Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

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For our trip home, I wore the dress I'd worn for my ceremony. Since I couldn't go around with my boobs hanging out, I added one of my maternity brassieres, a beaded number which went well with the green dress. Since Lisa's ass was bare and tits and cunt transparently covered in hers and Rhonda's was essentially nothing at all, they had to wear the garments they wore for the drive to LA.    


When all was packed in our two vehicles, we said goodbye to our hostess and all our friends. There were warm hugs and kisses exchanged with many of them. William said his staff were bringing Cedric and Bernice to the Estate and would be there shortly. His helicopter would arrive in thirty minutes to pick them all up and ferry them to Fresno. Brianna and Monique were dressed to greet them not wishing to shock Shasta's mother and son. Before we left, Bill and Evelyn's car drove up and the driver helped Bernice and Cedric out of the car.    


"I'm sorry, sir," the driver, Robert, said, "we found this fellow walking on the road on the way here and Miss Bernice said she knew him and asked us to pick him up. I hope it's okay."    


He backed away and Sean got out of the car.    


"Slave! What the hell you doing here? You should be on the damn bus with the others like I told you," Shasta said. "I don't want you around me right now."    


Sean got on his knees. "I'm sorry, Mistress. When I saw you weren't on the bus, I became worried. I started walking here to make sure you were okay."    


"What you think happen to me? Boogey man take me out of this fine estate with cops and all around here? My Mama and son not on the bus either. Don't you think that's a clue I ain't taking the bus? I found some other way to get home? You think someone kidnap me?"    


"I don't know, Mistress. I didn't think. I was worried and needed to be sure nothing happened to you. I love you and would be devastated if you were hurt or injured."    


"Fine. You love me. But you don't obey me which is all I expect out of you. I told you before. I - am - not - your - effing - girlfriend. I'm your Mistress or nothing. You need to understand something right now. I may never get married. I may never have a boyfriend. I date other men because I want to see if I can have anything close to a normal life. But I'm not sure I trust anyone with any power over me and that includes a husband, who might damn well think he can control me and my life. I want one thing from you and one thing only - your absolute obedience. The only reason I wanted a slave in the first place was so I had control. If I can't trust you to do what I ask, how can I trust you won't hurt me or my family."    


"I would never hurt you or your family, Mistress."    


"Mama, are you mad at Sean?" Cedric asked.    


"Yes, baby, I am. You know how I get angry if you don't do what I say?"    


"Yes, Mama."    


"I get angry if Sean don't do what I say. He wants more from me than I can give. I might have to send him away."    


Sean dropped his head.    


"Mr. Sean, why can't you do what my Mama says? She might need to spank you or put you in time out," Cedric said. "If you're really bad, you can't watch TV."    


"Scott, can you get Sean back to Fresno?" Shasta asked. "I don't want to leave him here but I don't want him coming with me either."    


"He can ride in the truck with me," Master said. "What should I do with him when I get him back to Fresno?"    


"Chain him up in your basement for all I care. I don't want to see him again today. Figure out what I do with him tomorrow."    


"Get in the truck, slave," Master said.    


Sean got in the truck, looking totally miserable. I felt sorry for him. Perhaps I was responsible for him overstepping his bounds as Shasta's slave. I'd gotten her to give him blow jobs and anal sex. Maybe she should have just kept tying him down on the bed to have sex with him. He wouldn't feel like he was anything other than what he was, her sex toy. Was there a natural possessiveness to men which made them feel like a woman was theirs if they loved them?    


For me and my sister slaves, our love for our Master and desire to do anything which made him happy, allowed us to freely and gladly let him fuck other women. I believed Sean loved his Mistress but rather than him accepting the same freedoms for her which we gave our Master, it made him want to cling to her all the more, which is exactly what our Master was trying to break in himself. I could see why Shasta didn't want anyone controlling her life. Given her life, I might be the same. She was hard and prickly and Sean wasn't doing himself any favors by trying to cling to her.    


We left before the helicopter came. I drove our car, Wendy beside me and Rhonda and Lucas' car carrier in the back. If Lucas got hungry, Rhonda and I would switch spots so I could feed him. We went to Wendy's motel first to get the things she'd left behind and check her out since she hadn't done it herself. We double checked to make sure the last day was paid for since it was past check out time, but the bill was paid in full. Thank you, William.    


Once we were fully on the road, Wendy said she had more questions for us.    


"Ask away," Rhonda said.    


"Why did you suck the cocks after the slaves were fucked in the ass this morning. That looked totally gross."    


"Marcia and Chantelle cleansed their asses this morning, which meant they gave themselves several enemas to ensure their bottoms were as clean and fresh as an ass can get. We slaves do it so we can clean our Master's cocks by sucking them after our asses have been fucked," I said.    


"What were you all laughing about this morning when we returned after I washed Lisa in the shower?"    


"We were talking about how horny we all were as slaves and how much we liked sex and wanted it all the time,"    


"Can I be allowed to fuck your Master?"    




"Why not? He fucks everyone else. He looks like he'd be a good teacher."    


"You need to fuck people your own age; people you're interested in and care about."    


"What if I don't care about boys my own age?"    


"Domina, I tend to agree with Wendy on this," Rhonda said, surprising me.    




"First times don't always work out well, Domina. I was glad it was Master the first time I had sex with a man. It could have been much worse."    


"You know it won't be one time if Master has sex with her. Since when has anyone fucked someone just one time when they've got continued access to that person. Nor did Master pop your cherry. You'd been fucked with strap-ons before. This isn't the same thing. Your family is barely civil to us now. Imagine how much worse it would be if Master was having sex with two of your parents daughters and they found out we were all sharing the same bed?"    


"Wendy, have you ever put anything inside of your pussy?"    


"Yes, a vibrator."    


"So you don't think you have a hymen anymore and sex wouldn't be painful the first time?"    


"I don't know. It was a small vibrator. Cocks frightened me. It's why I thought I might be a lesbian in the first place. I was scared of sex with a cock."    


"If she's scared of large cocks, she shouldn't be fucking Master," I said.    


"It looked enjoyable," Wendy insisted, "when he fucked Lisa. She liked it. The other slaves liked being fucked everywhere. The men all had similar sized cocks."    


"The slaves have all fucked other people before and done all those things individually before doing three at once," I said.    


"What role did you see for us, Domina?" Rhonda asked. "You were the one who sort of started this."    


"Well, for you to show her how girls could be together, and perhaps giving her a place she could bring girlfriends since she could never bring one home to your house. I didn't foresee us being the source of all her sex."    


"Would it be for all her sex, Domina? Couldn't Master show her what it's like being with the right guy so she knows if she'll like sex with a man? If she likes it, she can find her own boyfriend."    


"Wendy is obviously a shy young woman. If she weren't, I suspect she would have had sex with someone before now," I said. "It's not as if she doesn't know people her own age she couldn't have fucked. Once you've had good sex, you'd like to keep having sex. It feels good. If we provide her with good sex, she'll want to come back for more. She doesn't have to work to overcome her shyness and socialize with people her own age. Instead of saying to herself, I want to get fucked, I'd better find myself a boyfriend or girlfriend to fuck with; she'll be saying, I know where I can have good sex, male or female, why not go there and get me some. We've already had one bastard pissed off at us, shooting up our house. I don't want your family doing the same."    


"I don't think they would do that, Domina."    



"If they thought you were among the people she was having sex with? I don't even want you to keep doing it. Just show her what it could be like so she feels confident enough to ask other girls out, and be reasonably certain she knows what she's doing."    


"Doesn't the same apply to fucking your Master," Wendy said. "If I fucked him, wouldn't it give me confidence enough to date other boys?" Wendy asked. "I'd know if I even liked sex with guys and would feel as if I knew what I was doing if I was with one. I'm old enough. It's not like he's breaking the law. I promise I won't come over for sex all the time once I know if I like it or not."    


Whoops. Turning my own logic against me.    


"I don't believe Master wants to have sex with you. He thinks you should be with people your own age. He has enough on his plate now."    


"Just once, I promise. You could talk to him about it."    


"Ask some other questions."    


"Do you get punished too?"    


"All slaves get punished at one time or another."    


"Why wouldn't you let me take the rest of Rhonda's spanking."    


"I thought you were becoming too enamored with the idea of submission. I thought you should know it's not all sex. In fact, we might not even be normal as it pertains to submissives. Some Dominants require much more of their submissives, including disgusting things like eating shit or drinking piss or being pissed on, choking their submissives, scarring, canings or much worse whippings. We practice a mild form of it. I also thought you should know the consequences for not letting your sister cum. You looked at it like a game and thought it would be easy for her. It's not. It's painful and you should know that."    


"Would you show me what it's like to be spanked?"    


"No, again. You're too young to be making decisions like this for yourself. You have no life experience."    


"How old should I be?"    


"I don't know. At least three years of experience with sex in general, maybe longer. Some understanding of different people and what they're like. How some can be good and some bad."    


"What if I want to know now?"    


"It's not a good idea."    


"If you don't want to show me, I could always go to that BDSM club you warned me about. I bet you only need to be eighteen to get into that place."    


Crap, Wendy was turning out to be difficult. "Rhonda, talk some sense into your sister."    


"She's obviously curious about it, Domina. I'd much prefer she learn about it from someone who won't hurt her than people who might. I was lucky. When I finally decided I might enjoy submission, I ran into you and not some monster."    


"And if you'd run into a monster, you could have protected yourself. You were a police officer."    


"You're making my argument for me, Domina. She can't protect herself if she runs into a monster. I'd prefer she learn from non-monsters."    


"And if she likes it?"    


"Then she likes it, Domina. She'll like it now or five years from now. She is an adult. She may not have any experience, but not all experience is good experience anyway. She can have a physically or emotionally abusive boyfriend or girlfriend. She can be date raped, roofied. She can hook up with drug addicts or alcoholics. Hell, she could even be taken by real slavers and sold to some real sicko's. If she doesn't like it, at least she wouldn't have looked for it some place that could get her hurt. Look at what Janet was considering after being with an abusive boyfriend. She had no self worth at all. She wanted to be pissed on and drink your piss. I'd much prefer she learn from someone like Chen or Master or you who are obviously kind, warm people. Even the Strong twins seem more interested in their own needs than those of their partners. Fortunately, Regina's into what they're providing. I don't think they'd intentionally harm Wendy, but I don't think they'd be particularly good for her either."    


I was quiet. I didn't know what to say in response. Rhonda was making good points for which I had no ready answers.    


"I don't think Master would approve," I finally said. A damn weak excuse, really.    


"Then perhaps we should speak to him, Domina."    


"Fine. I'll tell you what. Let's give Wendy some reading material. Everything we can give her about real BDSM, so she can see all aspects of it, good and bad. If that doesn't scare hell out of her and she's still interested in pursuing her curiosity, we'll speak to Master about it. In the meantime, I want her to ask a girl out on a date. If she thinks she's a lesbian, she should pursue that first before considering bondage and discipline. She might be perfectly content going out with girls and not seek anything further. If she doesn't have the nerve to ask a girl to go out, she has no business asking us to teach her about submission."    


"That sounds reasonable to me, Domina. Wendy, ask a girl to go out with you or more than one if the first one doesn't want to. We'll look up some material for you to read in the meantime. If you go out with someone a couple times and still want to learn about submission, we'll give you the stuff to read and if you're still interested after reading it, we'll speak to Master. But it happens in that order."    


"I'm willing to give up talk of submission until later, but I want to fuck Scott first."    


"Why, for God's sake."    


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