the basement and called to him to come up for breakfast. He came up wearing the pair of shorts he'd worn in the truck.    


"Why are you dressed, slave?" I asked.    


"I knew the young Miss was up here and didn't know if you'd appreciate a naked man around her."    


I pointed to her sitting around in her birthday suit. "It doesn't appear as if she cares much about nudity," I replied.    


"Miss Wendy, is it okay if I remove my clothes?" He asked.    


"I don't care." He started removing his shorts. Wendy paused a minute. "What about him? I mean I still want Scott to be my first, but can I use Sean to learn about men? Like, learn to suck cocks a little or something?"    


I looked at Rhonda. "Well, he is controllable," she said. "He's not as big as Master, so he'll fit in her mouth easier. I don't see why not."    


"I want to learn all about sex with men, experience it all. Are you going to let Scott fuck my ass?" Wendy asked.    


"Not without preparation," I replied. "No one here has undergone anal sex without her bottom being prepared first."    


"What's that mean, prepared?"    


"Stretched out with the use of butt plugs," Rhonda replied.    


"Well, if Sean is smaller than Scott, maybe I should use him for my anal deflowering, work my way up to Scott."    


Sean looked as if he was becoming uncomfortable. Despite his training, he appeared to be trying to suppress an erection. The cock cage was making it painful.    


"Do I need to get the whip?" I asked him. "You should be trained better than this."    


"No, Ma'am. I guess I thought I was done with sex unless Mistress took me back. This was a surprising development I was unprepared for."    


His cock began shrinking again.    


"What is that thing on his junk?" Wendy asked.    


"It's a cock cage, used to help control male slaves," I said. "Just as Dominants sometimes use chastity belts to control female slaves, cock cages are used to control males. This one is relatively benign. It only prevents him from getting an erection without suffering pain. Some have sharp points on the inside and there are some which have protrusions which are inserted into the urethra. Some dominants also pierce the genitals of their male slaves, in the cock, balls or both."    


"Why do it?" Wendy asked.    


"Because we are subordinating our will to our Masters. Our bodies, our sexuality, even our orgasms belong to our Dominant. It's why I spanked Rhonda for cumming without your permission. I cannot have sex without his permission, not even to masturbate. Nor can Sean. If he didn't have a cock cage on, he might be tempted to relieve himself if he became aroused. This isn't allowed. If it weren't for her work, I would love to pierce your sister with a clitoral hood piercing such as I have. I don't believe she would be as effective as a police officer if she were having orgasms all the time. If not for that, I would be imposing my will on hers whether she wanted to or not."    


"You guys have sex with each other rather frequently, I don't see you asking every time."    


"Master loosened the restrictions on us having sex with each other. Unless it's strictly prohibited for some reason, we may have sex with each other, though not when we're supposed to be doing other things like working. I can't have sex with Sean, or even you, despite you being a female, unless Master tells me I can, only my sister slaves. When I'm having sex with him, I still have to have his permission to cum."    


Wendy nodded thoughtfully. I ate my breakfast while feeding Lucas, topping him off with some of my milk.    


"What's breast milk taste like?" Wendy asked, watching Lucas suckle.    


"Would you like a taste?" I asked. "It's okay, since it's not really sex."    


"Yes, please."    


"Use the other one."    


She came around the table, bent over and sucked gently on my nipple. She stopped after several seconds.    


"I'm not getting anything," Wendy complained.    


"You didn't suck hard enough," I said. "Lucas has to suck really hard to get started, although it becomes easier once the milk starts flowing."    


Wendy sucked again and she began drawing milk. She continued for a half minute, then stopped.    


"Well?" I asked.    


"Warmer than I thought it would be, sweeter than what I just had on my cereal. Not a lot of it."    


"Which is why even with his tiny tummy, Lucas nurses for twenty minutes or so, and needed to nurse several times a day until he started getting more solid food. We've got him down to about five feedings. Breakfast, lunch, supper, pre-bed and midnight snack."    


"How come you don't have nipple piercings like Rhonda and Lisa?"    


"I was pregnant when I became a slave and I was warned by Brianna's slave who'd had children that new nipple piercings might interfere with milk delivery. I plan on getting them pierced when I stop nursing. Do you know how to change a diaper now?"    


"Rhonda showed me last night."    


"Come with me now and show me what you learned, but before putting a new diaper on, we'll give him a bath."    


Wendy followed me to the nursery and showed me how to remove the old diaper and clean Lucas with diaper wipes, disposing of everything properly. I showed her how to give him a bath, oil and powder him afterward before she put a new diaper on. We put him in his crib. I wound his mobile which played a soft lullaby and kept him entertained until he fell asleep.    


"The nice thing about having sister slaves in a domestic setting besides being able to give each other sex," I whispered, "is sharing the responsibility of chores. Lisa and Rhonda cooked breakfast and cleaned up afterward while I took care of feeding Lucas. Sometimes, we switch off and they'll feed him while I cook and clean, except for the breast milk. But they'll get up at night and bring him to me for his feeding as opposed to me getting up all the time. Master helps too, so it's four of us working together and no one person is stuck doing everything. Rhonda listens for the baby monitor during the day while she sleeps as I might not hear it over the power tools.    


"When Lisa and Rhonda have babies, we'll work together to take care of theirs. We've decided that each of us will all be mothers to whatever children we have. Lucas isn't my child; he's our child, and if we should ever break up, which I can't ever foresee, everyone will have visitation rights. Kind of like the three musketeers, 'All for one...'"    


"And one for all," Wendy continued. "I like your arrangement. You get along so well together. Not like my house where people squabble a lot."    


"It's harder to squabble when all three are slaves and one person has ultimate control over all three," tiptoeing out of the room, still whispering. "Masters do not like squabbling slaves and can punish us if we do."    


"What's the worst you've ever been punished and why?" Wendy asked as we reentered the kitchen.    


"I was caned eight times, not allowed an orgasm for twenty-four hours while kept aroused, and made to serve the Mistress of the slaves I attempted to use for myself for one day. Because Master was deprived of my services for that time, he also punished me afterward. Unfortunately, because Lisa knew about my transgression and failed to stop it, she was also punished. The cane marks on our buttocks lasted for over a week."    


"What about my sister?"    


"This was just before your sister became my slave. Get dressed and we'll go grocery shopping while Lucas is sleeping."    


"What about Rhonda and Lisa?"    


"They'll remain home and listen for the baby if he wakes up and I'm sure they'll nap since Lisa had to wake up every three hours to put her cream on."    


"What about me, Ma'am?" Sean asked. I'd told him not to use Domina since he wasn't my slave. Apparently, he still felt uncomfortable calling me by name, since I'd threatened to strip him and whip him on the highway last night. Ma'am was okay. I didn't have a problem with it.    


"If you can work without disturbing their rest, you may, otherwise be quiet and contemplate how to gain the good graces of your Mistress again."    


"Yes, Ma'am."    


Wendy and I got dressed. She wore her usual. I dressed more conservatively than usual since I now had a collar, cuffs, and slave badge dangling from my cunt which I could no longer remove. Unless it was lit, it was somewhat discrete, but not invisible.    


Wendy continued to ask many questions of me, some of which I answered, some of which I didn't because I didn't want to talk about them in public.    


In the car, some of the questions were, "What should I know about men and sex?" "What's the difference between younger men and older men?" "Did I like oral sex and why?" "What's it like when a man cums in my mouth?"    


My answers were. "Men are very visual. They like to see themselves having sex, watch their cocks slide into our mouths and pussies or asses. I can be blindfolded and enjoy sex just as much. If a man were blindfolded, I doubt he would cum as quickly as when he can watch himself fucking. They rely on visual cues very much, which is why they like naked photos and porn. Women can get as much out of reading a risqué story. It's why Master loves for his slaves to be naked."    


"Young men think about sex all the time. Probably over a hundred times or more a day. It might not be for long each time, but they will think about it. They might catch a girl smiling in a physics lecture and think about her lips wrapped around his cock. Young men are probably trying to think of a way to get into your panties almost constantly. Hormones are running rampant. Master said he could masturbate fifteen or twenty times a day when he was younger. He didn't, but could. Men hit their sexual peaks in late teens or early twenties. Women hit their peaks in their mid-thirties, which is one of the reasons I'm so fucking aroused all the time and can fuck for hours. Although young men think about sex more, they get it less. They're not married or as self assured. The girls they're around may be virgins or abstaining because they're not on birth control or still living at home. Plus those girls aren't at their sexual peaks or as confident in themselves. Young men will cum easier and get erections faster after cumming. Older men will last longer during sex, but need more time to recover without encouragement, which is why it helps us to know how to suck cock. I may not receive an orgasm from fellatio, but I will get a hard cock to fuck me after."    


"I like oral sex with both men and women. What's not to like."    


"You'll soon find out. If you're going to practice on Sean, you will be eating his cum."    


By the time we got home and put away the food, Wendy was eager to practice. I told her to get Sean again and to tell him to take a shower, and for her to take one as well.    


"Wake up Rhonda. She can shower with you. If we need to demonstrate anything, she'll have to demonstrate it. I can give her permission to have sex. I don't have permission myself."    


Wendy rushed downstairs and then rushed back, going into my bedroom to wake her sister. When Sean followed after, I removed his cock cage.    


"Wash thoroughly," I said. "I want Wendy to enjoy her first experiences with sex. Use the bathroom upstairs you shared with your Mistress when you spent the night."    


"Yes, Ma'am."    


I went into the bedroom, stripped off my clothes and got the whip. A little encouragement never hurt in controlling a slave who'd been without sex for a couple days. Lisa's alarm went off again and she woke up to put more cream on.    


"Wendy's about to practice on Sean," I said. "Would you like to watch?"    


"Watching is no fun when I can't have sex myself. It just makes it worse."    


"Go back to sleep then and listen for Lucas."    


"Okay." She turned over and closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead.    


"I love you," I said and she smiled sleepily.    


Both Rhonda and Wendy joined me in the altogether. We went into the living room. Sean joined us a few minutes later. He noticed the whip in my hand because I made sure to swish it a few times.    


"Lie down on the couch, Sean. You're not to get an erection until I give you permission." I smacked the whip against my other hand as a pointed reminder.    


"Yes, Ma'am."    


"Wendy, crouch down between Sean's legs. You're going to begin by just touching his cock and balls. He's not supposed to get an erection, so just play with it for a few minutes. Get used to how it feels. Put it in your mouth and taste him. Put all of him in your mouth. Lick and kiss his sack, suck on his nuts. When you're fairly comfortable with a flaccid cock, we'll let him start to grow in your mouth."    


She did exactly as I asked, playing with him with her hands at first, then licking and sucking the tip, before taking his entire cock in her mouth and sucking gently. Then she held his shaft and worked on his balls for awhile, licking and sucking them. Finally, she licked back up his cock and took all of him again, bobbing up and down his flaccid organ, mimicking a blow job. She looked up at us with a gleam in her eye.    


"I think I'm ready for more."    


"Sean, when she starts sucking your cock again, you may allow yourself to become erect, but under no circumstances may you cum without permission, or I will whip your cock and balls. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, Ma'am," gulping.    


"Wendy, when you suck him this time, the slave will allow himself to get hard. You may not be able to get all of his cock in your mouth anymore. That's okay. We can teach you some tricks which will help later. For now, just play a little bit like you did before. Feel him grow in your mouth. Cup his balls and feel what happens to them. He may release pre-cum from his erection. Its slippery stuff the body uses to make his cock slicker to more easily penetrate a cunt, similar to the stuff your own body produces to make your cunt slicker. You can lick it off. It's virtually tasteless. Remember your previous lessons regarding oral sex. Pay attention to what his body tells you as you play with him, what he seems to like or might be indifferent to. When it's time to let him cum, you'll want to do some of the things his body told you it liked. Do you understand?"    


"Yes, okay. I understand."    




Wendy started once more, although this time, Sean did get hard. Much like when she touched Jerry's cock, she was fascinated by it, touching, licking, sucking. I let her play with it for fifteen minutes. Sean was as hard as a diamond drill bit, twitching every time she did something new.    


"Suck him as deep as you can inside your mouth without gagging," I said.    


Wendy got about four inches of him into her mouth before she halted.    


"Rhonda is going to demonstrate how to deep throat Sean," I said. "You still can't cum, Sean. Save it for Wendy."    


"Yes, Domina."    


"Sean has a nice average cock," Rhonda explained, "a good solid six inches or so. Some of the cocks you'll end of sucking will be bigger, some smaller. This works for all size cocks, though the bigger a cock is, the harder you'll have to work to get all of it down."    


Holding his cock at the base, Rhonda sank all the way down, embedding him in her throat. She rose up and explained how she'd done it, then went slower, showing Wendy every step of the process. She pointed to her throat while he was buried in her and showed how deep he was, showing the bump formed, then came back up, taking several deep breaths.    


"You can breathe through your nose, and that helps, but eventually you block even the airway from your nose. It helps to take some deep breaths, because you might end up holding your breath if the dick is deep enough. You have control at the moment as Sean isn't trying to fuck your throat, but some men want to do it and you need to make sure they give you some time to breathe on occasion or you'll pass out. Now you try it."    


It took Wendy about ten times before she got all of his cock down her throat, her lips wrapped around the base as she fondled his sack.    


She came up for breath, gasping. "That is so fucking cool," she said.    



"Sean is good to practice on because he has control," I said. "If you do it with someone who doesn't have control, they may grab your head and hold you over their cock. Rhonda can show you what you can do when a man does that. It's one reason you may wish to cup his sack in your hand. If you can't breathe, squeeze his nuts a little while pushing on him to let him know you can't get any air. If you squeeze too hard, they might try to hit you if they're not nice, so don't crush their nuts to start, but don't let yourself pass out either. Bad things can happen to you if you're unconscious.    


"Almost everything having to do with sucking a cock from now on are just variations of everything you've already done. You can go straight up and down, do a circular motion as you go up and down. Use lots of tongue or as little tongue as you can. You can pay attention to the crown or his whole shaft. You can lick, kiss and suck to your hearts content. But now we need to get serious."    


"Okay," Wendy said.    


"Sean hasn't cum yet and he's feeling it. He'd really like to cum soon as his balls are becoming painful. Shortly after you start sucking him again, I'm going to allow him to cum. He hasn't cum in a couple days and you've been playing with his prick for over half an hour. He will flood your mouth with sperm. Expect it. I want you to swallow all of it, as much as you can.    


"It will be thicker and saltier than female cum. Different cum tastes different. It was the texture that used to bother me, kind of a thick, slimy feel to it. Men like it when you swallow their cum; to feel you continue to suck as they're cumming. It makes their orgasms more enjoyable. If you're going to suck cocks, you might as well do it right and swallow their cum. Get used to the taste and texture, so you can give your partner maximum pleasure from the experience. As someone told you earlier, you can't get pregnant from swallowing. So a blow job might keep someone from fucking you before you're on birth control and you ending up with an unneeded child. Are you ready?"    


Wendy nodded her head.    


"Go ahead then. Put your hand on his balls so you can feel him about to cum."    


I waited until she'd been working him over for another minute and a half. "On the count of ten, Sean; you can cum. One, two,..." Counting upward until I reached ten.    


Sean groaned mightily and exploded, jet after jet of his milk spurting from his cock. Wendy struggled to keep up with it, but doing better than I expected, considering her lack of expertise. She lost a little dribbling out around her lips, because she didn't have a perfect seal, but she kept swallowing and managed to capture most of it."    


She was breathless when he stopped.    


"Squeeze as much as you can out of his prick and lick the balance that leaks out," I said. "Make sure you clean up after yourself and don't leave any for someone else to clean up."    


Wendy did so.    


"Well?" I asked when she'd tugged the last few drops out. "How was it?"    


"Not as bad as I thought it would be. I think it helps that it's warm and hasn't started congealing yet. I suppose it was a little like eating Cream of Wheat. I'm not crazy about the taste, but I can get it down."    


"Good. Now do it again. Sean is going to react naturally to what you're doing. I'm not going to delay his erection or his orgasm. Pay attention to his reactions and slap his belly when you think he's going to cum. I want to see if you can recognize the signals he's giving out. He shouldn't have nearly as much sperm the second time around as he did this time, so you shouldn't lose a drop when he climaxes. I'm going to quiz you afterward about what you thought he liked when you were sucking him. Rhonda, since it seems your sister no longer needs your assistance, your Domina does."    


I leaned back in the easy chair and spread my legs for my slave. I was able to pay enough attention to what Wendy was doing to recognize Sean's trigger points and when he was close to his climax. Wendy didn't notice as soon as I did, but she patted her stomach about five seconds before he shot his next load. Wendy didn't lose a drop.    


"What did Sean like, Wendy?" I asked when she was done.    


"He likes when I get all of his cock down my throat, but he really liked it when I licked and sucked just under the head of his dick. He really moaned and squirmed when I did that."    


"That's called the frenum, and it is a sensitive spot which most circumcised men enjoy. Very good. Sean, I need to replace your cock cage, after which you may return to the basement or go out to the patio. I don't expect you to keep working with everyone else having the day off."    


"I'd like to Ma'am, to show Mistress I can work hard without her."    


"As you wish." I replaced his cage and he returned to the basement.    


"Wendy, when Master gets home, you will suck his cock tonight. Have him sit in his easy chair and tell him you need to practice. As Rhonda said, Master is bigger than Sean. You might not be able to get all of his cock down your throat tonight. I don't necessarily expect you to. Getting all of his cock in your mouth is less important than the pleasure you're able to give him. If you can't get him all down without gagging or scraping his prick with your teeth, don't. Just give him the best experience you can. Quality is more important than depth. He hasn't cum since this morning, so he'll have more cum than Sean did the second time, but less than the first."    


"If he's going to fuck me tonight, shouldn't I avoid draining his balls?" Wendy asked. "Will he be able to orgasm again? He's not as young as Sean."    


"He's not ancient. He gets lots of practice fucking. After all of the fucking you witnessed him doing yesterday, he was able to fuck me twice last night, and both Rhonda and I once this morning. He may not feel like it, but he would probably be able to cum four more times tonight after you suck him, without straining too much. We can let two of those be yours. The nice thing about draining him once early is he'll have more stamina and can fuck longer. Better for needy slaves.    


"One more thing. As much as possible, watch his face while you suck his cock. Men like to know that you know, you are sucking their cock, and not daydreaming about some other cock you'd like to be sucking."    


We fixed a light lunch and ate. I put some in the fridge with a note for Lisa in case she got hungry. I grabbed the baby monitor and we went out by the pool to enjoy the sun before it was time to make supper. When Lisa got up, all three of us called the nearest place offering to do laser hair removal. We got appointments two weeks in the future, Rhonda first thing in the morning so she could go straight from work, Lisa and I late in the afternoon so we didn't miss too much work and Rhonda could fix supper.    


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