Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)

C56 056

C56 056

0"For now. You haven't done much making out with men. You need to try it."    


I got down on the bed and pulled Wendy into my arms, lying face to face. Julia and Rhonda got on the bed as well, immediately going into a sixty-nine together. I kissed Wendy. I spent the next ten minutes doing nothing but kiss her. I loosely held her in my arms and kissed her lips, her face, her brows, her ears and her neck. Soft nuzzling kisses, tracing her throat and shoulders, before returning to her lips and parting mine to draw her tongue in, tangoing together. Then I did it again, lightly running my hands over her torso while my mouth did the same above.    


Caressing her breasts, her nipples already hard and stiff, puckering. My hand stroking her waist, her hips, her bottom. She was panting slightly and rubbing her groin against my prick. She tried reaching for my cock. "Not yet," I whispered. "We have lots of time.    


So she did the same to me, her hands exploring my chest, my hips, feeling the hardness as I held her against me. Still kissing, circling back to her breasts, thumbing a nipple, squeezing it, making her moan deep in her throat, which I captured on my lips. Finally, reaching between her legs, parting them while our tongues played tag. The quick intake of breath when I felt her dewy softness, my fingers resting lightly on her folds. Her legs parting more, giving me space to explore. Kissing down her neck, across the tops of her full bosom, around the outside and under before capturing a nipple in my mouth, sucking the bullet hard bump. A finger sliding down her slit, soaked in her juices, until I hit the opening to her liquid treasure. Another moan, not smothered, as it made its way inside, lingering. Sometime in the middle of it, I saw Lisa had returned and was caressing Julia's ass as she and Rhonda orally caressed each other.    


Kissing my way down her flat belly, fluttering under my lips as I moved lower, my finger moving no more than an inch or so, in and out, teasing the soft flesh. Kissing the short, springy, curly hair over her cleft, tasting dampness, tasting her sex, tangy and ever so faintly sweet. Another gasp as I pushed the finger in all the way and licked my way down to our juncture. A deeper moan as a second finger joined the first and I licked my way back to her clit. I rubbed her g-spot, her pussy palpitating as she climaxed for me.    


"Oh, God! I'm cumming," Wendy whimpered. "It feels so good."    


Licking up the liquid leaking from her pussy, her body preparing for her fucking.    


"Climb over my face and suck my cock," I whispered, turning so I was lying flat.    


She flung herself over me and covered my prick with her mouth, moving down, taking half of me, then up and down. I licked her to another panting orgasm, frozen over my mouth but for the fluttering of her pussy.    


I pulled my face out of her perfumed garden and said, "You're ready. I want you to mount me. You need to put a condom on first. Go as fast or slow as you'd like. Take your time. Enjoy yourself."    


She gave one more bob down my prick before getting up, reversing herself and squatting over my thighs, tearing open the wrapper.    


"How's this thing supposed to go on?" Wendy asked.    


"It's rolled down over it, like nylon stockings," Rhonda said, helping her to roll it down to cover my cock.    


Wendy got on her hands and knees, crawling up until she was over my hips, poised to lower herself.    


"Rhonda, help her," I said and I felt Rhonda's hand aiming my prick at her younger sister's cunt, just before Wendy lowered herself over the head.    


"It feels so big," Wendy said. "Can I take all of it?"    


"Yes, but there's still no rush. You're in control. Go as slow as you want," Rhonda said, echoing me. "Master won't fuck you until you're ready."    


Dropping down a bit, then rising up until I barely touched her, slowly sliding down a bit farther, then up, teasing my crown. Down a bit more, moaning, "I'm so full," though not yet completely penetrated. Telling my slaves to suck her nipples, hard as acorns. Two mouths clamping over them, sucking. Another moan, another inch deeper. Bouncing a little, halfway down, up an inch, down and inch and a half. Up an inch, down a fraction more. So tight and wet, gasping in pleasure.    


Glancing down, saying "You're almost there." A quick inhalation as she seated herself over my shaft.    


"Mmmm," Wendy moaned. "So full. So good, so fucking fantastic."    


Daring to rise up and slam herself down. "Fuck! I'm cumming again." Her sheath clamping around my shaft, attempting to strangle it, riding the waves of her orgasm. The tremors passing, moving again, up, down, back and forth. I let her ride me to one more orgasm before asking her to stop.    


"You haven't cum yet, have you?" She asked. "I thought I would notice it more, like when you climaxed in my mouth."    


"No, but I want to change positions," I said. "Lie on your back."    


Wendy grinned and got on her back. I crouched between her legs and put her legs over my arms. I inched up until I was ready to penetrate her. Pushing forward so her legs were nearly bent double, I slammed into her pussy.    


"Oh, fuck," she screamed. "Jesus you're deep. I'm cumming again."    


My previous orgasm and the wrapper deadened the sensations enough I fucked her to two more orgasms before I climaxed into the condom. My cock shrinking and not wanting sperm to leak from the condom, I finally pulled out.    


"Rhonda, lick me quick. I want to compare fucking to licking right away to see if I have a preference," Wendy whimpered.    


Rhonda glanced at me, then continuing to hold Wendy's legs up, dove between them. She licked her to two more orgasms with us watching. I have to admit, I started getting hard again watching the older sister nestled in the cunt of the younger, lapping up her cum.    


Lisa noticed my stiffening shaft and pushing me on my back, sucking me back to a full erection.    


"Do you want to fuck that sweet young thing again, Master?" Lisa asked.    


"Does it show?" I laughed. "Have Wendy ride her sister. If she wants a comparison, we'll do both at once."    


Julia and Lisa got them arranged them in a sixty-nine with Wendy on top. Wendy was doing as much licking as Rhonda was. I put on another condom and spread Wendy's legs a little more and crouched behind her. As she was orgasming the third time on Rhonda's tongue, I slid back into her cunt and she exploded harder, gasping, temporarily abandoning Rhonda's cunt, moaning, eyes closed. I fucked her for over three minutes before she finally lowered her face to lick Rhonda's pussy again. I'd last even longer this time. I told Lisa to give me some lube.    


"She hasn't been prepared, sir," she said, thinking I was going to use Wendy's ass next. I was, but not how she thought.    


"I'm not heartless," I said, "give me the lube."    


Lisa handed it to me and I dripped a few drops in Wendy's crevice to make it nice and slick. Then, as I fucked her, I ran my thumb up and down the crease over her puckered star.    


"Oh, shit! What are you doing back there," Wendy gasped, shivering.    


"Nothing you don't want to happen," I growl throatily.    


I ignore the shivers and continue playing with her rosebud, Wendy suddenly aware there was more than one hole available in her position. I didn't penetrate her yet, merely kept teasing as we fuck and her sister licks, but her orgasms now seem more intense and more frequent. I wait until I'm close to cumming and as soon as I feel the tremors of her next orgasm, insinuate my thumb an inch into her muscular ring, rubbing, in and out.    


"Aaauuggghhhh," she screamed, cumming hard, actually squirting, inundating Rhonda and our bed. "Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! Fuck me! Fuck me. Oh, God, I'm so sorry." Realizing she'd drenched her sister.    


Of course, I'd never stopped fucking her, but I would soon. I was so close. I drove as deep as I could go into her cunt and let go, shuddering.    


Wendy's shaking eventually eased and she slowly relaxed. Rhonda cleaned up what she could, but cum was everywhere. I pulled out, rapidly losing my erection.    


"How was it?" I asked. "Was it everything you thought it would be?"    


"Better. Much, much better," Wendy whispered. "Awesomely great. I'm so sorry about your bed. Did I pee on you, Rhonda? I'm so sorry if I did."    


"No, thank goodness. Turns out you're a squirter, if properly stimulated anyway, but it's not urine."    


"I'll help you change the sheets," she said, embarrassed.    


"We'll take care of the sheets," I said. "Why don't you and Rhonda take a shower together. You need to get home. Rhonda will take you."    


"Wait! What do I need to do if I want to get fucked in the ass. That was kind of interesting what you did there at the end."    


"We'll show you after your shower," Rhonda said. "Be aware you will have something in your asshole for the next several days. You'll sit on it, walk around with it, sleep with it and if you don't want our parents to know what you're doing, you'll need to be careful they don't find out."    


"So which did you like better?" Julia asked. "Men or women?"    


"I liked them both a lot, especially together. Must be bisexual, because I don't want to give up either one. That was totally amazing. No wonder you fuck like rabbits."    


We all laughed at her enthusiasm.    



"Do any of you know anyone else who's squirted?" Wendy asked, getting off the bed and fully seeing the mess she'd made.    


"Our friend Sarah squirted once. The woman we met on the Pacific Crest Trail who was at our ceremony with her slave, Ron. She doesn't do it all the time, just like you," Julia said. "She got me right in the face."    


"Did you have your finger in her ass?"    


"No. I just told her she couldn't cum and she had to hold back a long time."    


"Maybe I should try that next."    


"We'll put plastic sheeting down first," I said, laughing.    


Rhonda and Wendy took a shower while the rest of us changed the sheets. When they both returned, Julia got her box of plugs from the toy drawer. She opened it and showed it to Wendy.    


"These are butt plugs, used for lots of different purposes, but one of the primary purposes is to stretch you for anal sex. You start with the smallest one," she held it up, "which is about the size of Master's thumb, which you just experienced. We'll put it inside of your anus, and you have to wear it inside of you for a day. After one day with that one inside you, you graduate to the next largest size, this one." She held the second largest one up. "Wear it for one day, then do the same for each one of these until you've used the largest one for twenty-four hours. At which point, you should be ready for anal sex. Although if you don't have it immediately, you may want to keep using them until you can."    


"So theoretically, I could come back on Saturday night and get my ass fucking? What do I do if I have to go to the bathroom?"    


"You remove it first, wash it good and replace it after you're done. Now I can give you this bottle of water based lubricant, but it's designed for sex and if your parents see it, they'll probably know you're having sex and ask about it. I don't recommend lying to them about it, so it's best they not find out in the first place. What they don't know, won't hurt them. In order to disguise the purpose, you can use Vaseline instead. It does the same thing and it's used for lots of things including chapped lips. They might not be as suspicious if they catch you with a small jar."    


"I'll take Vaseline if you have it."    


Julia got out a small jar of petroleum jelly and handed it to Wendy. She turned and handed it to me.    


"Scott, since you've already been up my booty, you want to stick it in there?"    


Let's see, shove a piece of rounded glass into a young girl's bottom to prepare her for anal sex with me. Do I want to stick it in? Hmmm.    


"No problem. Bend over and spread your legs."    


She leaned over the bed, propped on her elbows, legs spread. She turned and looked back at me.    


"Go easy on me," she grinned. "It's only my second time."    


"How old are you and why haven't you had sex before?" I asked. "It can't be because you're shy."    


"I was. Honest. I could hardly speak to someone in coherent sentences. But this weekend...whoo. Watching all three of you get nailed on Saturday, spending the night with you, having Rhonda go down on me and vice versa, watching Marcia and Chantelle screwed in all three holes, it's like 'ding'. What was I so scared of? I have nothing to be scared of. Asking a boy or girl out afterward seems like a piece of cake. All I want is a date. What you went through was monumental compared to that. Seriously, it's nothing in comparison. I suddenly have a lot more confidence, like I know what I'm doing; and you're actually teaching me to do it so I will."    


I opened the jar. "It's going to feel a little cold." I got a daub on my finger and smeared it on her crinkled brown star. She flinched when I started, but soon held still. I added a little more and pushed it in around the edges. I took the smallest plug and added some more jelly to the tip and barrel up to the widest part, after which it should slide right in.    


"Okay, as it reaches the wide part, you'll feel some pressure, then it will pop in up to the flange. It should stay seated. I suggest you wear fairly snug underwear to help keep it inside, though they usually do fine on their own."    


She wiggled her butt. "I'm ready."    


I touched the tip to her ring and pushed. It slid in fairly easily the first inch or so. After, I had to push harder and she grunted as it pushed through the maximum diameter.    


"Stand up and walk around a bit."    


She cautiously stood and took a few steps.    


"I can see where this could take a little getting used to," Wendy said.    


"Sit down on that wooden chair," Julia suggested.    


Wendy sat down and there was a slight thunk as the glass hit wood.    


"Oh, my," Wendy said. "That's interesting."    


"Did you hear it clunk when you sat down?" Rhonda said. "Try to used cushioned chairs as much as possible or be careful lowering yourself onto the chair. If Mom and Dad hear it, they're going to wonder why your ass goes clunk. A difficult question to answer. Get dressed and grab your clothes. We're leaving in twenty."    


Wendy hugged each of us, thanking us for our help, leaning up to kiss me.    


"I'll never forget you were my first. Thank you for making it such a wonderful experience."    


"You're welcome."    


"I really do plan on coming next Saturday. I'm actually looking forward to it."    


Wendy stuck out her ass, slapped her bottom and winked. Rhonda took Wendy to her room where she helped her dress and pack her things. They were out the door in twenty minutes.    


"I hope we didn't create a monster," I said.    


"Maybe having great regular sex will make her realize she doesn't need to be a submissive to have fun," Lisa said.    


"God, I hate using rubbers," I said. "Lisa could you please get me hard enough to fuck Julia so I can feel what an unvulcanized cunt feels like, slick and wet?"    


"Yes, Master," Lisa said, kneeling. "Do you really want me to quit using birth control?"    


"Do you really want to have a baby?" I asked.    


"Yes," she said, just before further speech became impossible.    


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